MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Will this be the film that sinks Cruise?

Will this be the film that sinks Cruise?

According to the trailer this will be absolutely garbage. But that aside, what about Tom Cruise?

He looks pretty cringeworthily, self parodying in this. I mean - redoing the motorbike scene, cracking that creepy smile, at his age? Is anyone going to be buying that, thinking he looks cool - asides from Tom Cruise himself that is...

And he's gone even more full on Toblerone Alan Partridge, looking very much the jowly hamster.

Will this be the end for Tom?


nah looks like the original film

but entertaining crap


Yeah but do you think Tom in himself has maybe finally reached the point of looking to haggard?

Good film or not, will the Hollywood execs look at him with the puffed up jowly face and think "Ok, this guy's had his day, time to move on...".


You seem to be obsessed with his looks.
I think most people would agree, he has aged quite well, and is a good looking man.
He's also very fit and stays in great shape. Haggard? Jowly? Nah, he looks great.
Does he still look 30? No. Does he look great for 59? Yes.
So....what's the problem?

When Sean Connery was nearing 70, he looked awesome as an older man in his roles. For example, in The Rock, he wasn't trying to play a 30 year old. He looked every bit a man in his late 60's....but he looked good, and he could still pull off the action scenes.

Likewise Liam Neason.......likewise Harrison Ford......likewise Mel Gibson.....likewise Sly Stallone, etc, etc.....

Cruise doesn't need to look 30 to look good.

What is it, Foot-in-Mouth....are you feeling your OWN mortality, and thus feel the need to project?


You seem to be obsessed with his looks.

LOL - You're saying I seem to be "obsessed" about his looks in a thread I started specifically to ask about his looks and seem to think that's some kind of triumph πŸ˜‚

I hope you can appreciate the humor in how utterly stupid that is...

Still at least you've managed to add some actual context this time rather than just bizarrely gushing over what an amazing "star power" (πŸ˜‚) actor Tom Cruise is, so I'll give you some kudos for that.

Well done πŸ‘.


You're consistently one of the worst posters on these boards and I'm tired of your drivel shitting up my screens. cya


Ha ha, what a bizarre post in response to me pointing out the idiocy of "another" poster.

Really makes you wonder...
(/ No it doesn't - Think before you type)


he definitely looks haggard af!
i assume the movie will play out just like the other sh*t reboots/remakes/sequels like Matrix:R & StarWars
everyone just looked old.. and they just throw in some young faces to be like OOOHH AHHH NEO OOHH

low expectations all around


I think Tom’s aged much better than the co-stars from from the original that were of his same generation and looks very good for his age β€” weathered rather than haggard. I even think Tom looks better in this than Jon Hamm β€” though partly because Hamm has a bad hairstyle and makes lots of an annoyed and petulant expressions.


I cant wait to say, "this didn't age very well".


When and why do you think you'll be able to say that?


Today and because this is a glorious parody post.


Sorry, don't get you at all...

Perhaps you should read a bit of this thread before typing. Otherwise you'd be aware that saying "Today" is nonsense.

Thanks πŸ‘.


My bad, maybe English isn't your first language. I apologize if it isn't. Can you elaborate on the "Today" nonsense?


Just that I asked "When and why" and you said "Today". So I was wondering why you'd say it "didn't age well" with effect from today?


I appreciate that you said English wasn't your first language but have you actually tried reading and comprehending the sentence and indeed the rest of the thread yeah?


*upvote for Bubba*


lol thanks! Foot thinks he can troll Bubba, meh. He tried and failed.


I've already asked you once above (as ANYONE can see) and you failed to offer any actual reply, so I'll ask again:-

Why do you think you can say this didn't age very well?

I appreciate that you said English wasn't your first language but have you actually tried reading and comprehending the OP and indeed the rest of the thread yeah?


Maybe just trolling but if so, I just don't get it so it's wasted on me.


Sorry, as I said I appreciate English isn't your first language but I literally have no idea what you're trying to say / do. Maybe just trolling but if so, I just don't get it so it's wasted on me...

Good luck to you Sir πŸ‘.


Perhaps you should read a bit of this thread before typing. Otherwise you'd be aware that saying "Today" is nonsense.


I saw the movie yesterday, and to answer your question: absolutely not. It probably will end doing the exact opposite.


Wow - You see him getting offered an MCU lead off the back of this?

Good job Tom!


Why is the MCU your immediate thought?
Considering the quality of "Top Gun: Maverick" and considering how bland and stale phase 4 of the MCU has become of late, I think joining the MCU would be a bit of a downgrade. To play which character, exactly?

Anyway, he had a chance to play Iron Man back 2008 and he decided not to. The role, of course, went to Robert Downey, Jr.. I don't think he'll go that way if offered today. He likes to control the projects he stars in and I don't think that's feasible anymore with Marvel, because of all the interconnectivity between movies and TV shows.

No, what I meant is that he'll continue to do the opposite of "sinking", which he has been doing for years (even decades). He has been producing the projects he stars in. He has the two upcoming M:I movies which, apart from the second one, have been top quality films. He still has the other project on the ISS with Doug Liman. And the rumored/announced sequel to "Edge of Tomorrow".


No idea how which MCU character he would play. It was a facetious comment based upon his MCU past that you've now pointed out and you saying this film would do the "exact opposite" for his career...

I didn't think he'd been sinking for years though, to me this is the first film he really appears to look knackered in.


Cruise would probably turn down the MCU if he was offered it, he’s already said in an interview the action franchise he is focusing on is Mission: Impossible with part 7 & 8 which will most likely be the end of the franchise due to his age.

2018’s Mission: Impossible Fallout was the highest grossing film of his career so whatever you think about his β€˜creepy smile’ or the fact he’s riding a motorcycle (59 year olds can’t ride motorcycles now?) didn’t have any impact on that film’s box office success.

Whilst I don’t think Top Gun: Maverick will have the success of Mission: Impossible Fallout or any highly anticipated MCU film I think it’ll do well enough to prove there is still a market for well made action films.

Call him crazy, creepy, haggard, whatever, you can tell he is having an absolute blast making action films and he certainly doesn’t just make any old crap, this is a great action film and just looking at the reviews and other posts on here it seems I’m not alone in my opinion on this.

But yeah don’t go see it if you can’t stand Cruise’s face, he has the most screen time but it seems you’d already made up your mind from the trailer anyway.


Tom will come out of this just fine, because the movie is fantastic. Did you forget to take your teaspoon of Lorenzo’s Oil today? Your brain doesn’t seem to be functioning properly.


Still not funny, even with the slight adjustment you've trying to apply lately.


Adjustment? One must never adjust the recipe to Lorenzo’s Oil, otherwise it won’t work. I’m starting to think that you haven’t seen the film.


Lol, if he’s annoyed that Tom looks too old for action films now wait until he finds out Harrison Ford is playing Indiana Jones again at 79.


I've already said further up, the film's performance is irrelevant to the question.

i.e. Big Office Success != Ridiculous assertion in the OP.

The point was whether producers / film makers watching this film see Tom and think okay, the gigs up here...

That's a completely different proposition. That fact that you seemed unable to grasp that (despite me mentioning it multiple times throughout this thread) would seem to suggest brain functioning issues appear to lie elsewhere.


Why would they think β€˜the gigs up?’

This film is set 36 years after the first film, they’re not trying to hide how old Maverick/Cruise is supposed to be in this one. He literally gets called β€˜pops’ and β€˜old man’ by his trainee fighter pilots at a bar before they find out he’s their instructor.

After 2 more Mission: Impossible films he’ll probably retire from action roles, at least roles that will physically push the limits of his body with the stunt work he does.

At the moment though he’s leaving behind a legacy as Hollywood’s greatest action star and Paramount Pictures are more than happy to let him do it.

Mission: Impossible is the 16th highest grossing film franchise of all time, Paramount’s second highest grossing film franchise (after Transformers) and is widely considered by film critics to be one of the best action franchises in cinema history I doubt they’re thinking β€˜the gig is up’ just yet.

Give it a few more years though and I definitely see Cruise just doing drama films. I highly doubt he’s going to become like Liam Neeson in the β€˜Taken’ films where they have to have shaky cam and quick cuts for the fights to try and make Neeson look like a badass and not the old timer that he is.


The movie was dope. The man entertains. You obviously have an inherent hate or bias against Cruise.


You obviously didn't read the OP.

And why would questioning whether Tom Cruise looks too much like a jowly hamster now equate to have "an inherent hate or bias against Cruise"?

I just don't get the mental gymnastics you're employing to equate the two things as being the same...


Yeah, doesn't matter what you say you said.

Your bias against Cruise is front and center.

Doesn't take any gymnastics, just common sense.


Again, you're in absurd territory here.

Where is this "bias" against Tom exactly? Is it because I recognize he's now looking knackered / jowly hamstered?

As a human being I am supposed to lack the perception to be able to see his aged face?

I've probably seen just about every film Tom Cruise has been in (and in fact own many of them - including the original Top Gun!!) but I'm not supposed to be able to register he's now getting old without it being some kind of bias? I should find that incredible but I guess in today's woke age it's probably par for the course ..


Nope. They're leaning into the "Getting too old for this."

Not the end for Tom.

A lot of people are literally buying that he looks cool on a motorbike. And smiling.

You clearly don't, and that's fine, nobody's checking your opinion going into it.

Tom Cruise will be just fine.


Of course, we'll have to see what happens with Tom post this movie. He obviously has his MI films to fall back on but, that aside, whether he continues to be cast as a leading man? Well only time will answer that question for us.

I'm glad you think he looked cool on a motorbike πŸ‘


Time will tell....

So you were posting a rhetorical question to lead off a message board thread? πŸ€”

And yes, I don't believe there is a statute of limitations on whether one should be riding a motorbike or smiling at their age.


No, it wasn't rhetorical.

It's just a genuine question I had after seeing the trailer on whether people thought Tom now looked too knackered to continue as a leading man much longer and whether this would be the film to sink him.

Every dog has their day. e.g. I love Sir Roger's Bond films but it's pretty obvious that A View To A Kill was a step too far. That's not to say I still don't enjoy the film - and Sir Roger in it - it's just that it's clear he was past his sell by date.

For me it looks the same with Tom in this film. If you don't think that, then that's great for you. Each to their own πŸ‘.


Robert Redford continued leading. Tom Hanks continues to lead. Denzel. Liam Neeson is still literally in movies kicking asses.

You seem to equate Tom Cruise's looks to his employability.

And yeah, it's pretty obvious you already didn't like Cruise from the start, and were rooting for this to fail.



Your prediction that the movie is garbage is way off. Majority of critics and audience strongly disagree. Of course, people who say that usually double-down and start nitpicking a plot hole, or a particular scene.... That's fine, you do you.

And as somebody pointed out, you do seem pretty hung up on how Tom Cruise looks, especially on a motorbike. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Again, that's great that you like it. I thought it looked like clichΓ©d garbage from the trailer. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't but that wasn't the point of the thread.

... And yes, as I pointed out to that person, you're heading into absurd territory if you're trying to say I'm "hung up" on how Tom looks in a thread which I started SPECIFICALLY to get thoughts on how people thought Tom looked!


There very fact that you started a thread (not so subtly inserting thr word creepy) about Tom Cruise's looks and then continue rebuttals to people who reply to said looks.... Yes you are indeed hung up on his looks.

Your very premise is "He doesn't look cool because he's old."

Damn dude. Move on. 🀣


Given your response, it looks like my point has flown way over your head so I'm more than happy to.

Good luck to you Sir πŸ‘.


No, you just like to say that because you think it's a Trump card.

And anyone who has to continue to say to everyone "you missed the point" means the point was made shitty to begin with.


I’ve agreed with every post of yours here. And respect that you tried to be polite until exasperated.


Aged like milk you dumb fuck


Sorry, looks like you posted on the wrong thread...

I think you meant to post on one where the OP was a twelve year old and wrote "Ha ha, this film is going to fail soooooo badly at the box office. Can't wait to see it crash and burn!".

Unfortunately that wasn't this one. So perhaps you should go back, re-read and actually comprehend what was written in that OP before typing away, frothing at the mouth in some kind of laughable perceived glory... "Dumb fuck" indeed πŸ˜‚. LOL.


You said this film would sink his career so yes you are a dumb fuck


Here's the OP:-

According to the trailer this will be absolutely garbage. But that aside, what about Tom Cruise?

He looks pretty cringeworthily, self parodying in this. I mean - redoing the motorbike scene, cracking that creepy smile, at his age? Is anyone going to be buying that, thinking he looks cool - asides from Tom Cruise himself that is...

And he's gone even more full on Toblerone Alan Partridge, looking very much the jowly hamster.

Will this be the end for Tom?

I'm sure you'll be able to tell me SPECIFICALLY where this says "this film would sink his career".

I look forward to you telling me because as far as I can see if you can't, we have a clear winner for the "dumb fuck" title here. πŸ˜‚

I'm sure even you are smart enough to read the bit that references the film but then says "that ASIDE". Do you know that word means? You really need help even at that level champ? LOL.


The title of your post says Will this sink his career? The movie has great ratings and is a box office hit so you were wrong dumbass


Ha ha, I knew you would just choose to ignore what I'd written πŸ˜‚...

Aside:- "to one side; out of the way".

That's what that means. So there's a brilliant double flaccid conflation being made by you here:-

1. I said I thought the film looked garbage. You do indeed genuinely think it being a box office success is some sort of "victory" over me thinking it looked garbage. Awesome but only box office and quality are not the same thing...

2. I literally said "that aside" because I genuinely couldn't give a flying f*ck as to whether it was good or not, I was making my comments based on whether Cruise looked so knackered he was unlikely to get any more leading action roles after this.

It's hilarious that you are really getting off on calling me "dumbass", "dumb fuck", etc whilst utterly failing to show even the most basic level on comprehension to, at a base level, understand what words mean!

I'm laughing at your superior intellect...


You literally wrote: "Will this be the film that sinks Cruise?"

The answer is, No, apparently not.


I wrote that as the title of my post.

I have already discussed with you the actual content of that OP and the context of writing "that aside" on the first page of this thread.

So by jumping back in here, you are willfully showing you are happy to ignore context and logic to claim some kind of victory based upon the film's box office (which I never once mentioned)!

That, my friend, is hilarious...
