cut bank really?

As a resident in Cut Bank, MT I would just like to know how this movie is being accurately portrayed when it is being filmed in Canada and not in the actual town of Cut Bank? It makes no sense to me to go about it in this way...don't get me wrong, I'm excited that there is such an amazing cast and that Cut Bank is "getting on the map" so to speak but I have spoke to other residents here and many would like our town to be represented true to the nature of our community. Just a thought...maybe film the movie in the actual area that it is about. You would find that we are very caring and supportive community and would love to have the opportunity to show everyone how it is to actually live in such a great area such as Cut Bank!


Hopefully, the 2900 people who reside in Cut Bank have gotten over this by now. :) Movie was pretty fun to watch.


Are you the type that complains about too much ice in your soda? It's a movie, nothing more. Criminal Minds does it all the time. One episode took place in Providence and guess what? It wasn't Providence. There was a show called Providence on NBC in the late 90's and it was nothing like it. They filmed here maybe a dozen times out of the 4 seasons it ran (96 episodes). It was portrayed to be some nice suburban town, well it's not. It's the 3rd largest city (terms of population) in New England with 178,000 residents. It's more like a mini Boston just with a higher crime rate per capita. Even Brotherhood took place in Providence, a drama on Showtime about the Irish in a Italian predominate city. Well it was once run by the Italian mob, not anymore. None of these shows really portray what Providence is like and they were not even filmed here, besides a few clips here and there for scenery.


The story just happens to take place there. The location is arbitrary.



Too much heat, humidity, and traffic.



They planned on portraying Cut Bank and it's people as accurately as possible, but the director saw Tropic Thunder and learned a great lesson.

Never Go Full Retard!

The script was changed and it was filmed in another country just to be sure!


They did spend time in Cut Bank and recreated the statute in the other town which they still have. On the dvd commentary they mentioned several of them had been in Cut Bank at some point in time. John Malcovitch, for instance, worked one summer at Glacier National Park as a fire fighter and had been in Cut Bank many times as a young guy. Bruce Dern had been there too and said when he told Robert Duval about Cut Bank, Duval said he knew the place as good horse country.

If Cut Bank has a movie theatre it might have been a nice touch to have a local movie premiere there.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


Hahaha, what a kick arse thread this turned out to be, kind of feel sorry for the fella from Cut Bank, he's been called out as a moron, a racist, a cry baby, and I haven't even finished reading the whole thread.


One movie that does use real locations was Awful Nice. I know because I was an extra in a Branson scene and it was actually filmed in Branson Missouri. It does happen. My footage was on the cutting room floor though :(



Probably for the usual 3 reasons - budget, budget, and budget.
Imaging how expensive it would have been to film The Martian on Mars.
