LOL Moments


It was too much for me

"The things you try to hide always turn out to be the things you can't forget."


There's one scene where the main guy is talking to the camera in the morning and he's holding his toothbrush up like a microphone, then he catches himself doing it and puts his hand down and has this *beep* eating grin, it killed me.


The hydro power guy, when the students ask him why his power lines go in circles and don't lead anywhere.


That was very funny.

... but they look pretty ...

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


"These may look like normal power lines, but they're electric fences to keep the trolls at bay."

It's about how audaciously you are carrying on in calm.


The female goat noise made me chuckle.


When Finn drives over the tracks because he messed them up haha


The overall amateuirshness of the TST (Troll Security Agency) in every aspect. It looked like Finn run it from his basement.


The whole concept of the Troll Security Agency. Reminded me of 'Men in Black'.


I liked the throwaway moment when Hans and the veterinarian lady were hugging. Evidently they have history.


The Polish guy from Piotr's Painting Company: In Poland we ask not, we do. Why problem make when you no problem have you don't want to make. Very good advice.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


For me it had to be when they were stuck in the cave and a troll let one fly. That and the fact that they had VERY phallic noses.

Plus I loved it when Hans played the Norse version of "What a friend we have in Jesus" to attract the troll.

This whole movie was hilarious.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


For me being a Brit the fact that the main boy student looked like ubiquitous TV celeb Declan Donnelly was LOL- worthy through out


"Trolls piss"
