MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > The Christian guys lies and dies...

The Christian guys lies and dies...

who else finds this hilarious?


What's the hilarious part? The fact that he felt he needed to keep his faith hidden from his colleagues?


You are an idiot, you know that? Sorry to rain on your little "hate on religion" parade but no... the guy had good reason to keep it a secret

1. he lives in a country where like 80% of the population is athiest

2. if he had said he was a Christian, Hans would not have let him come along.

anyway, the fact that you think he deserved to die soley because of his religion shows what kind of person you are. Grow up. And quit being a dick. The world needs less people like you


Oh yes, upstanding chap, that one. He was told that concealing his religion might get him and his friends killed, not to mention the innocent troll hunter they've been stalking. And he somehow comes to the conclusion that this is a risk HE IS WILLING TO TAKE. The guy deserved to die, not for his religion, but for his complete disregard for anybody's safety, including his own.


So if someone told you that your job would require you to be a believer in fairies or unicorns, you'd object to the paying job? Come on... he didn't believe that it would be a life or death decision.


Erm... anyone with a shred of responsibility will not sign on to a job where they have been told point blanke they are ineligible. What part of "they can smell the blood of a Christian" was ambiguous?? It couldn't be more clear that it would be a life and death decision. He would have had to be unthinkably dense to believe the trolls smelling him out wouldn't have led to their being targeted. Especially when they're lathering themselves in troll gunk from head to toe, mightn't this fool have figured out that scent is important here?


Sorry, but no. Not saying I am a christian, but if I was and guy like that said it I would think he was nothing but a nut job so why bother to follow his rules.


The issue here was that for many Norwegians the religious belief is a matter of privacy. The camera guy felt emmbarassed by having to admit he was a christian, so he bailed out and denied it (just like 2000 years ago...).

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


i think you just never tried to get a job... try to grow a little and see reality ! a lot of people lies to get a job everyday... and for god sake if someone tell you than an animal smell more the blood from one of a religion and not for other religion can you believe it ? And other thing in the cave, hans tell them that they ARE NO TROLL HERE so you can erase your especially !
The fact is the director is atheist and think than killing a christian in a story is funny in a traditionnal norvegian way they are no more to understand here !


Erm... anyone with a shred of responsibility will not sign on to a job where they have been told point blanke they are ineligible. What part of "they can smell the blood of a Christian" was ambiguous??

Living in the reality that we do, no one in their right would have thought it would have made the slightest bit of difference. You're saying you would have thought so? Wow.


Have you actually watched the film? The cameraman encountered not one, but two violent encounters with trolls before he found himself trapped in a cave with the pack of Mountain Kings that took his life. He knew damn well these things were real and lethal.

If the character didn't know it was a life and death decision, he was dumber than Homer Simpson.

Where will the Constitution apply when all public lands are privatized?


Exactly right. And if I recall correctly, after the first troll Hans even questions the group again on whether any were Christian as there seemed to be one in the group given how the Troll reacted, per Hans words.
Fully agree that guy got what he deserved as his lies put everyone in harms way.

Warning: Smoking Pot could lead to becoming the most decorated Olympian in US history, or President


It's the opposite. It would require you NOT to believe in unicorns.
Also, it would get you killed.

But, saying your point is true, would you really want a job where the requirement for the job was to believe in unicorns? Doesn't that make you a bit twisted? :D


The cameraman felt so embarrassed by being religious that he didn't dare to admit it for his bare life. Literally.


uhm, i Would like to know where you got you info from? Norway is a Christian Country and its probably more the opposite of what you wrote. about 80% are christian and 20 are Atheists. But the fun part of this sequence is, especially for us Norwegians that in the folklore, the Trolls could smell christians blood, but in fact that was the very defenition of humans, so with a modern twist they made it so the meaning of it was more literally.



Indeed, I think 80% agnostic (rather than atheist) is accurate enough. And I do believe there are more hard-core atheists than hard-core Christians, as well. Church weddings, baptisms, funerals and such are a matter of tradition rather than faith.

Anyway, the death of the Christian was hilarious. Not because a Christian guy bought it, but because of the way it was done: a ridiculous premise was given dead serious treatment in the film. That's the humour of this film.

"Hva er det du stresser over?"
"Eg e kristen!!!"

Pure comedy gold. But I guess you had to be there.


Technically yes, about 80-85% of Norwegians are classified as "Christian" (including Lutherans and Catholics), with about 3% of other religions. But, as you said, the vast majority of those classified as Christian belong to the state Lutheran church, which (from my understanding at least) is mainly so people can access things like Baptism and church weddings. Good to know that as of 2005 I think only 32% of Norwegians believed in a 'personal God'.


...Did Zikten just claim that 80% of the population is atheistic? Holy LULZ. Uneducated much?


I would not put much stock in the words of someone who couldn't even spell 'atheist'.

Vada a bordo, cazzo!


Okay, but you should have written atheistic, which is the adjective form of the noun atheist. Making you an idiot.


Actually, the guy didn't have good reason to lie.
He only had good reason to tell the truth.

You claim that he had to lie to come along, and that is correct. But it also caused him to die, as the question was for his own safety.


Except that us norwegian don't hate the christians amongst us. We don't give a *beep* what religion you believe in as long as you don't try to force your belief on us. The reason he died was cause according to folklore, trolls can smell christian blood and hate it with a vengeance. It goes back to when we where forced to convert to christianity or having our head cut off. The nordic people had their own gods and saw christianity as a threat to their way of living.



Yes, the vikings did practice human sacrifice but christianity was forced on the norse people. They got given the choice, convert or die. There was this string of lords, kings and jarls who forced people to convert to their brand of superstition probably cause monotheism made it easier to control the masses. Anyway, all what I wrote is what I was taught in school. I dunno if they still teach it but we got taught old norse legends and had to read the Edda. Anyway, good times even if I didn't appreciate it at the time, being just a stupid kid whose boogers where the highlight of his day...


I didn't find it to be all that funny, however I don't believe it is idiotic to think that. He never said anything about him deserving to die because he is religious.

This happens all the time, someone lies and tries to hide something because they are different from the rest. An example being, in a movie context, someone in a group is bitten by a zombie, and they lie and say they haven't, which results in something much nastier down the road than if they just confessed in the first place.

People, like you, are just too sensitive when it comes to subjects like religion.

Grow up and stop being so closed-minded.


You are the idiot here. Where did OP say anything that was "hating on religion" or said that he deserved to die because he was Christian? He didn't. He said that it was funny that the character lied about it and then died. It was certainly a humorous scene the way he kept rubbing the troll stank all over him like a nervous twitch. This was before we knew he was christian and I was just laughing about his odd behavior.

The humor is in the lie, not in the religion. It's you that needs to grow up and stop being so over defensive about things, no-one said he deserved to die because he was a Christian. He deserved to die because he was warned about trolls smelling Christians and he put his life in danger regardless.


@Zikten. 80% of the population in Norway are not atheist. That is a common misconception because many people believe Scandinavia is all one country. That number depend on how many people actually go to church etc


1. he lives in a country where like 80% of the population is athiest
Nope. About 29% in 2010.

"You are an idiot, you know that?"


Being Christian only makes troll hunting more daring, like having a lethal allergy to apitoxin and wearing bee-beards at a carnival.

Always remember to wear a helmet when caving, and carry three light sources


You magnificent bastard


The Troll farting in the lair was hilarious. Zitkens comment was equal to that.


Also the troll gunk masked the scent. It wasn't until he started panicking and sweating that the trolls even knew he existed.

|I don't have an ego. I just love how awesome I am.|


The death scene itself was kind of hilarious that the guy, when he was grabbed and being eaten, just held the camera straight forward (it was probably fixed on a crane) instead of using it like a club like anyone else would have almost immediately.

The character did deserve to die for putting his friends and Hans in terminal danger like that, or at the very least maimed.

Where will the Constitution apply when all public lands are privatized?



I came to the conclusion that he grew up as a Christian, during his time at school and university lost his faith and recovered it at the moment of mortal danger.
His last thought in the cave was: "Oh God, no - I still AM a believer...!!!"

I have no proof for any of that, but to me that idea kind of makes his death hilarious.


I got it he was Christian all the time, he just didnt dare to tell the others because then he would miss the student work (which is what it was). Remember in the beginning none of them really belived trolls are real.

Talking to the dead is easy. The hard part is getting the dead to talk back.


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't they all die (even the Muslim)? One at the hands (or teeth) of trolls, the rest under the bootheel of the government?


The only thing we know is that the students disappeared. Whether they got new identities, where sent to Guantanamo, or were killed, are open for interpretation.

