MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > The Christian guys lies and dies...

The Christian guys lies and dies...

who else finds this hilarious?


It was deeply ironic. Still at least he died in faith ...

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl



It's a movie, so I get that in a movie where people die, different skin colors and different religions will be killed.

I think the real question is: What if Trolls could smell Gays blood and then this film was made. Would people think it was funny that the Gay had to lie about who he was because of the Troll lore and then died?....

Yes, those who are posting on this message board would still find that funny.

Having seen many European flicks over the years, many from Norway, Sweden or Finland, the overwhelming theme of comedy and violence has been about or against the American people or the Christian people, or a combined focus.... A hat the main character wears that reads "F#ck America", or things like that...


It is the year 2005. The Decepticons have conquered the Autobots home planet of Cybertron.


This usually stems from a jealousy over America and its success.....when you can't/won't compete against your rival, you resort to calling them names, it's pretty immature.



It is the year 2005. The Decepticons have conquered the Autobots home planet of Cybertron.


"jealousy over America and its success"
Believe me that in the year 2013 there are very few european countries that aspire to be anything like the u.s. Especially not Norway. Success is not at all the word that comes to mind. But my guess is that you never even left the u.s.

"against your rival"
You mean America being Norways rival? When did that happen?

You talk about immaturity from a very narrow-minded point of view.
Now that's not very mature, is it?




As a Finn, of what I should be jealous of?

That your murder rate per capita is ten times higher? Amount of prisoners is 12 times higher? Amount of poor people?

We pay more taxes but use the money more on health insurance and free education than military. Of which I might be jealous of if our Eastern neighbour starts causing trouble.


This usually stems from a jealousy over America and its success
Norway has a higher income per capita than the United States. Try again.


In this case though, the old Norse folklore actually states trolls can smell the blood of a Christian. I didn't think it was a jab at Christians, just something that trolls do.


he died and his friend never care to tell his family, its really weird. Someone died and you still zealously filming troll!


I loved it.. i hope that he died slowly getting eaten from the legs and up like a BBQ-stick.


*Sigh* There are so few voices of reason in this idiotic World.
Anyone who finds this an enjoyable scene simply because the guy is a Christian is warped. Troll mythology states that when Christianity started spreading throughout Norway the constant bell chimes and songs would drive the Trolls mad, apparently they hate loud noises so they would throw boulders at Churches and flee into the mountains where it was quiet. So they learned the scent of a Christian and learned it meant trouble. It was simply added to the film because it is apart of the Mythology. Not because the director has a vendetta against Christianity.
As for why a Christian has a different scent to anyone else I do not know, perhaps it means when a person is baptized and becomes one with Christ a detectable change occurs in their makeup? This would mean though that Christianity is the one, true faith in the film's Universe.
Although there is a deleted scene in the film where the Veterinarian argues that it is a ridiculous concept and not true.


This is not mythology. As the film points out, the trolls are mammals with acute senses compensating for their lack of brains.
For a long time it was believed that the trolls smelling christian blood was a myth told to children, scaring them from going into the woods and getting eaten by wolves and bear. However, the film clearly demonstrates this being true rather than merely a myth.

In cod we trust.


... The director followed the mythology of Trolls while making the film. Obviously Trolls are not real so the mythology is all they have to go on. Acute senses explains why Christians are considered bad to Trolls as I explained, the Church Bells and hymns used to drive them mad in earlier times. The explanation I gave is from Scandinavian Troll mythology.


If you want me to be dead serious about it, the "christian blood" thing might be an element of bad conscience of the christian, fairytale-making society. The content and characters of these fairytales and legends are mainly relics of the Norse mythology, ie. pre-christian times. So then the christian thing was tossed in to gloss over it, so to speak.

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


I already explained what the Christian thing was about. It was added simply because it is apart of the mythology and in the mythology Trolls would flee the sounds of the church bells and songs or throw rocks at the Churches to try and shut them up. They learned that the smell of a Christian man meant trouble for them. As to how they can smell a Christian man I gave a theory but I don't know for sure.
In any case it is very ignorant to view the Christian faith as mythology on par with tales of Trolls and Thunder Gods. There's a reason Christianity has survived while Norse mythology has died.


Nope, trolls are too stupid to learn like that. Their skills are mostly in their genes, they were born with the ability to recognise the smell of christian blood.

In Cod we trust.


That makes no sense and what is it based on? We only have mythology to go on you do realize as Trolls aren't real.


Trolls aren't real?!! Don't believe what they tell you. Some of the individs portrayed in the film were probably born when Leiv Eriksson discovered Amerika. That's why it takes so long for trolls to learn - one generation is a couple of hundred years, it takes time to hardwire knowledge into the genes that way.
Hence it follows that the trolls were genetically prepared for cristianity before it arrived in Norway, a stunning biological puzzle!

In Cod we trust.


I'm sure you're being sarcastic. You never can tell though. I've even met idiots who believe in Werewolves on the internet...


There you go again. In the myths, trolls and werewolves can talk. In real life they can't. What does that tell you about the myths?

In Cod we trust.


I don't even know what you're trying to get at anymore. I helped to explain something that occurred in a movie by adding information from the mythology the movie is based on. Everything else is irrelevant.


If you want me to be dead serious again, the stories about trolls trowing rocks at churches are not considered part of the troll mythology. They are rather local folk tales, mostly used to get a neat name on a rock, etc. The closest we get, is a legend from Trøndeag, where a troll threw two rocks at the church in self defence, because the church ringing was about to turn it to stone.øtt_Fløan

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


In any case it is very ignorant to view the Christian faith as mythology on par with tales of Trolls and Thunder Gods. There's a reason Christianity has survived while Norse mythology has died.

This comment is littered with so much ignorance and arrogance that it makes me bleed internally.

Have you ever heard of the crusades? There's A BLOODY GOOD reason why Norse religion has died out, that is because the people were FORCED to convert or die. This happened ALL OVER the world, not just in Europe or Scandinavia. And the funniest thing about it all is that Christianity is based on pagan beliefs anyway, much like Christmas is based on a pagan ritual.

Even then, basing the fact that Christianity has survived for about 2000 years doesn't make it "true". It just means the world needed a babysitter and something to believe in. They used "heaven and hell" "good and evil" "light and dark" as a means to put fear into the peoples hearts. That if they didn't behave, they would be punished before and in the afterlife.
This fact made it easier for the monarchies to control their people, rather than controlling someone who was free to live as their moral senses deemed fit - in a time where sharing amongst people in a society was a NORMAL thing.

One can argue that without Christianity our society might have not have risen to where we are today. But one can also argue that our society might have been 200 years in the future if not for the church and crusades when they burned hundreds of thousands of books, crucified scientists and most of all revolutionary men and women thinking outside the norms and trying to bring the power back to the people. IT WAS HERESY GODDAMNIT.. OH HERESY AGAIN.

I wouldn't be so eager to "trust" religion and its intent, when its purpose was to control the people in the first place.

But... you are free to believe in whatever you claim to believe in
if that makes you sleep better at night. I don't care, and neither do 90% of Scandinavia. That's the beauty of being an atheist. I can see people without being clouded by an ancient story based upon myths and tales.
So go ahead and keep fighting amongst yourself; Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Jews etc. The world will be a better place when all the murderous zealots are gone! :))


All true, frerei, but you wasted your words. You're not going to change the mind of the guy you responded to or his ilk, no matter what you say. And the smart people are already on your side. For some reason it takes even the best posters forever to learn this lesson, and even then they sometimes fall prey to the temptation to respond.

Seriously, you would have been just as effective by posting "wrong." A lesson to remember for next time.




*ugh* This stupid account system. I accidentally answered with my GF's logged in account. That will teach me not to share my laptop.. lol


Yes, you are probably right in that I shouldn't respond to or share meaningful walls of texts(posts), on which I've spent some time formulating to the best of my knowledge, to people who won't read or understand it in the end. But if we all stay quiet and docile, ignoring these morons, nothing's ever going to change. And we'll be stuck living in a world, surrounded by uneducated zealots plaguing every forum platform in the world. I demand justice!

... So I want to make it official. I am now taking on the mantle as the new BS Man


Self-sarcasm level 2 is now complete.


No. It was utterly ridiculous. As soon as he lies he's no longer a true Christian, so he shouldn't have died. Or if he died it should have been for not being a Christian.

And before a bunch of heathens come here and tell me that the Christian Church is historically full of liars, my simple response would be "they're clearly not true Christians". Just like those thugs within ISIS aren't really true Muslims.

PS: I'm not religious myself. I just don't like illogical attacks on easy targets.



Just like those thugs within ISIS aren't really true Muslims.

In fact, they are probably mercenaries hired by the CIA.

Originality needs a reboot.


LOL! The early church fathers said the best way to spread Christianity was to lie in his name. That as long as you accepted Jesus all sins would be forgiven and that the only requirement to get to heaven was be Christian. So you could be Hitler and believe in Jesus and get to heaven since Hitler was doing the work of Jesus.


The early church fathers said the best way to spread Christianity was to lie in his name.

Source or GTFO

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


who else finds this hilarious?
Yes, I found it so hilarious that I laughed for days. Finally I busted something in my gut, and had to go to the hospital for emergency surgery two weeks ago. I'm still in the hospital over that. All because a Christian guy lied and died. I can literally think of nothing funnier I have ever heard in my life. I ought to sue the guys who made this film for creating something that was so incredibly F-ing funny.


What a completely useless debate. Of course it was funny.
