LOL Moments


It was too much for me

"The things you try to hide always turn out to be the things you can't forget."


When they spot Hans on the ferry with a cup of coffee and a triple Svele. Svele is the default ferry meal in western/mid Norway, and this little detail where Hans is having three in one go was so hilariously over the top it had me burst out in laughter!

Unskilled and unaware of it


the scene where they're stuck inside the mine....the entire scene cracked me up, up until what happened to the cameraman of course.


"Svele is the default ferry meal in western/mid Norway"

Just in a small part of Western Norway. It is not the default in Hordaland or Rogaland, only Møre or Romsdal. And not in Trøndelag (Mid Norway)



Actually svele is default food on ferries even in Trøndelag.

Regarding coastal culture there are strong bonds between Møre and Trøndelag, while the inland culture is rather different i the two regions.


I agree. Maybe, because I've been desensitized to trolls because of those stupid pink haired dolls.


I think I laughed most when they bring in the new photographer and tell her they'll be photographing... elk or something, I don't remember. And she says she's Muslim and Hans is just like "I have no *beep* idea if that's alright or not." I'm like.... geez, they are tricking some poor little girl into getting killed by trolls. Great people we've got here. Besides, I don't see what the point was of following Hans all around the country. The film of the first Troll killing and subsequent interview would probably have sufficed. :p


The film of the first Troll killing and subsequent interview would probably have sufficed.

The point was they were trying to make a full length documentary (for the class) so just the first killing and interview wouldn't have been long enough.


this film was hilarious - first started laughing when i saw the obviously stuffed huge teddy bears - with the red tounges hanging out.


That guy that lied about dead Croatian bear was just hysterical - everything he came out with was funny.

And the goats noises while on the bridge before they get attacked... poor goats, though.

Subtitles misread: 'the Arch bitch of Canterbury'


Hans running up to the group and shouting "Troll!" got me cracking up :P


The ending with the governer guy at the press conference "Norway has trolls" carries on talking, guy next to him who was all about the cover up just turns and stares. LOL

The whole Christians thing= lol


Yeah that whole "TROLLL!" mmoment was a bit odd. I think it's supposed to be the signature/catch-phrase for the movie, although it seemed a bit out of character for the otherwise-unflappable Hans. Why would he be running scared like that, as if he were shocked and surprised to see the very thing he was hunting for, and was panicked as if he had never seen one before?


Don't tell me I'm the only one that cracked up when Hans came walking out onto the bridge in that armor. He almost reminded me of the Monty Python Black Knight. I just loved how the troll then casually swats him against the rail of the bridge and tries eating him LOL.



I second (or third) the armor scene. When he gets swatted I couldn't help but think "it's just a flesh wound."

Also, pretty much every explanation they came up with I laughed at. The tires, the giant power lines, fake bears and the guy being interviewed about them. Also, Muslim, I have no *beep* clue if that's good or not.


I loved when the wildlife guy had staged one of the bears, and they were pointing out that he got the left and right paws mixed up. It made me chuckle.
