UMAD bro?

LMAO. The dude posts some completely wrong crap about the book, insults and lectures everyone because they don't "Know the book" like he does. Then when he's proven wrong because he actually didn't know what he was talking about, he deletes the post.


Appropriate screen name I guess.



LMAO. Oh please, keep this going. I haven't had a laugh this good in a while.

Of course, what you did was get all high and mighty and start lecturing people about the book and how no one knew it as well as you did. When I told you you were wrong, you called me a "fucking retard" for thinking what actually happened in the book is indeed what happened, because you get your info from little online synopses. Rather than admit you didn't remember the chapter, you started insulting me for not knowing the book as well as you did.

And then you deleted it because you looked so stupid. Keep crying about it.

I don't give a shit who knows the book and who doesn't, I just pointed out you were wrong while you were lecturing and insulting people because you claimed to know it so perfectly.

BTW, for what you "proven"- Thufir isn't the main character in that chapter. He doesn't appear in it at all, he's merely referenced.

So go delete that post, too. LOL


and btw .your name is "666"

so you are a satan worshiper. probably a known PDF FILE


Hail Satan, because you are surely going to Hell!


hail an imaginary figure that dosent exist. lol. you satanists are as pathetic as christians


Oh nos. Not a PDF File.


UMAD is an interesting troll, it seems serious at first but then you figure out that it's a troll.

Although, do be careful, umad will send reptilians to harass you in the night. LOL!


ho yes. i love seeing how mad you are that i posted legitimate proof for the existence of reptilians and you idiot had nothing to say. so intead you just attack me personally because thats what people like you when they cant attack the subject.


I was hoping the mods deleted his posts, but they are Fucking Useless! He would instantly be banned on Reddit.


Good thing this isn't Reddit, something I'm sure the majority of posters here are glad for.


right and you know why? because reddit is a cesspool of snowflakes who dont care about free specch. you will be banned on reddit just for saying a movie that one of mods like is bad. you idiot


Lol, why ? Self censorship is the best form of censorship.


for hibrids in disguise like yourself this is ineed the case


I saw you were talking about free speech above. What you post qualifies as free incoherent babbling.


changing subjects huh? i know this trick. everytime you reptilian/grey hibrids are mentioned you all try to change the subject immidiatly and use some lousy tricks.

wont work for you.


How do you report an user here?


little snitch bastard
