MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Don't waste your precious time

Don't waste your precious time

I kept rooting for the troll to swallow these annoying idiots whole and felt sad and depressed that he was killed. This picture was anti-troll, an insult to the world.


The biggest troll, seems to be the thread starter.


I loved the movie, but it wasn't pure comedy like somebody stated below and was def a mixture. Anyway, really fun and enjoyable.


An imdb troll trying to troll a troll movie. Trollception. Yeah well, good luck with that.


Eh, let people do what they want with their own precious time. Most seem to like it, anyway.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


This movie was so dang boring. I saw it the first time when it was called The Blair Witch Project and REC. Thankfully those 2 were great movies. This was like trolls that looked like Smurfs. Oh let's not forget it's a Cloverfield copy as well, though I didn't like that mess. I feel sorry for the children that have to grow up with this stuff. It was not scary nor funny by any means. It was more like Cloverfield in hopes they would all just die and be done with it. 7.0? Now that's a laugh and a half. Probably the most comedy this drivel will ever see. I give it a solid 4 for trying.


First off, it's not supposed to be scary, it's meant to play on norse myths and legends. Second off, it's indeed based on norse myths. Third off, trolls smell christian blood. Fourth, who the hell cares about if it's a cloverfield copy? The Star Wars sequel is a copy of every samurai movie then. Don't be a *beep* idiot. Fifth, it's not meant to be a comedy either. Again, it's based on norse myths and is supposed to be enjoyed by people from that region. Sixth, the score is deserved. Norwegian movie making is a mixed bag at best and this is one of the better movies to ever come out of Norway. You have to compare movies to other movies from the same region. Would you say Ringu is a *beep* movie just cause it's from Japan? Seventh, a lot of the humour is based on norwegian idioms and tropes. Hell, norwegians sell those pink haired troll figures in every day shops to whoever wants them. Eight, I found the movie quite entertaining, myself being from the same country it was made. Ninth, it's all opinions in the end with no opinion being more worth than the other.


How about a spoiler warning? Very fair to assume from the thread title that it's aimed at those who have not seen the movie, then you immediately drop a huge spoiler.



The purpose of this board is not to insult, flame and troll people. YOU need to learn that everyone has the right to an opinion without personal attacks. But judging by your anonymous name, meaning you're a coward who hides behind a keyboard, you are a troll yourself.



Okay, have a good evening, Dr. Evil.




Troll Hunter was interesting to watch. Despite its clearly influenced by films such as The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield, the exploration of Nordic tales Troll Hunter shows was engaging.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


Yes, it is official that they had The Blair Witch Project in mind. Trollhunter was made as a "comedy version" of TBWP. Not that the film lacks thrilling aspects, but the comical aspects were (meant to be) stronger.

What lies behind is most Norwegians never finding TBWP particularly scaring - even kids are camping in nature, so it got this meh stamp. Then they picked up the idea and made this hilarious comedy about it.

The guys who made the Dead Snow films also made a TBWP parody, taking it to Fjord Witches:

In Cod we trust.
