MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Eddie writing the V on his cast to make ...

Eddie writing the V on his cast to make "LOSER" into "LOVER"

I didn't realise it myself, but it's been pointed out to me by my sister (when we saw the movie in 4DX yesterday) that the V is practically identical to that of the 1984 V Miniseries about the alien visitors with a hidden agenda:

Isn't that V logo uncannily like the one on Eddie's cast? Was the director trying to point out something or make a reference? Or was it just coincidence?

Then again, the IT movie logo is written in the same blood-red dripping spray paint style, so perhaps it's as simple as that?

In any case, I like the idea that Eddie Kaspbrak fancies himself something of a Casanova.


Or simply that the Losers could've all watched V The Miniseries on TV just a few years previously. I like the idea!


In the book the Losers all have sex with Beverley whilst trying to escape the sewer. I KNOW RIGHT!!! I think this might have been a reference to that.


I figured that, yes. So it's just sheer coincidence that the V just happens to look like the title for the V miniseries?


Seeing as they reference some other things from the 80's such as A Nightmare On Elm Street 5, it is highly likely it was intended this way.


Wait how is V a reference to the gang bang? especially since this scene happened before the sewer escape.


I've got to be honest, I haven't watched the movie yet! I saw that part in the trailer.


[spoiler]In that case. The V was there because some mean girl signed Looser on his cast and he was trying to change it later on to Lover by writing V over the S.[/spoiler]


I think that is all there is to it.


I agree he was just trying to fix the mess the bitc$ girl Greta wrote on his cast. She was awful to Beverly too and much more than in the novel if I recall. I am glad though they made Beverly a target for bullies too in this movie. Makes everything more interesting.


The Losers did not have sex with Beverley. If they did, it was a hallucination.


Yes they did, at least in the book. It wasn't a hallucination, it was their way of forging a bond IT couldn't break.

Oh, and if you don't have time to re-read the book for yourself, it's talked about here:


It's just an upper case V written in red. There isn't much variation on something so basic.


I actually thought the V was a hint at him possibly hooking up with the girl bully later on - perhaps as an adult in the second film?


The V in the tv series V means Victory (right after people realized the aliens did NOT come in peace). I'm sure it's the same meaning here. V for Victory (as in "we will win eventually").
Thought of that the second I saw it.
