cut bank really?

As a resident in Cut Bank, MT I would just like to know how this movie is being accurately portrayed when it is being filmed in Canada and not in the actual town of Cut Bank? It makes no sense to me to go about it in this way...don't get me wrong, I'm excited that there is such an amazing cast and that Cut Bank is "getting on the map" so to speak but I have spoke to other residents here and many would like our town to be represented true to the nature of our community. Just a thought...maybe film the movie in the actual area that it is about. You would find that we are very caring and supportive community and would love to have the opportunity to show everyone how it is to actually live in such a great area such as Cut Bank!


The tipping point between filming north or south of the border is sometimes the exchange rate. Right now, for example, a film production would be getting a $Cdn for 56 cents US.

