MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Will we ever get a good video game movie...

Will we ever get a good video game movie? :/

Even though I am looking forward to it (I really like the Assassin's Creed games), but the reviews for this movie have been brutally negative (which is sad in my opinion ;_;) and Rouge One will propebly destroy it in the Box Office. Should people just stop making them or is there still a chance that we can get a good one

Again, I have not seen Assassin's Creed yet, but I do not have alot of hope in it.


Critics do that all the time spseally with game movies, don't believe anything you read , research it first


Yeah, but they're right though. Video Game movies have all bad (or at least far from good). Why stop trusting the reviews now?


Even when we do, the critics bash it anyway. I mean, how was 'Need for Speed' any worse than the recent Fast and Furious movies? 'Warcraft' wasn't any worse than 'The Hobbit'. Yet, both 'Warcraft' and 'Need for Speed' were slaughtered by the critics.

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But Diesny played a huge role on this one


This film isn't made by Disney, they had no role in making this movie ??


Conspiracy theorists think Disney pays off everyone to give bad reviews except for their movies, good theory huh?

Come at the king, you best not miss.


Even when we do, the critics bash it anyway. I mean, how was 'Need for Speed' any worse than the recent Fast and Furious movies? 'Warcraft' wasn't any worse than 'The Hobbit'. Yet, both 'Warcraft' and 'Need for Speed' were slaughtered by the critics.

Maybe just maybe....they have a different opinion? All film is subjective. I would argue that yes, Need for Speed is way worse than Fast and Furious. And the Hobbit is by far better than Warcraft. Granted I didn't hate Warcraft. I actually thought it was the best video game movie by far and had quite a few redeeming qualities.


'The Hobbit' - at least the first one, is badly constructed when it comes to story, with downright horrible visual effects, forced cameos of various characters and pretentious drama clashing horribly with the fart jokes that the first half of the movie consists of. Peter Jackson tried to make another 'Fellowship of the Ring' out of a book that just doesn't work like that and as a result, he failed miserably. Not to mention the fact that he could fit the entire book in one two hour movie, given the fact that it is not that long. Not that 'Warcraft' is a great movie itself, but it was better.

'Need for Speed' was, for what it aimed at, pretty nice. Plus, it had incredible sound editing, which, to me, is kinda important.

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'The Hobbit' - at least the first one, is badly constructed when it comes to story, with downright horrible visual effects, forced cameos of various characters and pretentious drama clashing horribly with the fart jokes that the first half of the movie consists of. Peter Jackson tried to make another 'Fellowship of the Ring' out of a book that just doesn't work like that and as a result, he failed miserably.

I personally didn't feel that way. The first movie to me was easily the best of the trilogy and the closest in terms of quality to the original series (which to be fair is a high benchmark that the Hobbit was never going to reach). I loved the characters, I was never bored, enjoy the action and yes I loved the story. Most of all I felt I was back in Middle Earth and for that I was so happy with. The performances were good too.

Warcraft had some of those things but it's story was muddled and the pacing in the first act was so horribly rushed (it felt like it was missing a large chunk of story). There were a few bad performances and a few of the characters arcs (and characters themselves) just felt rushed, not established, or just poorly written. And it's not like The Hobbit trilogy was hugely praised. Although reviewed more favorably than Warcraft (with the 2nd one being certified fresh)it's not like they are universally praised.

Need for Speed (unlike Warcraft) I think is a bad movie. It had good stunts and some good technicals but that's about it. The characters were forgettable and so is it's story. The movie isn't all that exciting and the performances were just as forgettable. I didn't care about anything going on and the tone was so off. It didn't know if it wanted to be a fun dumb popcorn flick or a serious car action flick. Fast and Furious (for all it's faults) knows exactly what it is and doesn't try anything more. The characters are big and memorable and the stories are dumb but you're having so much fun that you just look past a lot of it. You laugh with the movie not at them. And to be fair again I don't think the series figured that out until around the 5th movie (and parts of the 4th). The first few had some of the same issues as Need for Speed.

Before this descends into a big long debate of these movies and whether we're right or wrong (which we already are starting too) my main point is that critics are people too with different opinions. Some of them felt the same way you do if look into some of the reviews. I think we too often lump every critic into the same boat. Right now there are a few critics that did like Assassins Creed. I hope I like the movie too and I hope you do too. But this type of reception does make me nervous.


you are an idiot and have garbage taste, i would not be surprised if you were some kind of critic.
hobbit is garbage, need for speed was not as bad as fast and the furious


I think it's pointless making a video game movie since noone ever takes them seriously and you can't do it justice in a 2 hour film. Plusthe graphics and storytelling in modern games make them like interactive movies anyway.

Keep them separate


Haven't seen it yet but I am surprised at the reviews. If any video game had a chance at actually being a good movie, Assassin's Creed is one of the few where the transition from game to movie should have been relatively easy. It has a perfect format where part of the story is the real world, and another part is a simulated world, meaning the writers and director don't have to try so hard to make everything (plot-wise, character-wise, etc) hyper-realistic - they can take a lot of elements right out of the game without much tweaking. From the sound of the reviews however, it seems like they tried to do their own thing and screwed it up.

The Internet: Serious Business


But the "Street Fighter" movie was hilarious!

Oh... you meant 'good' good, not 'so bad it's good' good.


I always forget about the sheer number of videogame-to-movie adaptations we've had so far. That's how forgettable they are. Hollywood is trying to make these as popular as comic book adaptations have been lately. It just ain't happening, but I doubt they'll give up.


Hopefully the new Tomb Raider will be good!




Just came back from watching it, unfortunately the critics are right, not good.
Warcraft was better (and it wasn't that great either)
