This Movie is Trash

James Mangold has made a lot of good movies, but even his good movies have flirted with mediocrity

And he's done two "based on real life" movies before this one. I LOVE both of those movies with a passion. But I am also a fan of Johnny Cash and have read Sussana Kaysen's memoir. His movies have almost no basis in reality

Then comes this movie, which is both unrealistic AND bad. It feels like his luck ran out. This movie is pure fantasy; the good guys and the villains are all corny as fuck

Mangold is a writer-director, so the script and the actual scenes have to be analyzed separately in order to be fair to him. The directing is fine, I'd even say it's pretty good. But the writing is garbage. It uses every single cliche in the toolbox of sports movies and feel good dramas. It's just a lazy pastiche of better movies

I could rant about how much I hate this movie for hours, but I'm going to stop myself. You're welcome (reference)


If this is trash, then I hope Hollywood produces a lot more trashy films just like this and less Fast Furious MCU fare.



That escalated quickly...




I agree. I think people are missing the whole BASED ON premise of these films. Real life is often not nearly that interesting to put on film. If people want the real story watch a documentary.


It's not necessarily about it being accurate to history. It's not like I give a single crap about car racing

It's about a script filled top to bottom with cliches, super corny story beats, and dumbing real world figures down so much that it feels like a children's movie


That is the target audience which mostly consists of Americans.

This is why they do it.


Youโ€™re a good man, Ed.


What do you find to be unrealistic?
