MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Harrison Ford looks ANCIENT

Harrison Ford looks ANCIENT

Jiminy CHRISTMAS... For the first time I understand the pressure on (female) stars to get plastic surgery. Maybe it's not so much about wanting romantic leads to look YOUNG, as it is we want them to resemble what we first fell in LOVE with!

In the trailer, Harrison Ford's face looks lumpy, like it was sculpted by a 4th grader using wadded-up wet paper towels : (

Dear god...the inhumanity....


You realize the man is 75 years old, right?


Actually, no I didn't. They must be paying him an absolute fortune...if he really still wants to act, there must be more interesting parts for him than a retread of something he didn't even like doing in the first place.


Yeah, he started acting when he was in his 30's. The guy was always super handsome so I think a lot of people weren't aware of how old he was.

And he is pretty cranky these days. He doesn't seem to want to do Stars Wars or Blade Runner again and apparently thought the same about Indy 4. He must be having some money problems.


I will say a friend of mine is married to a magazine editor, and ended up at a NYC buffet dinner party Harrison Ford was at. (This must have been around 2000). There weren't enough tables for everyone, so she and some other people and Mr. Ford ended up sitting on the floor and all eating together. She said he was very nice and down-to-earth...though that doesn't mean he's like that all the time. Maybe he had his party manners on.

I think he's something of a pot head. Those types tend to be rather mellow.




He's too old now to carry a film as the lead anymore because, well, he looks like his face "was sculpted by a 4th grader using wadded-up wet paper towels."

But he can still trade on his past iconography by revisiting his previous, famous roles and reprise those characters in sequels. After cashing the check for his doddering performance in Crystal Skull, it was inevitable he'd eventually turn up as Han Solo and Deckard in support roles (I bet that his paycheck was the highest for any actor in both those films, too).


>> he looks like his face "was sculpted by a 4th grader using wadded-up wet paper towels."

Hahaha ... that is so funny, and funny because it has been true for a long time, not to mention his action, delivery and pathetic always the same tone in his voice. Ford is a terrible actor, which is why he can only act in Star Wars comic book type movies.

The fact that the warmed up his corpse and shoved him out there at us again merely means the movie's writing and plot is not up to par.

You just have to look at movies as business ventures, because that is all any of them care about. Maybe once in a while someone gets a real chance to tell a great and noble story, but mostly it is garbage, and to sell the idea they do certain things in all films - it's a trade-off, and the sentimentality for Ford is a big draw for some reason. That is just the movie going public, and Ford knows it ... he knows they need him so he sucks all the money that might have made this a decent movie. Then again, I never thought the original was very good.

Hollywood just tortures and murders Phillip K. Dick's work, damn near every time.


For a 75 year old man I think he looks pretty damn good!


i think arnold looks good too especially for his age


Preach it


Morgan Freeman is the better looking old man, and he's 80!

Patrick Stewart is 77. He looks better and can act way better than Ford.


When 75 years old you reach, look as good, you will not.


Is that hobbit-speak?


The Force is strong with that one.

The Force of incomprehensibility.


"Hey guys, you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?"



"Look, kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand."



Yoda my friend , Yoda.


This should answer why he'll reboot all his roles or tries to.


He looks great. In great shape. His scenes were very much alive and engaging. This story takes place 30 years later. "Wet paper towels," .. . yes the inhumanity of your comments.
