MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > It was good, but will ultimately end up ...

It was good, but will ultimately end up a middle of the road MCU film

I enjoyed it. Probably give it a 7/10. It wasn't perfect,and had some pacing issues mixed with bad CGI. I don't like a heavy handed social message in my movies, and expected more in this. What was there was mostly subtle and fit the story,and never took my out of the movie. I didn't find anything particularly ground breaking at all,but it was solid and enjoyable. Iron Man,The Avengers,GOTG and Ragnarok are a few steps above this,in my opinion. I would have liked to see it tie to the MCU a bit more, especially if BP is going to be in infinity. Its definitely good enough to be a big financial success,and I'm sure it will get a sequel or two,but I don't think it quite lived up to the hype,or my expectations,but it most certainly wasn't a disappointment.


My sentiments exactly. Liked it but didn't love it. I rank it in my Top 10 MCU, right around #9.

The hype going in - as I suspected - was classic hyperbole.


Just one more disagreement with you, alright now. I have to say... it’s too bad for ya. The social commentary in this film, which actually didn’t feel as heavy handed as the negative critics say, reasonated with a lot of people. Its messages and themes of unification are being seen as a positive thing by most. And why wouldn’t they? A blockbuster with predominantly black actors is representing people of color in an uplifting way and showing them to stand up for one another. How dare they! Didn’t Civil War also tackle those dreaded political themes? Yet some like you are responding less kindly to Black Panther. I wonder...

Now apart from some “underdeveloped” CGI, the film was amazingly well-crafted and acted. I fail to see how it doesn’t compete with Marvel’s best in terms of direction, cinematography, visuals (most of them), dialogue, performances and villains.

Middle of the road? All the hype surrounding it (hasn’t backfired in any way despite what some have said) and all the raves it’s getting by critics & audiences says otherwise. Also, no Marvel or DC film can match its high score on certain sites. So love it or not, the film is unique, it’s breaking new ground, and yes it’s making history. Black Panther, my man, is here to stay. But as always, only time will tell. I say its chances look good.


Settle down,you sound like a butthurt fanboy. I just said it wasn't the best Marvel movie ever,I hardly trashed it. And your "some like you" comment you can stick right up your ass. I can't stand close minded people who stereotype someone in an instance.


Yeah, I didn't see the social commentary as heavy handed either. It was pretty well handled, as was a lot of the action. The cast really did a nice job with this too.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here


dude... why are you being such a dick? Respect his oppinion.


I wouldnt say Middle of the road MCU film....But IMO not A top 5 MCU film

I like Black Panther, I'm a huge MCU fan...But I just think BP is a Good to very good movie...not Great

something went badly wrong with the final Battle....The CGI was so bad and The fight was so short and so poorly done, something had to have gone wrong in post production....Marvel Studios just doesnt make mistakes like this....they wouldnt release this film with that Bad Effects and Poorly done if something didnt go wrong(IMO)

for me the ending keep BP from being a true Great CBM....its a shame to because everything else was there...

My rankings are-

The Avengers-10/10
The Winter Soldier-9.5/10
Civil War-9/10
Guardians Of The Galaxy-9/10
Thor Ragnarok-8.5/10
Thor-9/10(I know I'm in the Minority here)
Black Panther-8.5/10(Key Note, I feel Black Panther is a better overall movie than Thor 3, But I'll rewatch Thor 3 more and IMO its way more fun)

So not quite middle of the road...slightly better


Yeah a 6/10 or 7/10 sounds about right. Upper-class in the MCU but not cream of the crop.
