MovieChat Forums > Z for Zachariah (2015) Discussion > Why is it mainly a black male with a whi...

Why is it mainly a black male with a white woman?

Just wondering, rarely do I see a couple being a white male and black female in movies or commercials.

Just seems strange that if they want to break down racial barrier, why use a stereotype couple ie: a black male with a white woman?

For myself, this movies racial subplot may have been more interesting with a black female.



I think because that that pairing is supposedly taboo and Hollywood tries to be so progressive, when interracial relationships, even just incidental non-race themed ones, are on screen, Hollywood depicts that pairing most often.

The funny thing is is that this is becoming so frequent, that obnoxious race baiters can't say that Hollywood doesn't tackle interracial relationships or that they are afraid of pairing a black man and a white woman together.

Now with all that being said, I thought Margot Robbie and Chiwitel Ejiofor had poor romantic chemistry.

We try but we didn't have long
We try but we don't belong...

-Hot Chip (Boy from School)
