MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Most of these critics giving negative r...

Most of these critics giving negative reviews

sound like they don't even know the slightest thing about the games and it's sort of irritating. I know I'm still gonna see it and enjoy the hell out of it no matter what critics say. :D



sound like they don't even know the slightest thing about the games and it's sort of irritating. I know I'm still gonna see it and enjoy the hell out of it no matter what critics say. :D

No one should have to know the games to enjoy the damn movie. The movie should be good enough to stand on its own two feet as a good movie despite the source material. If the general audience can enjoy freaking Lord of the Rings without knowing anything about the books, then it should be the same case for any video game adaptation. Criticizing someone for not knowing the games because they didn't like the movie is a cop out, a sorry ass excuse for a bad movie.


I saw the movie at a critic screening, before you say all critics, check it out. I'm really trying to break into the trade of movie reviews but not be so condescending and pretentious about it. Let me know if I succeeded.


Hope you don't mind, man, but I made a thread for your review all it's own. Since it's one of the few reviews offering a different perspective, I felt it needed a bit more shine.



Nope, don't mind at all. My review for this has been helping me out a lot over the past day or two. It's been very much needed as I try to rebuild. Thanks for the help


You're review was great and has me even more excited to see the movie! Thanks for sharing! :)


I never played the games before, but you're surprisingly seemed to be handling this very well as a fan.  Even in your responses. An adaptation also needs to stand out on its own whether people are familiar with the source material or not. So I wouldn't go so far with that kind of generalization. I know you're just feeling letdown and frustrated with those reviews at the moment. I had my share of liking some movies not well-received by critics. I sometimes don't pay any attention to the critics at all before seeing any movie, just to form my own opinions first. It's all a matter of perspective and it helps to have a little open-mind at times.

Critics are also good indicators for some people to determine where to spend a next movie on wisely. They're part of the audience too and they don't want moviegoers to end up wasting their money on a potentially poor movie with bad experience. But you don't have to take their criticism of the movies to heart. Those professional opinions are still opinions in the end. Whether if those collective opinions would also match your concerns or not is all up to you.

🎊🎄Happy Holidays!🎁🎊


I actually followed reviews about the film from gaming sites like gamespot and IGN and they also did not think it was "fully baked" like it took something away from the AC game experience.
I understand the Hollywoodian module of packaging films for the lowest mass denominator. They also expect people who never played the game to watch the film based on a stand alone story and characters.
My personal opinion is that it should have been made into a TV series that by each season follows the normal AC timeline from Altair to Ezio ...etc. and of course with Desmond (up to AC3).
But I haven't watched it yet. It will be out in Italy in January and I'm keeping realistic expectations realizing the curse of video game films (usually suck) except for the rare case of silent hill 1 which was OKAY (not great but not the regular horrible video game movie experience). I even had people who never played Silent Hill watch it and they liked it.
So let's see.


Let's be completely honest. Reviewers don't need to have played the games. If a AAA-movie about a video game franchise is set up in a way that only hardcore fans will enjoy it, it's already doomed to flop.
I will probably enjoy it for what it is, but if the creators didn't want any backlash from the general public, they should've made a movie that's more well-adjusted.


So what? They're not reviewing a game. If a film only works for those who know the source material then it plain doesn't work.

-- You're going on after Crispy Ambulance! --


I LOVE the franchise, but as a movie, you should not need previous knowledge. That's bad moviemaking.


Indeed. My view in a nutshell.

-- You're going on after Crispy Ambulance! --


Too right they massacred Warcraft for no reason. Same for X Men Apocalypse and Bateman v Superman and I enjoyed those as well.

Will go an see Assassin's creed not an overly big fan of the games but like you said I will make the call myself if I enjoyed it or not. Hope you like it
