MovieChat Forums > Silent Night (2023) Discussion > I kinda do understand the low ratings on...

I kinda do understand the low ratings on IMDB

A Christmas action movie directed by John Woo and staring Kid Cudi? I just had to see that! I understand what he was trying to do; a dramatic, stylish, nifty, action packed, dialogueless and refreshing take on the revenge genre. The result? A run-of-the mill, violent but not very eventful and slightly awkward film with bad guys than can’t aim when they shoot and a vengeful father that goes through the whole self training process to become a legit killer. Overall it was ok, conventional and could’ve been worse. I can simply ask you one question that will prove that this movie is a bit too dumb: if you are in front of your house with your wife and kid and your kid get shot by a gang driving by, what would you do: stay with your wife and injured child and call the ambulance? Or leave him there on the ground and start running after the bad guys car in order to smash their windshield with a lead pipe? That’s what I thought… Lots of nonsense on display here. Even Kid Cudi had 0 credibility as the cop. The ending was weak too. My rating: 5.5/10


I agree. Here are some of my bullet points:

* Son is shot, neither moved quickly to call 911. I don't even think 911 was called.
* So I guess they wanted to make him more relatable? Just a normal dad, and they made us watch him train from scratch. Which doesn't make him more relatable, it just makes it more unbelievable. That in the end, he was taking them down like John Wick. He drove his car like Wick, and he fought the stairs scene like Wick. You didn't give him a backstory of ex military or ex assassin, you gave him a backstory of vengeful dad watching youtube tutorials on how to fight. LOL!
* All the info he figured about the gangsters, their relationships, their locations, etc. He puts it all on a USB for the police. So apparently he's better at doing police work, than the Police. On top of training to be John Wick just in time for Christmas Eve.
* Final scene... villain's girlfriend is spraying and wounding both Wick and Kid Cudi.. Perfect opportunity for head honcho to finish them off. But instead, he's in his disco room doing villain things, push-ups?
* Lastly, Villain has upper hand with gun right to the Father's face.. but of course won't shoot because he's waiting for Kid Cudi to shoot him in the back because that's how all movies end. LOL! Very generic fight scene and ending formulas.


*2 & *3 - reasonable i thought , maybe he listened to all those so called Star Wars fans bitching and moaning about Rey having no Training. The whole thing at least gave a nod to how Joe Normal can attempt these things, *without* having to be a ex military etc.


Good points.

The bad guy dancing in the disco room was so dumb. I don’t know what they were going for there.


I love Christmas movies, but decided to skip this one. How are you gonna make this a Christmas with the title "Silent Night" and have no snow and make it take place in California?


Oh believe me, there are way bigger issues with this film than this.
