MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Most of these critics giving negative r...

Most of these critics giving negative reviews

sound like they don't even know the slightest thing about the games and it's sort of irritating. I know I'm still gonna see it and enjoy the hell out of it no matter what critics say. :D


So much this


That means if people that didn't play the game hate this movie, this movie shoudn't even exist. Critics that played the game *beep* on this movie even more. The only difference is that they know what is happening, they are even more bored in irritated.




Jeremy Jahns does video game reviews and goes to nerd video game conventions and says this movie is dog *beep* You need to accept this movie is objectivity terrible, kid.


Yeah you're right and I completely understand, I think I want to see for myself though and form my own opinon. I did the same thing with Suicide Squad, I ignored the critics and decided to see what I thought and ended up hating it but who knows, the opposite could happen here. Just will ha ve to wait and see I guess. :P


This. the movie may suck critic wise but that doesn?t mean I ain't gonna probably like it. I like enough movies that are destroyed by critics.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the same thing happened with Warcraft.


Yes it did although I give that movie a 5


I personally haven't seen it and probably won't but I do know that the relationship between critics and audiences is quite...distant.


Yeah that's because the masses don't have problems gobbling *beep* down and thinking its chocolate and vice versa for well crafted artistic pieces.


I'm not saying that the movie is any good it's just what I think may happen with this movie.


You should. Warcraft is a good movie. And the asthetics are so spot on


You know what, I think I will give it a go, I don't see the harm in it.😊


You mean critics and fanboys, critics see a movie as a movie, fanboys see a movie as...I don't know, most of them are retard


Sounds like you don't know anything about critics. But if assuming all of them are ignorant about the video games makes you feel better about not believing their reviews, go for it. Just know you are being willfully ignorant.


Everything you stated is for the most part true (Although I prefer the term open minded rather than ignorant), I'm not a critic myself so I don't really understand what it's like to be one, therefore I'm simply going to go see this movie with an open mind, see what I personally think and just have a fun time. By the way I hope you had a wonderful day! :D


Agree critics should not be deciding factor in seeing something or not, but one does not need experience of the game to appreciate or not appreciate the movie.


Very true, I guess shouldn't have said that bit about the critics not know anything about the games because they shouldn't have to I was just so disappointed by the critical reception that I sorta blamed it on that. Still gonna have to see for myself though.


Actually, the descriptions of the film even in the bad reviews make me want to see it. It sounds crazy and beautiful to look at.


Agreed, sounds like a fun time in my opinion!


A movie should be able to stand on its own and NOT rely on the video game its based on. The same for movies that are based on novels, comics, toy lines, ect.

A movie should be great because a movie is great. We didn't hear people saying Harry Potter was crap because critics didn't read the book. Or that True Blood was a bad series because no one read the book. Or that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is horrible because the critics didn't read the comics. Because none of them had to. The movies were extraordinary on their own merit.

I want a good video game movie too. I wanted Assassin' Creed to be it. seems it too missed the mark.



Yeah I get it, I just wanted it to be good soooo know, and I wrongfully took it out on the lack of knowledge critics may or may not have of the games. Thanks for your input. :)


Anytime!! No harm, no foul. I've definitely been guilty of letting my personal love of a franchise get in the way of people criticizing said franchise.

Off-topic, I personally think the answer to a good video game movie (or Netflix series) is in your profile pic: Legend of Zelda. I could see it having a "Game of Thrones" feel but with much more fantasy. In the right hands, LoZ has the most translation from VG to Big Screen potential of any series (sans maybe the Last of Us, which is already a movie, honestly).

That or Star Fox, though that one would be MUCH for farfetched. But, if Guardians of the Galaxy can pull off a talking raccoon bounty hunter, I could see a fox, bird, frog and rabbit defending the galaxy from a space monkey.



I strongly agree! I've been wanting a Legend of Zelda movie for a while now and I think it could be translated to the big screen so well! Hope it happens, it would be so cool.😀


This is where you're wrong. Ubisoft has said the movie is for the fans. Its not for everyone. So if people go see it not knowing what the hell its about, criticizing a movie stating you didn't understand certain things or there was no explanation of things is kind of your own fault. And there are critics that may have played the games but are complaining about things not being explained but they really shouldn't if one is familiar with the universe and its explained there then bitching about a movie not explaining something you should already know makes the critic either sound stupid just trying to find something to hate about a movie because they don't want to like it. I have read and watched reviews for the film that are badmouthing it claiming there isn't enough explanation of things that are actually very well explained as much as needed to be if you are familiar with the series the movie is based on. I had no problem understanding what the Apple was but I have played all the games.

Aside from this, fans will tend to love the film. Critics won't. But critics tend not like a lot of films that actually aren't that bad. Critics will tend to find anything to bitch about. I saw a review where a guy bitched about the camera saying you couldn't see anything because the camera moved around so much. I had no problem seeing what was going on. The only thing that I can agree with the critics on is that there wasn't much character development but this movie is setting up a trilogy of films. I am pretty damn sure things will have more detail in future films. This one tended to focus on the Animus and the bleeding effect. To be honest that tends to be the most confusing part within the games to understand so they went ahead and got it out of the way first so in later films they don't have to further explain the animus or bleeding effect. It will already be known.


I completely agree. One guy claimed there was no Animus in the movie, another was disappointed that the Apple of Eden is not an actual apple. Lol.

I made a thread about one of the reviews by a non-fan who knows what he's talking about and liked the movie. I think we'll be seeing more of those as time goes on.


You disagree with a couple of stupid reviewers. That leaves still the majority who thinks this movie sucks
