MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Will this be the film that sinks Cruise?

Will this be the film that sinks Cruise?

According to the trailer this will be absolutely garbage. But that aside, what about Tom Cruise?

He looks pretty cringeworthily, self parodying in this. I mean - redoing the motorbike scene, cracking that creepy smile, at his age? Is anyone going to be buying that, thinking he looks cool - asides from Tom Cruise himself that is...

And he's gone even more full on Toblerone Alan Partridge, looking very much the jowly hamster.

Will this be the end for Tom?



This is the biggest hit of Tom Cruise's stellar career.

Thanks for asking.


Hyperbole surely... But I think you may be right!

Some of the posters on here are literally telling me that the bigger the box office this film has the younger Tom Cruise begins to look in the same film!

His hamstery jowls shrink, his pert little man tits ( shrink, etc ALL through the power of box office! Producers are scribbling out Chris Pratt and pencilling in Tom Cruise as we speak...

Way to go Tom!!


Finally saw this.

Can't really say for sure one way or the other whether this will be the end for Tom. The film was ok but sadly not as brilliant as it had been hyped to be. Re the cringeworthiness - yes it had it but sadly not to the point of OTT cheese I was hoping for.

The bit when he got caught by the kid sneaking out the window was pushing it a bit but otherwise I just don't know... I guess time will tell if he gets anything further as a result of this or whether it's just going to be self financed roles from here on in, e.g. more MI and probably Top Gun.


Yeah it might be the end since he can comfortably retire with all the money he's made. 💰💰💰


You seem very excited about Tom Cruise's finances!

I hope it's making you happy 👍


Correct, he has exciting finances.



Well it looks like all of you idiots are wrong.


Wouldn't that just be the OP though?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Not even the OP. He simply posed the question which has yet to be determined...


How so? We don't know yet do we...

Unless you've seen something re future releases?


Trolling is not your forte.


Do you even know what trolling means and if so I'm sure you'll have no problem explaining how it applies here given:-

1. I responded to someone else's post claiming "it looks like all of you idiots are wrong" on a thread which had been dead for about a month.

2. I asked the poster to explain why he thought that, in a considered manner, questioning whether he had any supporting evidence.

3. THEY wrote their comment directly below mine from a MONTH ago in which I specifically said time will tell...


Honestly I think some people on here (and in particular on this thread) are so zoned into having a neanderthalic locking of horns that they appear to have suffered lobotomies...

Clearly this guy wants to go "Ha ha, massive box office - so f_ck you loser, you were wrong" but as I have pointed out several times (even before the film was released!!) that was not the purpose of this thread. I questioned whether Tom Cruise looks KNACKERED in this film and whether it will spell an end point for him being cast as a blockbuster lead.

Surely even a bunch of halfwits raised on finding glory in MCU box office vs DC or whatever have the intellect to understand the difference. Or maybe not 🤷


You suck at trolling and your judgement sucks. This movie just solidified his career if anything.


The only thing solidified is your non ability to read.

Instead of coming on here, puffing your chest out like some kind of moron, with your nonsense "Tom and his AMAZING box office proved you WRONG asshole!" actually answer my question:-

Do you know / can you confirm if Tom has been cast as a lead in any new blockbuster films since this came out?

Also re-read my OP and other posts and point out where I gloated at an impending box office failure for this film.

To paraphrase Dennis Reynolds - News flash asshole, you aren't going to find anything like that...

Good day to you Sir 👍


Wrong, you're an idiot.


As I suspected, literally sweet FA to back your running your mouth off up...

I bet you just love lamp eh?


You look like a fucking idiot right now, just shut the fuck up and accept the L.


You're post makes no sense. Cruise had been a highly successful actor for the last 30 years. Blockbuster after blockbuster for him.
Then he has one of his biggest movies yet with Top Gun: Maverick, and what do you say?
"This might be the movie that sinks Cruise"
I hope no one ever takes stock market advice from you. 😉


You literally cannot read can you?

I have said over and over - I questioned ( and again I have no horse in the race, again go back up and look earlier in thread - I've said I like Tom Cruise's films) whether this might be the film which sinks Tom Cruise BECAUSE HE LOOKS KNACKERED. That is what the OP said - and it was made before the film was released and I also said BEFORE THE FILM WAS RELEASED that I wasn't talking about box office, I was wondering whether execs would find him too old looking for future releases...

Now you've come on here, blundering on about how that is wrong and not to take "stock market advice" from me... And that's even after me TWICE in this branch telling you I never mentioned box office even although utter muppets want to reduce what I said to the irrelevancy of that...

And guess what muppet? You just did it again 😂

My post makes no sense to you because it's not what you want it to be. Can you confirm if he has any new major leads off the back off this film? A simple yes or no please...


You do realize that Cruise is a producer on all these films, right? That his box office track record is what attracts partners in these ventures of his? He's not auditioning or looking for leads. He produces Tom Cruise movies. And since box office returns are all that matters, I think it's safe to assume he'll continue to cast himself as the lead for the foreseeable future. And he'll have no trouble attracting more partners after this juggernaut.


100% agree with you that this will be the likely outcome. If you look at the post I made just above this current nonsense, when I finally saw this I wrote:-

I guess time will tell if he gets anything further as a result of this or whether it's just going to be self financed roles from here on in, e.g. more MI and probably Top Gun.

So yes, I think you're right - more MI and maybe even another Top Gun. Anything else in the Tom Cruise canon though? Not so sure...


But he cultivated this position, the creative control, the power, so he could do what he wants. A Tom Cruise Production was the goal that he has already attained, so it's not really a stepping stone to being cast in other films. That would be going backwards. He's bigger than that, more like a Clint Eastwood arc, except Cruise has more box office appeal overseas. He already acts, produces, and at least partially directs these films, so he doesn't need anyone else. And since he doesn't need to be hired by others, the only thing that will sink him is when people stop buying tix, and he couldn't be farther from that right now.


Yes. Mission Impossible. I'm done



I guess time will tell if he gets anything further as a result of this or whether it's just going to be self financed roles from here on in, e.g. more MI and probably Top Gun.

Written in the post DIRECTLY above your first "Wrong, you're an idiot" post...

Honestly, you just couldn't make this level of genius up - Absolutely loving it!

And All because you simply cannot read, e.g. "duh, what does more MI mean?" 🤡

But no doubt you'll reinforce this point by choosing to completely ignore this specific call out and just reply with some further blundering irrelevancy.


C'mon now, don't get all knackered cause I called you out on your bullshit.


Well, one year+ on Tom has subsequently starred in the flop MI7 and looking at his "Upcoming" slate on IMDB:-

only has the sequel to that MI as a confirmed upcoming production.

So things aren't looking too good for Tom as it stands.

Perhaps too early to call for certain but the question does seem to legitimately stand - Was Top Gun Maverick the film which finally sunk Tom Cruise as lead action star?
