MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > No English audio ! that sucks

No English audio ! that sucks

why are all the good family movies always in a foreign language ? thats stupid. The least the Norwegian people could have done is a english voice over !


the human stupidity is infinite said a white hair old guy once..

my passion is my hobby


I bought the BluRay and mine has an english voice over but the voices don't match the people so I'd rather read the subtitles.



If there is a movie in another language I always prefer subtitles to dubbing. I feel like you get better flavor and understanding from the actors emotions in their original language, instead of some guys calmly adding banal voices in a studio afterwards. But I'm European and I gather it's not a strange thing here, Americans seem to have things dumbed down for them (not by choice, hollywood just constantly remakes foreign films because they don't think americans are capable of reading subtitles or caring about foreign people - they are wrong) But of course Americans continue to watch what they are used to for the most part. Like I said it's not their fault really it's the media.


Norwegian is the native language of that movie.
Deal with it or blame the distributor, not the producer.

Voice-over(ing) (VO) is a piece of culture. Here in France, we have some traditions tied with it - some foreign films / shows are even better with the french VO than with the native language (ask French people about "The Muppet Show" TV series for example). But we like to see the movies with the native language as well. Personally, i hate seeing asian / african / arab movies VO'ed in French.

VO is not in the US culture. Try to change it by yourself - every bit counts.


My gosh, you understand that the rest of the world watches all movies in the english language with subtitles?

YOU are the only one's stupid here. Now learn to read the subtitles like the rest of the world.


That not entirely true. Even most DVD/Blu-ray released in the states usually have French and Spanish Dub.


They do not teach you to read in your country ?

Dubbing sucks hardcore.


The OP and people like him/her are too unintelligent to watch a film that is not in English and/or uses words that have more than two syllables. They would much rather watch Honey Boo Boo or some other awful reality show that requires no actual thought. It surely does seem that many people, here in the USA, lose IQ points on a weekly basis as they are glued to television programs that require absolutely no thought.

Have you ever seen the movie "Idiocracy" (2006)? This, unfortunately, seems to be a foretelling of what is really happening here. I find it ridiculous that, as time goes on, we see more and more posts from people whining about subtitles or saying "I don't get it. Can someone explain it to me?" I didn't think it was possible for reality shows to become even more dumbed down. The Discovery Channel, TLC, TBS, Spike...the list goes on of channels getting less and less intelligent. A few of them started off offering intelligent fare, but that was a very long time ago. I've never been one to say that the US is the greatest at this, or the greatest at that. It's now become almost impossible NOT to say how stupid we've become. We are now the greatest at lowering IQs on a weekly basis. Sad.

And to add insult to injury, people are also getting fatter and fatter because it's much more fun to watch a dumbed down program that to actually go out and "play" anymore. "Hey, let's go out and build a fort!" "No, let's watch Amish Mafia instead. Then we can watch a marathon of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!"

Next we will see a remake of Amelie and people wanting to have Star Wars remade because the special effects look old. And, of course, we can always have more blood.

If separate living areas are called apartments, why aren't houses called togetherments?


Come on, Just because someone prefers a Dub over Subtitiles. Doesn't mean the world is going to hell.


Sure it does. I feel the fires a risin'. That's why we have global warming, because of people wanting a Dub over subtitles. Heh heh.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


Actually the DVD/Blu-ray dose have an English Dub. Ill read subtitles if i have to. But i don't mind dubs either. Sometimes i watch the dub with the Subtitles. Besides there are people cant see the subtitles. You Know because they are Blind or they have Dyslexia. Or have you ever thought of that. But as usual. The Internet is a place were people who think they are superior make a big deal over nothing. Theirs nothing wrong with given people a choice. If you like Subtitles fine. But it dose not makes someone stupid if they like Dubs better. Especially if they have Medical Reason for it.


You're one of the only decent people in this thread. I can only hope the rest are trolls. If not, it's...really bizarre.

It was a year ago though, so eh. Still. Thank you for not falling into this mindless pattern of persecution over such a small preference of dub over sub. Honestly... The wild conclusions people can draw from something so minor, and the way people practically jumped down this person's throat. 😞
