MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > most Muslims would say they believe in t...

most Muslims would say they believe in the same God as Christians

Although it is never revealed whether being a Muslim made a difference, the majority of Muslims would say they worship the same God (Allah) as Christians and vice versa. So IMO Muslims would also be at risk according to the definition that believing in God attracts the trolls. Most Muslims also believe in Jesus as a prophet as well. Though I know nothing more about the folklore than what was presented in the movie.


...the majority of Muslims would say they worship the same God (Allah) as Christians and vice versa. So IMO Muslims would also be at risk according to the definition that believing in God attracts the trolls.
Except by the rules of the movie, it's all about Christians. That's the rule the movie follows, goofy or not. So why are you wasting your time arguing about this? Sheesh, you accept the silly rule, but then complain about the logic. What is wrong with you????


@ maddy52101
" the majority of Muslims would say they worship the same God (Allah) as Christians and vice versa."

I posted about this in another thread, in case it's of interest.
My conclusion:

it must be difficult to find two believers on the same street with a similar concept of god, never mind peoples from a different city, tribe or nation

