MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Anyone not scared?

Anyone not scared?

Didn't scare me one bit. I was more annoyed at all the pubescent kids swearing. Conjuring 2 at least gave me a jump scare and that painting...

Bill was the dumbest of the bunch. Tells everyone to stick together but goes off on his own in the sewers when he sees his little brother. Also tells them isn't real in the old house yet still believes his brother is alive (though he did say it he wasn't real at the end but that wasn't really the point).


I'm pretty sure most people over 16 weren't scared by this movie. Horror movies are very rarely scary. Doesn't mean they're bad though.




I didn't jump. Got to laugh at other people in the packed theater screaming though. Second viewing has bumped IT into my top five however. Thouroghly enjoyable


"Got to laugh at other people in the packed theater screaming though. "
Me too. There was a couple in front of me who were covering their eyes and jumping at their seats, they also laughed at their own reactions. It was fun to follow.

Great movie. I'd like see it again in the theater but I think I'll wait for the bluray. The rumored DC has got me excited.


I'm definitely buying the blueray an extra 15 min would be awesome.


The thing is he felt rational about things not being real when it applied to the others and maybe to other things but not his brother. He was blind when it came to his brother because he had not accepted that he was really dead.


I outgrew being scared of horror movies when I was 12-13. If something works on being "scary" I consider it to be "cool." Mostly because I watch a lot of horror movies and a good chunk of them suck and are a waste of time. None of the jumpscares got me either. Not even the two major ones which are the projector scene and when Beverly goes to leave the bathroom and IT/Pennywise is standing right there when she turns around. Projector scene I happened to blink at the right moment. As for the Beverly one, it was used A LOT in the marketing (trailers and TV spots) and played out the same way. So I was prepared and timed it. And I'm basing the jumpscares off of the crowd reaction of the showing I was at. But the others just made muscles in my shoulders jerk/twitch.

But just because a movie isn't scary doesn't mean it isn't good. And there is more to IT than a scary clown going after kids. So IT isn't a typical horror movie.

Also, leaders seem to do the opposite of what they tell others. Heck, my parents do stuff they tell me not to do. It's a common thing.

An example from a movie where the leader does the stuff they tell the team not to do is Inception. Dom tells everyone not to do things, especially in the dreams, but he does them anyway himself. Heck, I think Batman does stuff he tells the rest of the Batfamily not to do. It's just a common thing.


I'm so glad they didn't reduce It to a bunch of cheap jump scares.


You're kidding right?


Carangil no, he's not kidding....The film did have a few jump scares but it certainly did not rely on them.


loud shattering audio is what drove most of the scares in the film.


That isn't jumps scares is it? And music/sound is an important aspect to a horror movie in my opinion.


I'm talking about audio thats pretty mild that suddenly jumps in amplitude. Thats the real source of the jump scare I'm aware of. My nerves are trigged by abrupt escolations. Turn off the audio and the movie has no effect on me,


"Turn off the audio and the movie has no effect on me," LOL nor would any other film....
Again, there are plenty of horror films that rely on sound to be effective.


No I'm totally serious. It's mostly a coming of age story about a group of friends with a horror element. The story works as a book, that doesn't have any jump scares. Obviously a horror movie needs to have some. But the movie isn't overly reliant on them. They seem to understand that the kids should come first.


I think you must be deaf. The painful audio of the sound system is what makes the movie scary nothing visual or in the story was really that scary.


Crc32, i brought my daughter to see it, and she was constantly complaining that it was too loud. Even covering her ears a few times. It didn't bother me, so you may have a point, in any event, it's a cheap trick to people to jump.


Why does it bother you that kids swear?


It didn't bother me but I thought it was a bit excessive. It felt mildly forced because I have never met kids (maybe one or two real bad apples) that swore that much, and these were all good kids. If they were a few years older it would have seemed natural.


I disagree. Don't get me wrong, your personal experience in life is yours and nobody can say it's wrong. But in my experience I have noticed that younger kids swear a lot more (they think it's cool, they are trying to impress their friends, they think they are being grown-up etc).

It's only when kids get a bit older the swearing dies down a bit and you really only do it when you are pissed off or when you mean it.

You then look back as an adult and cringe about the way you used to talk and the lame jokes (did you notice all the "your mom" jokes?) as a kid when you thought you were being so mature but really you were being idiots?

That's exactly the vibe I got from the kids' dialogue in the movie and I think they got it spot on to be honest.

It certainly (in my experience) had nothing to do with "bad apples" swearing , and good kids not swearing.


Kids swear......Just as much, if not more than the kids in this film. Don't be so sensitive.


I simply think it untrue that kids swear that much, has nothing to do with "being sensitive".


It is SIMPLY not untrue. I used to work at a school, I saw it all the time.
Plus, me and my friends all swore just as much when we were kids.
You are naive, I'm afraid, sunshine.


Kids when they swear though before the age of 12 are obnoxious. I feel the urge to smack some little 8 year old if he or she cusses. At least these kids were 13.


You're a condescending asshole. Your experience does not equal absolute truth. I might be wrong about this matter but you act like because you swore alot as a kid that you're some expert on the subject and that I am some uptight square because I dont share your opinion.


What? Yes, my experience does equal truth, you freaking moron lol.
You are stating that kids simply do not swear that much.....I can confirm that you are wrong and they do.
Just because YOU personally haven't seen kids swear that much...Doesn't mean that they don't. Understand?
It's not an "opinion" lol A lot of kids DO swear that much.....It's just a fact.
You were wrong. Deal with it. It's not the end of the world.


You are childish and not able to have an adult conversation. Later.


No, you are salty because you were wrong about something.
It's quite pathetic.
Why not just say something like "fair enough, I guess kids do swear, I just haven't seen it myself" instead crying about it like a little kid? lol


I didn't totally hate the film, but it definitely wasn't scary past the first, maybe, the first minute - because you're kind of anticipating that it's gonna be scary. But then the clown talks and ruins that.

Was Bill the dumbest? I don't know because we don't really know anything about any of the characters except that all the adult men are creepy and that Beverly Marsh is who everyone wants to bang for some reason even though the town is full of children and thus presumably some attractive women.

As for their supposed friendship and sticking together - why would they stick together? Does Mike even hang out with them? Does Ben? They all hung out maybe twice, so I guess...friendship forever?

The kids swearing was funny but definitely out of place and felt a lot more like the director/writer was copying lines out of Stranger Things rather than an actual Stephen King property.


NONE of the Stephen King movies are ever scary! Maybe for an 11 year old boy or girl...... To me SCARY is psychological...... Like THE SHINING and THE OMEN (2006 remake) and ALIEN........ now that's SCARY!!!!!!


Shitty CGI is never scary.
