MovieChat Forums > The Night Manager (2016) Discussion > Hiddleston as the next Bond

Hiddleston as the next Bond

If it's true that Daniel Craig is leaving the Bond franchise, I'm truly sad. I think Craig put a real human feel to Bond; we saw emotion, he got dirty and bled. I hope this same feel continues, and I think Tom Hiddleston could to it. His performance in The Night Manager gave us another side to Hiddleston acting; the "love\hate" for the character of Loki, but Tom had me at Pine's character. Nicely done! He was convincing, he drew you in; just as Craig did as Bond. I truly believe Tom could be the next Bond and regardless who will be directing it, if they keep that same humanly feel I think Tom Hiddleston will hit it out of the park!


He was "hip and trendy" for about 5 minutes at the beginning of 2016, and now has already hit the has-been list.


Hiddleson was a Bond type character in the Jaguar commercials shown in the USA and maybe elsewhere too.


Honestly I never digged the idea of Bond as a suffering human being that much; I like more the smug dressman bond types that Moore and Brosnan were. Still, Skyfall was good movie. BTW I think Hiddleston works better as villainous type; this series was not bad, but it helped he had not to do an all good hero.


Maybe not Bond, but when they do a Vladmir Putin biopic, it has to be Hiddleston. Something about the shape of the face, if he narrows his eyes a little bit.


I think he would be better as one of the villains... he can play them very well... I think the next Bond could be Michael Fassbender
