
Cartoon over-privileged Wall Street kid. Checking all the "woke" boxes in the first 10 minutes. Deb in every. frikkin. scene - and I *liked* Jennifer Carpenter's character in the original. Harry was only introduced occasionally in the original series. Lotsa fan- and PC-service. Almost nothing that made Dexter great from the outset.


What?? You're crazy.


Actually this was refreshingly un-woke.Nothing felt preachy or forced at all.good cast and good first episode.


Are you kidding? This was only the first episode, and in this small town we already have a native girlfriend, a black butcher, a fat gay shop owner, an insane evil white kid and climate activism. It could hardly get any more obvious.


I hate woke culture but merely having characters with these traits doesn't make something woke by default.Regardless of the characters traits none of them ever felt out of place or shoehorned.It never felt political or preachy.


You are aware that black, fat, gay and native people just exist in real life, right? 🧐


They hate to be reminded of that. They prefer to live in a bubble of white conservative supremacy. That's what all this "woke" hatred is all about.


I have no problem with any of those demographics. What do you feel about ugly people? They exist too. Sell your vodka with them on your billboard. Or are you a white supremacist???


you forgot the sassy cripple in the wheelchair who just so happens to own a pair of $10,000 prosthetic legs to go line-dancing with


"native girlfriend, a black butcher, a fat gay shop owner, an insane evil white kid and climate activism."

The audacity of these people for existing!


Are you being obtuse on purpose?


More and more people of color are living in these small towns than before. More people are out of the closet than before.
Insane evil white person was seen a lot in the original series.
Climate activism is a huge issue these days.

And let’s not forget that this town of Iron Lake is supposed to be set in New York. While not New York City, it is still going to be very diverse and very liberal.

The show is not woke, it is simply a reflection of the year 2021.


Obviously there are real people like these characters. However, when so many shows and movies have the same template of covering diversity demographics, it becomes repetitive and obvious pandering. Imagine if the next two sitcoms you try had exactly the same 6 characters but with different names. Then imagine that when you complained about it, you get told that those characters all exist IRL.

Look at it this way. What if every show you watched had a super christian in it. Or even every character in half the shows you watched were all overt lovers of Jesus. You would be tired of it and think that Christians were obviously pushing an agenda. Nearly half of America is Christian so therefor why would it be bad for 50% of show characters to be too? Because agendas are easily spotted and tiresome!

P.S. Do climate activists remember what climate activists were saying 10 years ago? 20? Nope. Nor will they 10 years from now. Not history nor consequences nor context matter to them. Being an activist makes them feel better about themselves. Thinking too much about it takes away the good feelings.


Climate activism is stupid. just lower your footprint


You apparently know nothing about Upstate New York. There are two New Yorks, and there is NO LOVE lost between the two of them,


Fat and gay.


Still much better than fat, drunk and stupid.


Butchers can't be black? Insane evil white kid? Which character are you talking about? Matt? Harrison? This is Dexter. Those characters are going to exist. I wouldn't call that woke. I'll give you climate activism, wheelchair girl, and the gay shop owner but the other stuff seems like a reach. In any case these don't see like big problems where its shoved in your face anyway. Its not ruining the show


How about Molly's "cis white guy" comment in the final episode? No sane person uses that term. It's far left terminology. But it's presented in the show like it's normal.

Look, these things are intentional. The writer deliberately chose to include that. Everything is becoming more and more politicized, movies and TV shows especially so. The goal is to normalize all of this. To make it seem commonplace, natural, acceptable. That's the reason for the more subtle approach instead of shoving it in your face. Watch for this in the future.


Theres way worse things in film on the woke scale. Go watch the new Chucky series. This is nothing in comparison to that


If you start accepting this based on the logic that there are always worse examples, this madness will never stop.


Its not so much accepting it more than it is not letting it bother me. These are small things that just aren't a big deal.


Then you've accepted it.

Congrats, you've admitted to willingly being brainwashed.


Well it beats being angry at everything so that’s fine by me 😂


Nah, it wasn't THAT bad. Sure, you had the gay shop owner, and the "save the earth" demonstrators, but they didn't beat you over the head with it like some other shows would, which is a good sign.


Whaddaya kidding me? Native American police chief, "differently-abled" dispatcher, gay shop owner, I half expected the young broke girl in the bar to be Harrison who had transitioned! And let's remember ALL these people are ALL friends and ALL life in the same SMALL town in upstate New York???? Also having the over-the-top rich kid kill the deer is incredibly lazy story-telling. The baddies used to be developed over a few episodes not this easy, go-to BS. This is movie-of-the-week crap, not classic Dexter.


Dexter has always been a weak show, especially after season 1....everything else was basically unwatchable and uninteresting. I'm not surprised that this new blood cash grab is also weak.


Sure, positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes, 9.5 on IMDb, but there is always some right-wing asshole on the message boards who is deeply bothered by things that others wouldn't even notice, and thus proclaims the series "weak".

Perhaps you should watch something that's more your speed.


Right-wingers always whining about "woke" is getting older than Biden.




Toxic wokeness is real and annoying and i'll call it when i see it.I just didn't see it here though.None of the characters felt forced or shoehorned in and there was nothing overtly preachy about it.


I actually agree with you, I personally am centrist if anything - it's just that the OP appears to be offended by everything under the sun. I guess everyone must be white, straight and able-bodied for their world to make sense.


OP is about as liberal and progressive as one can get. He just believes in realistic portrayals in his media. Toxic wokeness is why Democrats and progressive lose elections and why Trump stands a reasonable chance of getting elected in 2024. Independents and middle of the road folks get turned off when obviously unrealistic stuff like this gets crammed down their throats.


Unfortunately the people you're trying to defend your position to are woke. They're brainwashed and can't be reasoned with.

Anyone who doesn't accept wokeness is a "racist Right-winger" in their opinion.

A lot of poor saps just can't see the light no matter how brightly you shine it in their eyes.


left wing asshole


Who, me?
Ha, some liberals who have actually encountered me would be very surprised to hear that! 😄




...and painfully predictable




And here we have the first woke whining.over seeing a gay man with a couple of lines.



The entire season seven featured a gay character as Dexter's primary "Big Bad".


Actually only about the first half of the season. Plus he was pretty much in the closet IIRC.

The rest of the season had the Maze killer Ray Speltzer, and the kid who firebombed people.


True. Thanks for clarifying that.
