MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Don't waste your precious time

Don't waste your precious time

I kept rooting for the troll to swallow these annoying idiots whole and felt sad and depressed that he was killed. This picture was anti-troll, an insult to the world.


Seems you were had - the film is a comedy. :P


yeah so? even if it were a comedy which it is not you may be annoyed by a character and you root for them to die.


Understandable that you get annoyed if you persistingly try to maintain a serious take on a comedy - expecting to get scared when others laugh...


if it were a comedy, which obviously it's not (please show me one single joke). Perhaps it's norwegian humor i guess....
if this was intended to be a comedy this is even worse than i thought....


Perhaps it's norwegian humor i guess....
Let's see... the film is Norwegian, then the humour should be.... Norwegian! Bravo!
Now your next task is to find it


I guess you don't understand sarcasm... in the rest of the world that's not called comedy. Perhaps if you are ready to commit suicide like often is the case in that part of the world it is a funny movie. To the rest of the world it's a boring horror flick


This isn't the type of film where you are told where and when to laugh. You must make an effort and find it yourself. Ever tried that?


I don't laugh when I'm told. Perhaps you do.
I laugh when there is something funny. This was not.
Give up. The movie sucked and excusing it to be something else than what it was is pretty pathetic.


Huh? Your need for spoon feeding films are your problem and yours solely


nice try trolling moron


So so little Raglefant, don't go sour and expose yourself to ridicule just because the film went over you head. Try watch it again, it isn't that complicated.

reply seem to be suffering from a serious case of delusion.
anyway..time to block. wasted too much time on you...


So you prefer to stay unenlightened? Done that for a long time?


Odd, how you're the one berating and insulting him over an opinion, calling him delusional because you don't see eye to eye on a FILM of all things, and then you're the one who gets butthurt and blocks him? What are you, a frustrated 12-year-old virgin?


it's not an insult when it's true...just call it as it is.


I think it's best to let the little kitty alone and just let her grow up.


If you didn't find any comedy in the film, fair enough I say.


Rest of the world? Speak only for yourself, dude and don't assume you represent the rest of the world'd opinion. I liked it immensely. You stick to your jumpscares.


oh fer gods sake let it go. this thread is dead long time ago...don't you have a life?


To the rest of the world it's a boring horror flick
Your world, you mean. The "rest of the world" gave it a solid 7.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


English is my language and I found this film hilarious. Virtually every scene involving Hans was funny.

The kids had their funny moments too. A scene that really stood out to me was after their camera man had died and they'd all acted a bit distraught for a few minutes they called for a new camera person to come out and take over, and didn't tell her why they needed a new camera person.

The other one was when the rabies kid found out he had rabies he decided to ignore the 200 foot troll that was about to kill him right then, to panic about the rabies that would kill him in a week (or however long it takes rabies to kill you).


please show me one single joke
Comedy isn't just jokes.



your point? who said it's *just* jokes?


You said that this wasn't a comedy, and when challenged, you asked to be shown a single joke. I've seen tons of Seinfeld episodes that didn't contain one single joke, yet it is still a comedy. Comedians who have to resort to jokes are not really that funny.



jeez. don't take things so literally. by joke i meant something funny.
of course for some it could be a comedy. if it was it's an even bigger failure to me...


That says more about you than the movie.

I thought it was funny as hell in places.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


Seinfeld might night be the best example man. Nothing in that show is remotely funny. My mind is blown as to how that show lasted as long as it did. But to each their own. I just don't enjoy the "humor" of Jerry Seinfeld.

When the hero becomes the villian....who becames the hero?


If you don't find Seinfeld funny then you obviously do not possess a sense of humour


Actually, even comedic moments, in anything scripted, are jokes made by the writers.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


if it were a comedy, which obviously it's not (please show me one single joke). Perhaps it's norwegian humor i guess....

I watched this last night and I'm staggered that someone could miss the jokes to the degree where they challenged someone to 'show me one single joke'.

Anyway. Off the top of my head here's a few things that made me laugh:

- Hans having to fill out a Slayed Troll Form everytime he made a kill
- The Polish Paint Service who's job was to turn up with a dead bear and dump it at the scene
- The fact that they brought the wrong type of bear
- Those stupid bear print feet used to make bear tracks, which only ever added to the confusion
- The student - knowing full well about the cover-up - needling the environmental guy about the tracks being back to front because he'd clearly gotten the bear print feet the wrong way round
- The dude at the electrical plant gradually realising that a bunch of powerlines going in a circle are pretty pointless
- "Does a Muslim count?" "I honestly don't know. Let's see what happens!"
- Hans's blithe announcement that the presenter has rabies.
- Hans coming out to face the troll dressed as a tin can with a weary "God I hate this *beep*
- The Norwegian Prime Minister's "indirect confirmation" of the existence of trolls being him straight up saying "Norway has trolls". Also the expression on the environment minister's face when he says it is laugh-out-loud funny.

There was other stuff that I didn't find that funny but were clearly jokes - like the flatulent Mountain King sleeping next to them in the cave.

Then there's all the stuff that isn't laugh out loud funny, but is smile worthy - things like the dead-on pastiche of the types of characters you get in nature documentaries. The earnest vet saying "I wish they didn't have to suffer so much" was a great example of that. Also funny and clever was Hans's monologue about havign to massacre the trolls in the cave back in the seventies, which not only provided a witty parody of the 'hero's tragic backstory' you see in action/ war films but also worked in context as a quite a sad story that accounted for the character's melancholy nature. A neat trick.

All that aside, surely the whole premise of the film - that Trolls exist and a tediously bureaucratic government agency has the job of keeping them in check is that of a comedy. I cannot imagine how someone could watch the entire film whilst trying to treat it as a serious horror/ thriller. That is completely mad.


Hans having to fill out a Slayed Troll Form everytime he made a kill

Here's a copy of the form It's loosely based on the bureaucracy Norwegian hunters sometimes face. 2112567404.46493.164722006874748&type=1&theater

Have you seen the Troll Code (based on the Mountain Code)?

Rule 2. Never go on long hikes if you're a christian. Never!


I was so bored by this movie that by time i was done with it I had forgotten most of these as jokes as I didn't even crack a smile on them.
I almost did smile at the "does a muslim count" and the circular power lines but not quite and these jokes are hardly worthy of smile let alone laughter. They are dry but the bad kind of dry.
You are honestly saying you laughed at these?
Perhaps you are right that it should be categorized as a comedy in that it tries to be one. Unfortunately it fails.


Perhaps you are right that it should be categorized as a comedy in that it tries to be one. Unfortunately it fails.

You're in the minority; clearly there are more people here who think it's funny.

That is pretty clear evidence that it doesn't fail at being a comedy. It just shows that you're most likely not in the intended demographic - or you lack a sense of humour. Either way, it does not fail as a comedy, just because you didn't laugh.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


I never assumed I was in the majority...
I guess I lack the moronic sense of humor that is required to laugh at this nonsense..thank god.


I guess I lack the moronic sense of humor that is required to laugh at this nonsense..thank god

I think you'd find it hard to justify that 'moronic' comment. The humour is understated and subtle to the point where you missed every single gag and had to have the jokes explained to you earlier in the thread.


Being subtle doesn't mean it's funny. Anyway it was not really subtle. It was just really dry. And not a good kind of dry. The jokes were just weak. And I did not miss them I just didn't think they were funny at all. Nice try but no...


Classic Scandinavian humour is dry. It's a defining characteristic.

You don't appreciate dry humour; that's fine. It is, however not a failure on the movie's part.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


I did not say it's bad because it's dry. I do appreciate dry humor.
I said it's bad because it's just not funny.
This is probably scandinavian countries have one of the highest suicide rates.



Generally speaking, it's futile to try getting a rise out of a Scandinavian. Our little corner of the world is surrounded by morons on three sides, and polar bears on the fourth.

That kind of setup teaches patience.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.



Please try to be more specific. At least we should try to pin down if shurbanm is a mountain troll (flatulent) or a forest troll (gnawing on his tail)


This is probably scandinavian countries have one of the highest suicide rates

Which is a total myth.

So, comedy and facts both pass you by do they?


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That kind of "comedy" I am happy to have me pass by.
As for facts it's seems you are the one with that problem



- Sweden is 30th
- Norway is 34th
- Denmark is 35th

When I see someone say "one of the highest Suicide rates" out of a list of 107, I expect them to mean one of the highest, not "one a third of the way down the list". Even in Europe alone it is the Eastern European countries dominating the list.

No one thinks New Zealand or France are "one of the highest" and yet they are above these countries. In fact the USA has a higher rate than Norway and Denmark (but is ranked lower presumably because the data was collected a different year).

Face it: you believed the myth. And then strangely posted evidence it was a myth!


* - Finland is quite high at 19 and Iceland are at 40 (but neither of these countries are really "Scandinavian", and even 19 isn't what I would consider "one of the highest" in terms of this ranking).


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One of the highest - top 1/3 percentage. I didn't say highest.
Also Finland is considered part of scandinavia loosely. Most do consider it. If you want to split hairs that's your problem. Don't have time for stupid arguments.


Finland isn't officially part of Scandinavia. Many people do NOT consider it that way (it is ambiguous and inconsistently labelled as such by people from different countries).

Its not about splitting hairs, its about being correct. The Fins certainly don't all think they are Scandinavian. I am sitting next to one at work now. She agrees. Only the part at the North where the mountains line the border are considered to be Scandinavian.

The unambiguous word you are looking for is "Nordic".

And regarding the phrase "one of the highest". To most people that refers to the items near the very top of a list: not quite top, but one of those nearly at the top.

Certainly not at the bottom end of the first third!

You said "one of the highest", implying you think they sit much higher than most, whereas actually, they all sit around 15% - 20% above the ranked median (middle). They are nearer the middle than the top.

I know you believed the myth because otherwise you might say France is one of the highest, or New Zealand is one of the highest, or the USA is one of the highest. But that isn't the myth is it?

The myth is that Scandinavian countries have one of the highest suicide rates. And that is what you claimed. And it is factually incorrect.

I am surprised you don't have time for stupid arguments. You started one on this thread, and seem to have a habit of spewing poorly researched un-facts in order to create new ones!

You even back up your claims with contrary evidence, which is definitely a stupid way to make an argument...


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THe finns don't consider themselves scandinavia that is true but in any case foreigners do often refer to them as scandinavian as they are close geographically and culturally. I am not a Finn so excuse me but that is how I use it to denote to the region. In any case I don't care as that is not what I was arguing. If you are trying to involve me in a useless argument it won't work.
As for calling other people stupid you should look closer to home.


THe finns don't consider themselves scandinavia that is true but in any case foreigners do often refer to them as scandinavian as they are close geographically and culturally.

Except the Fins don't agree. Nor do most of the rest of Europe. Nor does anyone deFINitively. Which is the point.

I am not a Finn so excuse me but that is how I use it to denote to the region.

Well what YOU call them is irrelevant really though, isn't it? If I called them "eggpeople", it would be wrong, and my nomenclature would be irrelevant to other people, right?

In any case I don't care as that is not what I was arguing. If you are trying to involve me in a useless argument it won't work.

No, I was correcting you on another untruth before that. That Scandinavia has one of the highest suicide rates. Which is a myth. And I think we can all agree on that now. Again, thanks for posting your evidence of this.

As for calling other people stupid you should look closer to home.

I am saying you are acting stupid for being wrong and pursuing it with evidence that contradicts your own claim. Am I stupid for being right?


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And I did not miss them I just didn't think they were funny at all. Nice try but no...

Your orginal stance was that the film "obviously wasn't a comedy" and you challenged someone to show you one single joke. Then, when I reeled off a list of jokes you swapped your stance to "ok, it's a comedy but it doesn't work". Why try and deny that you missed them all of a sudden? Your earlier comments where you claim that there aren't any jokes are there for everyone to read - it's pointless to claim now that you knew they were there but just thought it was a rubbish comedy.


Let's face it. Trolls ARE stupid


I guess I should have specified - "jokes that are funny" not just "jokes". None of the ones listed were in any sense funny to me.

The movie was so boring to me I admit I didn't even remember any of these other than the power lines circle. Listing them did remind me as I had forgotten all these by the end of the movie and I guess confirmed this was an attempt at comedy but it hardly matters to me. I didn't laugh at any of these. Not even smiled.
Do you honestly care about whether a movie wanted to fall into a comedy, thriller, horror genre if it was rubbish? I do not.

I don't give a hoot whether it wanted to be a comedy or not. The fact remains it's crap. The fact that it tried to be a comedy in my mind makes it even worse. Thanks for confirming that.


You just won't let up, will you?

Why do you feel the need to insult the rest of us?

Have you ever considered that the fact that you're not getting this movie, means that you're the moron?

But no... of course not. People like you never do.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


But still... it is sort of appropriate with trolls on a board like this, isn't it?

The film also tells us how stupid they are - gnawing on their own tail etc...


Indeed. If there is any board where a troll is not out of place, it's this one.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


and yet you devoted a great deal of time to a message board informing us how bad it was and how stupid we were for liking it. It was hilarious by the way, and we're all happy you dont get it. The world needs people like you just like it needs mountain trolls.


Wasn't great deal of time. All in all about 5-10 minutes of writing.
And yes - hilarious only to the mentally challenged.


Don't be modest, you needed eight hours to answer - a good two words per hour.



Thanks for reminding me of these!
I laughed out loud!

There's one! Ruuuuuun!


Right on everlone! There were some hilarious moments in the film. The whole Troll bureaucracy thing was funny as hell.

Also, I don't know if you mentioned it, but the bureaucrat at the electric company, who didn't know why the power lines went in a circle, and didn't really care. The film is a great spoof of euro bureaucracy.

Hans was awesome. This was a cool Sci Fi flick, and a laugh riot. Very entertaining film!

"Does a Muslim count?" "I honestly don't know. Let's see what happens!"-best line of the film.


Idk, I guess I am plain retarded because I 50% took it serious and 50% took it as comedy and I loved the thing.. i rate it a 10/10 simply because trolls in Norway doesn't get any better. Like to see the people complaining to come up with a better story.


Well, It's obvious you didn't enjoy this movie too much.
Being Swedish myself, I'll jump in and defend the the Norwegians in saying that me and my friends very much enjoyed this movie. We laughed at it so we could argue that it is a comedy in a sense.


to be entertained you have to understand it. if you are limited mentally you won't be entertained by anything other than the mindnumbing crap that comes out of hollywood these days.


yeah dry immature "humor" is very difficult to understand....
sorry but it's a no go as a comedy. it barely cracks a smile. i guess it works for some though. keep it in norway please. we have enough sh!te here as it is.


The movie isn't meant to be a comedy. I'm not Norwegian either, but I found the movie to be quite hilarious at many points. :D


meh whatever. not funny. thanks for input.


The comedy movie "Airplane" doesn't have a single joke in it.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Why does this guy think its not a comedy? It's hilarious. I'm still laughing about the scene at the power station....


never said it's not a comedy. said it's not funny. it failed as a comedy. if you are laughing that is your opinion not mine.


This is because Hollywood has a habit of spoonfeeding you humour. Preferably with canned laughter, to tell you which parts are the funny bit. But when you actually have to think, and figure out the funny bits yourself, you don't understand what is funny about it.
Basically you're too used to brain dead humour. And this isn't.


oh paleeaaze...
don't make assumptions you cannot back on me.


"if it were a comedy, which obviously it's not" - shurbanm

Sad story. You got a smoke?




"never said it's not a comedy."

Sad story. You got a smoke?


your point? again.
oh i get it. you are one of those losers who has nothing better to do but trying to compensate failure in life by attempting to prove somebody wrong.
if you take everything literally that is your problem. i meant it doesn't qualify as a comedy. obviously it's categorized as comedy. the jokes were sparse and the ones that there fell flat - hence for me it's not a comedy or a failed comedy. for you it may be a comedy. for me it's just a failure.
that explains it for you? now go do something better with your life.


"even if it were a comedy which it is not" - shurbanm

I'm sure you said that same thing twice in a non-literal sense. That wouldn't be lame at all.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


i guess you have a lot of social experience given your assumption people talk non-literally just once.
there is something that is lame though...


No, no, no no no. You said the same damn thing multiple times, in the same manner, as if to hope someone heard it and laughed the second time or something. (In reality, of course, you're just covering up the fact that people had to tell you the movie is not to be taken fully seriously.)

Anyways, I'll bite. What's lame? The movie? Mommy? Me?

Sad story. You got a smoke?


lol. fine. you win if it makes you feel better in life. i have better things to do.
now go back to your miserable existence.


Eh, I don't mind either way. And I like my existence, actually.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


you wouldn't know any better...


Blissful ignorance.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


agreed. that you are.


How can one be blissful ignorance? Blissfully ignorant, yes. But then maybe you have to specify that, sir.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


perhaps you didn't take your anal retentive medication today?


I think I'm on some medication, 'cause I'm having the time of my life. I think I love you.

...Too soon to break out the L word?

Sad story. You got a smoke?


those that are usually are having the time of their life...
now stop spamming me please.


Hey, you're replying to me as much as I am to you. Is this love... mutual? I think so!

Sad story. You got a smoke?


You're tearing me apart, shurbanm.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


agree 100% the camera crew was the most annoying bunch of a**holes I've seen in a while...


you're a TROLL!!


It's still boring and I still feel bad for the troll.


Which of them, one in the film or one of the internet trolls?

Agreed, btw, the trolls were treated rather roughly by the Troll Security Agency, and they were even rabid. Hans felt sorry for them and was tired of his job, that was the reason he let the students follow him.


Actually I have even never enjoyed the Troll series of films. I think there were four.

Conversely, I like Yeti films. There's no accounting for interests.


I believe I saw the first one a looong time ago, IIRC it was a horror film? Anyway, it didn't stick with me. A totally different animal. When I think about it, I believe I can remember bits of the score.



Agreed!! This movie is great. Love Norway & the Norwegian people, the thing is that they are not all loud/in your face so (so the 'jokes' won't be either) so if American's (or many other people) walk into this they are going to get something possibly quite different to what they expected! All the Norwegians I've had conversations with are softly spoken & yes their humour is different than America or whatever (in a very good way) :-)


Agreed grad0024. I got the same vibe from Rare Exports which also seemed to have that extremely subtle humor to it.


Which troll did you play in the movie? idiot.


Well it is for a fact "NORWEGIAN HUMOR". becasue You need to know norwegian litteratur and history to get it. and other stuff


I agree that the movie seems a little overrated according to what I have read on this forum so far. It definitely shows superfluous footage, where the main attraction for the viewer is the incredible beauty of Norwegian wilderness. Truly gorgeous landscape and a feeling of isolation, which ultimately contributes in creating the required tense and ominous atmosphere during troll hunting. In other words, I liked the fabric and material of the movie, but as a movie feature, it is truly a minor contribution. Overall, I gave it a 6, mainly for the originality of the concept and photography. Too bad the editing has been so poorly made, with the result that there are too many empty spots.


Well I'm Irish and I thought it was extremely humorous. I don't know Norwegian literature but there used to be a cartoon on our tvs called The happy world of the gnomes or something, I believe it followed Scandinavian mythology loosely, certainly the trolls in the cartoon looked very similar.


damn was just about to put the movie on but decided to check some info about it on imdb.

Wish i had never seen your post..... such spoilers!
