MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Will we ever get a good video game movie...

Will we ever get a good video game movie? :/

Even though I am looking forward to it (I really like the Assassin's Creed games), but the reviews for this movie have been brutally negative (which is sad in my opinion ;_;) and Rouge One will propebly destroy it in the Box Office. Should people just stop making them or is there still a chance that we can get a good one

Again, I have not seen Assassin's Creed yet, but I do not have alot of hope in it.


Nope and I wish they would stop trying.


There is no good reason why we haven't seen a great video game movie yet. I'm heartbroken that Assassin's Creed is being reviewed so poorly, since the games themselves had such a great, deep storyline, and a masterful cinematic feel.

Having said that, I can think of two "just good" video game movies off the top of my head. Silent Hill and Mortal Kombat. I can understand that they aren't everyone's cup of tea. If you hate martial arts movies (particularly the offerings of the 70's and 80's from Bruce Lee, to The Last Dragon to Bloodsport), then you're not gonna appreciate Mortal Kombat. If you don't like horror, you're not going to like Silent Hill. They aren't just video game movies, they are niche genre video game movies.

But Mortal Kombat was #1 in the country for a month, if I remember correctly. And while it is certainly dated, it borrowed certain aspects of the first two games, but it added quite a bit of original content and feel (why is Raiden cracking jokes?!). It had spectacular fight choreography. It had a great soundtrack. It had an adequate (though predictable) take on the classic Hero's Journey. And it wasn't afraid to not take itself too seriously. Then again, neither did the original material.

Silent Hill is one of my favorite horror movies for two (related) reasons; it didn't rely on jump scares (one of the cheesiest things in all of film history, if you ask me), and it was more cerebral than so many of its contemporaries (in horror, not video games). It's screenplay was co-written by an Oscar winner (Roger Avary). It was extremely faithful to the source material - and since it is, after all, a Japanese adaptation, some of their source material falls flat to modern Western audiences. Then again, so too do certain aspects of Kurosawa's and Sergio Leone's works. The movie does a great job including some of the awkwardness of the original's plot direction and dialogue, without it holding things up terribly. The effects were great, the tone and mood were great. The motivations behind the characters, and the ending can be debated endlessly, and it even casts a few compelling questions back at the source material.

But yeah.... horror and martial arts aren't everyone's cup of tea. I believe there is really no intrinsic reason a storyline that originated in a video game can't be adapted into a great film. It's more about the business of Hollywood than a lack of good ideas in games.


I'm sure there will be a good one soon but they need to care about the material and not just slap it together for a boring careless result.


Have you seen Warcraft (the movie)? It was pretty good. People said it "broke the bad movie/good game curse". And I expect AC to be pretty good as well. So yeah, we have and will get a good video game movie.


Except it was a mediocre movie at best with *beep* cgi which is why it got bad reviews. AC was also a pretty bad movie. If you're expecting a good video game movie adaptation this movie will not be the one that brings you hope. lol


Have you forgotten the jewel that was the Super Mario Bros. movie? ;)

I have never played any of the Assassin's Creed games, so my perspective is just from seeing the movie and knowing nothing about the source material. I felt it was an okay movie. There were some issues in plotting, some of the cuts from past to present got a bit convoluted, and some of the CGI could have used more work, but overall, I felt it was an entertaining movie that held my attention until the end. Just nothing special.

However, I feel between this movie and Warcraft, we are starting to see studios take the ideas a bit more seriously and investing a bit more money into the movies. This is a big step forward for video game adaptations.

Eventually, one will come that is really good, but until such a time, this movie offers a small step forward. What more could you really ask for given the long and terrible history of these adaptations? We've had two this year that aren't bad movies. Maybe not GOOD movies, but they weren't bad.

I have high hopes for a Warcraft sequel and what it might be able to do in terms of quality. I doubt we'll see a sequel to Assassins Creed though. I just can't imagine this film making a profit for the studio. At all. Picked a really bad time to open. Lots of stiff competition. Should have followed the lead of Warcraft and moved it's release into next year sometime (Warcraft was originally due to open December 18th of last year and against Force Awakens).


The thing is, no video game movie has actually been really good or great yet. We've had a few decent or almost-but-not-quite semi-good ones like Silent Hill, Mortal Kombat, the first Resident Evil, the first Tomb Raider or Warcraft. But nothing that really blew anybody's socks off or was impressive or that you could say was a really great movie.

I still think eventually there will be a video game movie that is actually really good/great. I think a lot of people were hoping Halo or a Gears of War movie would finally break the curse. But honestly, I think the studios would spend way too much of the budget on CGI crap and VFX instead a good scripts, director and casting.

I've not seen Assassin's Creed yet, but it seems like maybe it's on par with the decent or semi-decent video game movies that I mentioned in my post.


Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV was great and there are other good anime adaptations. Silent Hill and mortal Kombat 1 were decent too.


I wonder how much will Watch Dogs and Grand Theft Auto score if they were made into movies.


I am still waiting.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
