MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Finally a marvel movie that isn't a come...

Finally a marvel movie that isn't a comedy!

Yes there were a couple of laughs here and there, but it didn't feel like a comedy sketch like the latest Thor instalment.

And look! The RT rating is the highest one to date. Take note, Marvel.


Finally??? finally? How many are your counting as "Comedies"?

Thor: Ragnarok was a comedy and it has a 92% RT score.
Both Gaurdians films could be considered Comedies and Vol 1 came in at 91%

None of the others can be considered comedies. All had comedic elements but they were not comedies.


Winter Soldier was a comedy?
Civil War?
Iron Man?
Dr. Strange?
Cap America?


Other than the Hulk, yes. And only because Hulk isn't technically part of the MCU brand yet.

Every other Marvel film has been the exact same slapstick pulp comedy as the last one. If you've seen one Marvel movie. you've seen them all. I miss the days of Blade.


Movies with comedy relief are plentiful. Even in the horror genre. The only 2 real comedy heavy movies in the MCU are GoTG and Thor 3.


It's not comedy relief when it during and after every action sequence. Any time Fury has a conversation with one of the avengers, there's always a joke. Every time the avengers are battling against a skyscraper, there's a joke. Every time the avengers just banter with eachother, there's plenty of jokes. Every Marvel movie in the MCU is just one big joke. Marvel movies don't take themselves seriously.

Oddly enough though that slapstick banter works perfectly for Guardians, which is why I think it's the best franchise in the MCU. But it doesn't work for anything else.

Also, when comedy relief is present in horror movies, it's usually in a horror comedy such as The Nightmare on Elm Street or The Evil Dead. These are low tier B horror movies that are fun to watch, but no one takes them seriously. Just like Marvel movies. Any real horror film worth its salt will keep you on edge throughout the entire film. These are works from such pioneers as Hitchcock, Polanski and Argento. The Witch is one of my favorites recently and there wasn't a hint of comedy throughout, which lent itself well to the disturbing uneasy and unsettling atmosphere it tried to create.


"it's not comedy relief when it during and after every action sequence."

That's the definition of comedy relief. The use of comedy to relieve a stressful event.

"Any time Fury has a conversation with one of the avengers, there's always a joke."

It's called levity. Ever used it? It's fun.

" Every time the avengers are battling against a skyscraper, there's a joke. Every time the avengers just banter with eachother, there's plenty of jokes."

People joking as friends... imagine that... the audacity!!!

" Every Marvel movie in the MCU is just one big joke. Marvel movies don't take themselves seriously."

They are movies about a bunch of unreal people dressed in costumes in broad daylight. What's not to joke about it?
Look how "serious" DCEU took itself. And how spactacularly it failed. And look how they had to use comedy as well... and failed even more. What is there to take seriously about a guy dressed as a bat running around after a guy called "JOKER" [see what I did there]?

"Also, when comedy relief is present in horror movies, it's usually in a horror comedy such as The Nightmare on Elm Street or The Evil Dead. "

Cabin in the Woods [check it out. It nails every single horror genre trope... with humor]

"but no one takes them seriously. Just like Marvel movies."

They are not to be taken seriously. They are there to entertain. And they are a true case of success. Box Office speaks volumes.

"Any real horror film worth its salt will keep you on edge throughout the entire film."

MCU is not horror so...

"These are works from such pioneers as Hitchcock, Polanski and Argento. The Witch is one of my favorites recently and there wasn't a hint of comedy throughout, "

The Witch is not a SuperHero movie. Neither of those directors made SuperHero movies. So...

The Witch is one of the few modern movies I actually enjoyed a lot. But what it sets itself to do is very different from pure popcorn munchin' entertainment. So...


"That's the definition of comedy relief. The use of comedy to relieve a stressful event."

But it's not used to relieve a stressful event, it's used for everything inbetween. that's why I said it was used DURING and AFTER an action sequence. Because it's all just one big comedy.

"It's called levity. Ever used it? It's fun."

I know. It is. That's why it's a comedy.

"People joking as friends... imagine that... the audacity!!!"

Right?! I mean what the hell? At least save it for Shwarma. Oddly enough that's the only time they stop joking.

"They are movies about a bunch of unreal people dressed in costumes in broad daylight. What's not to joke about it?
Look how "serious" DCEU took itself. And how spactacularly it failed. And look how they had to use comedy as well... and failed even more. What is there to take seriously about a guy dressed as a bat running around after a guy called "JOKER" [see what I did there]? "

Are you referring to the Dark Knight trilogy? Because those films took themselves more seriously than even the source material and ended up being some of the best comic book adaptations of all time. Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

"Cabin in the Woods [check it out. It nails every single horror genre trope... with humor]"

I did. Wasn't a fan. The whole "self aware" gimmick is old. It worked with Scream but it's not interesting anymore. Being self aware and breaking the fourth wall doesn't make a movie good.

"They are not to be taken seriously. They are there to entertain. And they are a true case of success. Box Office speaks volumes."

Indeed. Transformers and twilight were mega hits.

"MCU is not horror so..."

So...then why did you bring it up?

"The Witch is not a SuperHero movie. Neither of those directors made SuperHero movies. So..." you want to throw horror under the bus after using it to further your argument?


"But it's not used to relieve a stressful event, it's used for everything inbetween. that's why I said it was used DURING and AFTER an action sequence. Because it's all just one big comedy."

Everything? Examples needed.

"I know. It is. That's why it's a comedy."

Levity is different from comedy. You don't even know the difference. :/

"Right?! I mean what the hell? At least save it for Shwarma. Oddly enough that's the only time they stop joking."

take you have no fiends or a social life then.

"Are you referring to the Dark Knight trilogy? Because those films took themselves more seriously than even the source material and ended up being some of the best comic book adaptations of all time. Way to shoot yourself in the foot."

No, i was talking about Suicide Squad a. But hey, now that you mention it, TDK trilogy also has comedy in it. I don't hear you complaining about it. :) Way to shoot yourself in the ass [plus TDK is not DCEU... so... you shot yourself twice].

"I did. Wasn't a fan. The whole "self aware" gimmick is old. It worked with Scream but it's not interesting anymore. Being self aware and breaking the fourth wall doesn't make a movie good."

That's... like... your problem?

"Indeed. Transformers and twilight were mega hits."

Indeed they were. It's not YOUR thing, but it's OTHER people's thing. Get over yourself.

"So...then why did you bring it up?"

Because you are complaining about comedy in superhero movies, I told you they aren't horror movies you replied with "bu-bu-bu-but horror worth of its salt doesn't have humor". So..

" you want to throw horror under the bus after using it to further your argument? "

At all. In case you are too slow to understand what I'm saying I'll break it down so your tiny brain can catch "ITS... NOT... A... SUPERHERO... MOVIE"


"Everything? Examples needed."

I already listed the examples

"Levity is different from comedy. You don't even know the difference. :/"

When it's all nonstop levity, it's a comedy.

"take you have no fiends or a social life then."

Why? Because I should have to watch a bunch of superheroes act as I do with my friends?

"No, i was talking about Suicide Squad a. But hey, now that you mention it, TDK trilogy also has comedy in it. I don't hear you complaining about it. :) Way to shoot yourself in the ass [plus TDK is not DCEU... so... you shot yourself twice]."

Wait, you're saying that SUICIDE SQUAD had no comedy? Is this a JOKE?! Did we watch the same movie? The same one with Will Smith? You're ACTUALLY saying that Suicide Squad had no comedy, and that's why it was unsuccessful, but that Nolan's Batman movies DID have comedy and that's why they WERE? Did you just drop me off in the twilight zone?

"That's... like... your problem?"

Actually it's... like... not a problem at all?

"Indeed they were. It's not YOUR thing, but it's OTHER people's thing. Get over yourself."

Who said otherwise? I never made the argument that people can't like these movies, or that they're even dumb for doing so. I only ever said they were childish comedies.

"Because you are complaining about comedy in superhero movies, I told you they aren't horror movies you replied with "bu-bu-bu-but horror worth of its salt doesn't have humor". So.."

What does them not being horror movies have to do with anything?

"At all. In case you are too slow to understand what I'm saying I'll break it down so your tiny brain can catch "ITS... NOT... A... SUPERHERO... MOVIE""



"I already listed the examples"

Nope. you said "everything in between". Examples needed.

"When it's all nonstop levity, it's a comedy."

Then you also haven't seen the movies and are talking out of your ass [which I know you are, but I'm having my good measure of fun]

"Why? Because I should have to watch a bunch of superheroes act as I do with my friends?"

Because you'd recognize that friends joke a lot. Even when facing stressful events. You would know... but you have no friends.

"Wait, you're saying that SUICIDE SQUAD had no comedy?"

No. I am not. I said you complain about MCU comedy but are quite alright with a guy dressed as a bat running around an idiot called "JOKER". Gawd... you really are autistic. You can't even get the irony. :(

"Actually it's... like... not a problem at all?"

Then... like... stop complaining..?

"Who said otherwise? I never made the argument that people can't like these movies, or that they're even dumb for doing so. I only ever said they were childish comedies."

Childish is complaining about comedy in SuperHero movies because.... reasons only you understand, I guess..?

"What does them not being horror movies have to do with anything?"

Autistic proof part 3

"THEN... WHY... DID... YOU... USE... IT... AS... AN... ARGUMENT... IN... SUPPORT... OF... COMEDY... IN... SUPERHERO... MOVIES?!"



"Nope. you said "everything in between". Examples needed."

I already listed the examples.

"Then you also haven't seen the movies and are talking out of your ass [which I know you are, but I'm having my good measure of fun]"

I don't know where you expect this conversation to go. I'm telling you I have, but if you don't believe me then why do I need to prove you wrong?

"Because you'd recognize that friends joke a lot. Even when facing stressful events. You would know... but you have no friends."

But no friend of mine, which I don't have anyway, would be in a stressful situation like saving the world from a giant monsters. It's not something that we would be joking about even if we managed to survive it.

"No. I am not. I said you complain about MCU comedy but are quite alright with a guy dressed as a bat running around an idiot called "JOKER". Gawd... you really are autistic. You can't even get the irony. :("

Right...and?! That doesn't make sense to you? Are you suggesting that The Dark Knight is a comedy all because there's a character in it named joker? Is Silence of the Lambs a comedy too because there's a character in it named Buffalo Bill? He even danced infront of the camera with his dick tucked inbetween his legs MEGA MEGA LULZ COMEDY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

"Then... like... stop complaining..?"

I... like... didn't?

"Childish is complaining about comedy in SuperHero movies because.... reasons only you understand, I guess..?"

Actually childish is the nature of the comedy in said superhero movies. That's been the entire topic of discussion.

"Autistic proof part 3"

Only autistic people point out autism. Normal people wouldn't see it as an insult. It's kind of like closet homosexuals calling other people fags.


NO... I... DON'T... THE... FACT... THAT... THEY... HAVE... DIFFERENT... MOTIFS... IS... PROOF... OF... MY... POINT... THAT... IT... WAS... STUPID... TO... COMPARE... THEM...


"I already listed the examples."

in other words you have nothing to back up your claims. Cool thanks for playing.

"I don't know where you expect this conversation to go. I'm telling you I have, but if you don't believe me then why do I need to prove you wrong?"

You don't. That's up to you. You are just trying to argue out of your ass because... reasons.

"But no friend of mine, which I don't have anyway, would be in a stressful situation like saving the world from a giant monsters. It's not something that we would be joking about even if we managed to survive it."

In your mind a stressful event is just "saving the world from giant monsters"? Autism proof number 4

"Right...and?! That doesn't make sense to you? Are you suggesting that The Dark Knight is a comedy all because there's a character in it named joker? Is Silence of the Lambs a comedy too because there's a character in it named Buffalo Bill? He even danced infront of the camera with his dick tucked inbetween his legs MEGA MEGA LULZ COMEDY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Irony is not really your thing, is it?

"I... like... didn't? "

I know, you are still complaining.

"Actually childish is the nature of the comedy in said superhero movies. That's been the entire topic of discussion."

Actually only a childish imbecile has a problem with comedy in superhero movies. Friendly advice: grow up. There's much more in life than what your autistic brain perceives.

"Only autistic people point out autism. Normal people wouldn't see it as an insult."

Autistic people don't care they are called autistic. Butt-hurt childish autistics such as your self do, though.

"NO... I... DON'T... THE... FACT... THAT... THEY... HAVE... DIFFERENT... MOTIFS... IS... PROOF... OF... MY... POINT... THAT... IT... WAS... STUPID... TO... COMPARE... THEM..."

YOU.. ARE.... TOO.... STUPID.... TO.... HAVE.... A.... CONVO.... WITH...


"in other words you have nothing to back up your claims. Cool thanks for playing."

In other words I already backed up my claims.

"In your mind a stressful event is just "saving the world from giant monsters"? Autism proof number 4"

Another strawman. You're good at these. Show me where I said the only stressful events in life are saving the world from monsters.

"Irony is not really your thing, is it?"

Irony is absolutely my thing. I've proven this by pointing it out several times with the things you've said. The quote you quoted me on is a perfect example of it. The problem is that you just don't know what irony is.

"I know, you are still complaining."

I've done less complaining throughout our conversation than you have. I think I've been rather civil in comparison.

"Actually only a childish imbecile has a problem with comedy in superhero movies. Friendly advice: grow up. There's much more in life than what your autistic brain perceives."

You're not listening. I don't have a problem with comedy in superhero movies, I have a problem with the TYPE of comedy in superhero movies. If it doesn't fit the character, then it's an issue. This is like the 5th time you've straw-manned me.

"Autistic people don't care they are called autistic. Butt-hurt childish autistics such as your self do, though."

Do you imagine that autistic people are braindead vegetables that can't reason what people are saying? Do you seriously think they don't care what you call them?

"YOU.. ARE.... TOO.... STUPID.... TO.... HAVE.... A.... CONVO.... WITH... "

THEN... WHY... ARE... YOU... STILL... REPLYING... ?..."


"In other words I already backed up my claims."

In other words, Quote needed. Stop running away and give examples.

"Another strawman. You're good at these. Show me where I said the only stressful events in life are saving the world from monsters"

"But no friend of mine, which I don't have anyway, would be in a stressful situation like saving the world from a giant monsters. It's not something that we would be joking about even if we managed to survive it."

Again, no friends from you means you have no idea what people behave socially.

"Irony is absolutely my thing. I've proven this by pointing it out several times with the things you've said. The quote you quoted me on is a perfect example of it. The problem is that you just don't know what irony is."

Ha I see... so you have no answer, therefore "I know what you are but what am I": STRAWMAN.

"I've done less complaining throughout our conversation than you have. I think I've been rather civil in comparison."

"Civil" means adhering to a social contract. I have no social contact with you neither you have one with me, therefore STRAWMAN. Start giving examples instead of running away

"You're not listening. I don't have a problem with comedy in superhero movies, I have a problem with the TYPE of comedy in superhero movies. If it doesn't fit the character, then it's an issue. This is like the 5th time you've straw-manned me."

You are running away. You said MCU is comedy, when n fact only 2 movies in the MCU are comedy. Therefore, STRAWMAN.

"Do you imagine that autistic people are braindead vegetables that can't reason what people are saying? Do you seriously think they don't care what you call them?

Did I say they don't? STRAWMAN. Learn to read

"THEN... WHY... ARE... YOU... STILL... REPLYING... ?..."



"In other words, Quote needed. Stop running away and give examples."

I did.

"Again, no friends from you means you have no idea what people behave socially. "

But somehow you know exactly how people behave after they save the world from monsters?

"Ha I see... so you have no answer, therefore "I know what you are but what am I": STRAWMAN."

First you don't know what irony is. Now you don't know what a strawan is. Do you have a single idea of how arguments work at all?

""Civil" means adhering to a social contract. I have no social contact with you neither you have one with me, therefore STRAWMAN. Start giving examples instead of running away"

"Contact" and "contract" are two different words with two different meanings. Which one are you trying to use here love?

"You are running away. You said MCU is comedy, when n fact only 2 movies in the MCU are comedy. Therefore, STRAWMAN."

Maybe only two movies in the MCU AREN'T comedy. And only if you're lucky because I haven't seen them all. I guess Black Panther would classify as the first.

"Did I say they don't? STRAWMAN. Learn to read"

Babby learned new word today, strawman. Now babby yearns to use it in every sentence to prove she's a big girl babby.

"BECAUSE... YOU... AMUSE... ME..."

>"Too stupid to have a conversation with"
>*continues to converse anyway*

Like watching a dog chasing its own tail.


"I did."

Quote or be silent.

"But somehow you know exactly how people behave after they save the world from monsters?"

Monsters don't exist. I do know what stress is and what joking when stressed is as well. Aparently you don't. Own it up.

"First you don't know what irony is. Now you don't know what a strawan is. Do you have a single idea of how arguments work at all?"

STRAWMAN. And another "I know what you are but what am I" retort. Can't you do any better than that?

"Contact" and "contract" are two different words with two different meanings. Which one are you trying to use here love?"

Awww sweetheart. Now he is becomming a grammar Nazi. Either that or you are seriously too stupid and don't understand the meaning of a sentence even when there are grammar errors in it. Are you saying you are THAT stupid? *I know the answer for that one, don't bother*

"Maybe only two movies in the MCU AREN'T comedy. And only if you're lucky because I haven't seen them all. I guess Black Panther would classify as the first."

Maybe you are brain dead. And only you thinks you are not.

"Babby learned new word today, strawman. Now babby yearns to use it in every sentence to prove she's a big girl babby."

Idiot is still trying to get away without answering. Obvious owned idiot is obviously owned.

">"Too stupid to have a conversation with"
>*continues to converse anyway*

Like watching a dog chasing its own tail."

Amuse me more


I think you have a very different concept of what a comedy is than the established definition. By your reckoning, some other "comedies" include Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, hell, all of Tarantino's films, Trainspotting, Stranger Things, Boogie Nights, all of Wes Anderson's films, nearly everything the Coen brothers have done... and that's just off the top of my head.

A movie being funny, or even consistently funny, doesn't make it a comedy. Thor:Ragnarok was a super-hero film with plenty of comic relief in the same way that Pulp Fiction is a gangster film with plenty of comic relief.


"A movie being funny, or even consistently funny, doesn't make it a comedy. Thor:Ragnarok was a super-hero film with plenty of comic relief in the same way that Pulp Fiction is a gangster film with plenty of comic relief."

Monumentally false. Are you actually going to compare the comedy used in Tarantino films with the same kind of comedy that was used in Thor? Are you for real? The comedy used in Tarantino films is subtle. It's more satirical than anything else. Most of it is related to an event currently unfolding during the scene. For example the sketch about how Mr Pink doesn't believe in tipping. Wasn't entirely comedy, mostly just a dialogue about his unpopular opinion, but still funny.

The comedy in Thor is juvenile. It doesn't really play into what's happening on screen. For example Iron Man might be in the middle of a fight, and then he'll mention a quip about whether he left the stove on or not. Or Hulk being a pathetic baby because he thinks no one loves him. Or Stargazer breaking out in dance during his confrontation with Lee Pace for no other reason than to occupy him. Its all just big dumb child humor. Not smart in the least. I can't remember any dick and fart jokes at least, but then again I haven't seen every MCU flick. They've got to be there in one of them.


SO now you are complaining different types of comedy...

dude... are you for real or just autistic?


Are you actually arguing there aren't different types of comedy?


No. I'm arguing you don't know the difference between comedic relief in a movie and a straight Comedy movie.


But i do. I just pointed it out to you. Tarantino movies use comic relief. Marvel movies are comedies.


I understand where you're coming from better now. Marvel's films are made with an adult audience in mind, and they provide comic relief in just the same way that Tarantino, Anderson, the Coens, etc. do. The comedy is different, in part because it's superheroes and not gangsters or hotel clerks, and in part because Marvel's "voice" is different than that of, say, Tarantino, but it's the same concept-- break the tension of the action with a well-timed joke.

Assuming you are being sincere in what you write, you aren't able to differentiate between a serious film with comedic moments and a comedy.

When Pulp Fiction was first released, audience response to it was identical to that of Thor:Ragnarok-- we laughed nearly the entire time. The movie is hilarious, with some tense moments, but even things like cleaning brains out of a car, anal rape, or a heroin overdose are portrayed in a funny way. I still wouldn't classify the film as a comedy.


Because it's not. It's still a crime drama but cleaning brains out of a car, anal rape, and heroin overdose is adequate enough dark humor that is accurate for the tone the film tried to pull off. These things aren't supposed to be funny, but they are pulled off in a way that they are. The goofball humor in the MCU in comparison, feels forced and out of place. I don't remember any these characters being nearly as goofy in the comics as they are in these movies.

If you take a look at the kind of humor you might find in Logan or X-men, Wolverine might crack a wiseass remark such as "can't wait to get my shirt off again eh?" but it works for his character. And it's not so unnatural that you couldn't imagine a man of his character saying it when flirting with Jean Grey.

Same as when he flips out in the car during Logan. It was hilarious to see him lose his temper to a little girl instead of a villainous badass, but the comedy wasn't coming from a joke he made, it was due to the dynamic contrast of a tough and gruff badass losing his shit to someone that couldn't ever hope to hurt him. It felt natural. None of this is ever present in the MCU. MCU humor might work for a character like Deadpool quite well come to think of it, but 20th Century nailed it without MCU's help anyway. As far as everyone else is concerned, it feels way off balance with how these characters are in the comics. They took themselves more seriously than they do in the films.


As fun as it is to argue with him, the dude is slightly mind-capped.


The Incredible Hulk is a MCU movie.


Blade 3 was a bit of a comedy. I mean the vampires look at a mother and baby and say “combo meal!”.


not_a_virus.exe Hulk is most certainly part of the was the first movie we get to see RDJ meet commander Ross about the team called Avengers he is buildning, ofc its part of the MCU if you watch the end scenes....The Hulk movie by Ang Lee however isnt part of the MCU but the one with Edward Norton is.


I honestly don't mind when they do comedies but they clearly understood that this was something with a lot of compelling themes and strong characters and so i'm glad they didn't go with full-on laughs.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here-


I never understood the idea that all Marvel movies are comedies. Incredible Hulk and Winter Soldier are especially somber films. The rest of a few laughs, about as much as Black Panther. Guardians of the Galaxy movies and Ragnarok are the only real comedies.


just saw it. i really liked it. they did a great job with it. it deserves the high rating.
