MovieChat Forums > Soul Surfer (2011) Discussion > A lot of teen skin for a Christian movie...

A lot of teen skin for a Christian movie!

I thought this was a pretty good movie and very inspirational and it might be debatable whether it falls into the Christian category because of the big name actors. The Christian theme is used more heavily than a lot of mainstream films which I think is good because I'm a Christian myself. Most Christian films have poor production value and the most popular actors are B list at best.

What kind of bothered me was that it seemed there was much use of sex appeal with the female characters being half naked half the time and that one scene with the girl posing in the bikini with the surfboard taking photos. You can call me old fashioned but it just seemed like the movie was sending mixed messages. I know little about Hawaii but if I'm a father of a teen girl in the future, she's not gonna be swimming around in a bikini and she's gonna learn modesty early on.


I decided to make another reply, cwg. I deleted my first post [and I'm with the one that you said didn't trash your opinion] and I agree now with you and scolded the posters who HAD been laughing at you or whatever it was.And I reported one of the posters,too.Your supporter forever, SteveC.


All I can say...: Surfs like Teen Spirit!


Well I understand where you're coming from. When you hear "Christian" movie you expect it to be good for kids of all ages to watch, super modest, and very "religionly" correct of that's a thing. If not bare with me... :) If you watch the end credits, it shows the real Bethany in a 2 piece. Being Christian doesn't mean being extremely modest to everyone, but in typical Christian movies the characters are very modest. If you don't want your kids to watch a movie where there's drug use, sex, violence (other than natural disasters and the shark) and you're religious then you'd love them to watch Christian movies and there for might have a problem with the bathing suit. The way that Milika (sp?) is rude to Bethany yet Bethany is never too rude back, the way she overcomes the hardship of losing her arm and turns to God for strength over powers the bathing suit. Plus it's Hawaii. People live in bikinis there. To have every swimmer wear a one piece would be unrealistic and it would actually look weird. Not trying to say your point is wrong. I do get it but after all they didn't make this movie a Christian movie 'cause they felt I would fit the plot. The Hamiltons are religious & wear bikinis.




The 2 main social beliefs America holds as of right now:

1) Christianity, for the most part, is ethically sound and Jesus' words should still be applied to everyday life, meaning there should be no scantily-clad teenagers in pop culture, and no children should get into premature relationships, because lust and pre-marital sex are sinful. Making money via unethical means is likewise wrong, because being greedy's a sin. Also, no subliminal messages or sexual innuendo in songs and films, or you'll be getting the wrong message across to kids- and there shouldn't be women offering themselves as sex slaves because, to quote the Pet Shop Boys, it's a sin.

2) People like making money, making whores out of women and clubbing, so we put subliminal messages/innuendo in our songs and films, which totally gets the right message across to kids. It's totally cool to have girlfriends/boyfriends before you can add two numbers together because heck, Miley Cyrus and that girl from 'The Simpsons' did it! It's not like that contradicts any of the Biblical texts that we hold dear to our hearts, so all this is acceptable. Oh yeah, and women can wear as little clothing as they like, whatever their age, because it'll add male teens and pedophiles to the target audience, meaning we make more money, which is in no way sinful, so shut up, Dante.

Above is the irony of Western culture.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses


I think people should lighten up and not get bent out of shape about nudity. A common sight in family-friendly activities in my town is women acting like Old Nan in this picture: Children are used to seeing that, and their own mothers often dress the same way.




Best thing about this movie was the hot teen girls in bikinis. In fact hot teenage girls in bikinis is what makes life worth living.


One of the dumbest statements I've come across in a long time.


That is how young women dress on the beach - if they're wearing anything at all! That's the way surfers dress. That's the way Hawaiian's might dress. That's the way models and sponsored surfers dress. That's the way many pro athletes HAVE to dress. Like beach volleyball. The women are shown the official suit, and they may choose variations. But it's all skimpy, so men will watch. They aren't allowed to wear anything else.
And if the OP thinks this is not how xtian girls should dress, he must be in a very strict sect! Or maybe he thinks they should wear a burka when outside the home? Actually, I assume he is young, and hasn't been out in the world much.
My Arab neighbor is the nicest guy, but he said his daughters will not date until they are ready for marriage! My thought was 'good luck with that'! Once they leave home for college...
