MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > So, In Your Opinion, What is THE Best Vi...

So, In Your Opinion, What is THE Best Video Game Adaptation?

With Assassin's Creed getting mauled by critics, the small glimmer of hope I had that this would turn out to be something special is looking like a wash. Therefore, I'm wondering what you all think is the BEST video game adaptation we've had so far at the movies.

I'll probably get killed for this, but my vote goes to Need for Speed. I think that movie is criminally underrated. Loved that everything was filmed practically and without CGI, and the locales at the end race looked like they were ripped straight out of the games. Honorable mention to Silent Hill.

SO, what's your favorite video game adaptation?


The first Hitman movie is the best game adaptation imo. Not great by anymeans, but enjoyable. The sequel was horrid though.


Does wreck it Ralph kinda count? That movies great


It can, but it's not a single game movie.

Of it's type, which combined multiple games into a single story, we only have it and "Pixels"... and it's pretty obvious which one wins that category.

I also have a soft spot for "Tron"... but that was a movie first and game second. It also did very well with critics at the time, despite not being a great commercial success.

Also, to note the changes in the times: the Motion Picture Academy refused to nominate Tron for a special-effects award because, as director Steven Lisberger puts it, "The Academy thought we cheated by using computers".

When was the last time a movie won the special-effects award in recent years WITHOUT using CGI?



Wut my name is....


It would have to be the first "Mortal Kombat" movie.

It was mediocre, but at least it felt like an actual movie somebody put thought into writing.

Unfortunately, it had a sequel. We try not to mention that one.


Silent Hill - it was an example of how a game movie should be done. It was a unique story with compelling characters and pleasing cinematic visuals that stood on it's own as a complete and independent cinematic work. The film maintained the overall feel and impression of the games while carrying those ideas through on it's own terms. The game references (apart from the obvious) were available for those who knew what they were looking for but not a distraction to the uninitiated. And what motifs and characters did cross over were tools for the advancement of the story and appropriate for their purpose... not just fodder thrown at the screen in a desperate attempt to get fans to see it. Furthermore, the film pulled precisely ZERO punches when it came to translating the elements that made the game what it is (a horror game) to the screen in an effort to make itself available to a wider audience.

Spirits Within (honorable mention) - as a completely CGI film, it was groundbreaking in it's representation of photorealistic environments and characters. I think it could have done that without being a Final Fantasy. As a Final Fantasy, I was displeased with the apparent lack of any great deal of real 'fantasy' involved. It was a pleasing story and I suppose in the sphere of the over all body of work that is Final Fantasy, it fits somewhere but it wasn't my favorite. The other sticking point is that it was the only Final Fantasy to have any literal reference to the real world earth and I felt that was breaking the rules a bit. I just got the overall impression that it was an independent project until someone got the idea to make it a 'Final Fantasy' as a ploy to boost sales.

Mario Bros (epic fail) - okay... +10 points for trying to do your own thing with it but -a million points for every way in which you did that. Seriously! What's wrong with a magic flower that gives you the power to throw fireballs? Why does it have to be a euphemism for a flamethrower?

~Dolcie Far Niete'~


The Angry Birds movie.
Which just shows how bad video game movies are.


Mortal Kombat was the most faithful to the source material (because the source material was just a martial arts competition, one fight after another, it is quite easy to adapt). But the movie I enjoyed most was the first Silent Hill (not a great movie by any means, but still creepy and entertaining)


From those i have seen.

1. Pokemon: Mewto strikes back. Because it's the bomb and you know it.
2. Need for speed 1. Same reasons as OP stated. It felt like watching the game in a sense.
3. Warcraft. Follows lore and style aswell. Amazing CGI, very fun watch.
4. Resident evil movies because it's extremely good at following video game content and style, top-notch action.
5. Silent hill, insane tension and creepiness like it should be. Overall a good movie.
6. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Mainly because im a huge fan of FFVII. Intense action also.
7. Prince of Persia/Assasins creed. Don't know alot about the games since i've only tried a little at some point.
8. Hitman(Older one). Simply just fun to watch, only played one of the games.
9. Tomb raider. It was ok.

Honorable mention: DOOM. It's doom... Don't expect much from it and it's actually ok.

Horrible mentions: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, Postal, House of the dead(Same as doom but poorly executed), Hitman(New one) and Alone in the dark.

Finally... Max Payne... a golden opportunity to make a GREAT story with GREAT characters.
Alas they butchered it the first chance they had. Max payne are my favorite games in the world, mostly the first and it saddens me that it wasn't better.

Sorry for my bad english. This is my list and my opinions. :)
