So who plans on not watching?

I am!


As of right now it's a no but if there are credible review sources out there saying it's good I might consider going to see it.


Name at least one credible review source in 2023.


IMDB recommendations


Any pro masculine YouTube personality who does movie reviews. Ben Shapiro often does movies reviews and he would be very vocal if it were to suck.


pro masculine YouTube personality



A lot of people like the Critical Drinker.


Critical Drinker, Jeremy at Geeks and Gamers, Worldclassbullshitters


Don't forget Nerdrotic :D


Nerdrotic and Doomcock. The only two pop culture commentators I'll make time for.


Doomcock and his minions are funny! Lol! xD


i couldn't get thru the whole trailer so i would have a hard time getting thru a 2 hour movie


I had a hard enough time with Crystal Skull, and after seeing what KK has done to Lucasfilm, the last thing I need is to see another one of her man-hating, overpriced fanfics.


I’m sure Kathleen Kennedy has found ways to turn this movie into 2+ hours of “girl power.”

No thanks, if I want girl power I’ll watch Tomb Raider…


She really has a fetish for arrogant, British brunettes.


I want to see this at some point but I will never go to a theater again. The entire theatre experience is shit. I used to love it but its just ridiculously expensive, irritating, annoying, distracting and overly loud now.


I got tired of sitting through 20 minutes of commercials about movies and non-movie stuff that I don't care about, and wondering "Is there actually a movie buried in here somewhere?" Even worse, ticket prices at our local theaters are now as high as they were at those big, super-expensive theaters you normally visit in cities. I mean, $5 a ticket vs. $9? Seriously?

Plus I got tired of dragging dad along because he has OCD and makes us late for everything!


I have zero interest in watching an eighty-year-old Indiana Jones.

Go woke, Go Broke! Burn Disney Burn!


I am. The story ended with the three riding off into the sunset at the end of Last Crusade. The entire film industry rode off into the sunset about twenty years ago. Those who plan on watching it for free are still validating this crap.


I won't even watch this for free.


ok boomer


Whatever you say zoomer


I STILL haven't seen Crystal Skull, and I'm not watching this, either!


Only part of Crystal Skull that was worth seeing was when Indy married Marion at the end.


The ONLY scene of Crystal Skull I've seen to this day is a clip on YouTube where they literally nuke the fridge with Indy inside, and he survives without a scratch on him. That convinced me to never check out of the rest of the movie out of morbid curiosity...


Now that was funny. It seemed more cartoony than possible in any universe, and even gave birth to a variant on the "jump the shark" trope.


It's like The Neverending Story III. I loved the first movie, second one was decent but not as good. I watched a Nostalgia Critic review about the third movie, and he showed a brief clip of the Rock Biter creature from the first two movies on a motorcycle, singing "Born to be Wild". That alone told me.... NOPE! DO NOT EVER SEE THIS MOVIE!


Believe me when I say this; you didn't miss a danged thing. My brother and I made the mistake of watching that trash when we were still kids, after I'd gone on a Neverending Story kick for a short while. Oh GOD that 3rd film was so bad. Nowadays people would call it a quick cash grab, or an expensive, bad fanfic.

I got an idea, though: I found a clip on youtube of just Indiana and Marion getting married. The wedding scene was only 3-5 minutes long, maybe even shorter than that, but then you get to see how the movie ended without suffering through the whole thing :)


i still haven't seen the last one


Me neither




funny story, last crusade came on TV one day, and suddenly i realized that i had not seen it since i went to the theater in 1989, lol
