It's gonna suck

It'll be a bland, boring and uninteresting action film.
Damn even the trailer looks like a videogame trailer

This signature is hilarious and original.


It'll be a tasty, immersive and interesting action/sci-fi film.
The trailer's look is a compromise between the look of the film and the look of the game.

Nolan, I love you forever!


No, not really. I like Kurtzel and i loved Macbeth but if this is considered interesting for today's standards then we are really doomed.

This signature is hilarious and original.


Wait for the movie, please. Then judge.

Actually, I'm quite surprised how anyone who saw Macbeth and liked it cannot be excited about this one. The same team, the same visual style, the same approach, the same passion. What exactly you didn't find interesting?

Nolan, I love you forever!


For real. People should stop judging things before giving them a fair chance. I was a die-hard Star Wars fan who hated Star Trek, but when the reboot came out in 2008 I decided to give it a chance. And now I like Star Trek.


Yes, that's what I'm talking about.

Nolan, I love you forever!


talking the troll who was hating on warcraft board.


1) I'm not a troll.
2) I wasn't, I am.
3) Your comment is useless.

Nolan, I love you forever!


HAHAHA, you never gave Warcraft a real chance before you started bashing it. Nice true looking like an alright dude, but you failed.


Yes, I'm pure evil. You catched me.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Liking that horrendous Trek reboot doesn't help your point in the slightest, Arbiter.


Hahaha well I can't argue with a fellow Halo fan! Though I will say that my point was merely that we should always give things a chance. Whether we agree afterward is another matter, as we are all entitled to our opinions, so long as we formulate them with fairness... Were it so easy. ;)


See, admiral, having a negative preconceived notion of a film upon arrival is the best possible way of approaching cinema:

- If it's good and you thought it would be bad, then you're pleasantly surprised.

- If it's bad and you thought it would be bad, then you're right.

- If it's good and you thought it would be good, then you're right again.


- If it's bad and you thought it would be good, you've made the only negative inaccurate assessment. It's rather more painless to assume everything is terrible unless it proves itself otherwise. I apply the same reasoning to Halo - with consistently positive results, in these later years of games.


Wise words, sir, I agree. Truly, if you were any better, you'd be a Spartan.



I see different no passion this time, sorry.

This signature is hilarious and original.



If there wasn't a passion then such an actors like Fassbender and Cotillard didn't sing up on this. As well as Irons and Gleeson.

Nolan, I love you forever!


It's hollywood, man.
No matter how bad your movie is, almost always people will sign.
And even if there was: there was "passion" also in The Force Awakens, and it's barely acceptable.

This signature is hilarious and original.


But all of them - Fassbender, Cotillard, Irons, Gleeson - are not just a Hollywood actors, but also an acclaimed European actors, who are very solicitous about their own reputation. Cotillard, for example, had said many times that she needs a director who need to tell the story, she needs a good screenplay and a great character. And the fact that she'd sign up on Assassin's Creed means... suggest what?

No, there wasn't a bit of passion behind TFA. Abrams is not a passionate director at all, and the actors were taking their roles as usual ones, only on words explaining how it's 'amazing' and 'amusing' to play in SW.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Cotillard, for example, had said many times that she needs a director who need to tell the story, she needs a good screenplay and a great character. And the fact that she'd sign up on Assassin's Creed means... suggest what?

Nothing, if the trailer is any indication. :/


I wasn't talking about trailer, I was talking about logic.

But even if we talk about the trailer, people liked it.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I didn't though, even worse music than the Warcraft trailers :D. Story seems to be, kill people. Not interesting. Seems visually unpleasing, just brown brown brown.


Kill bad people to freed good ones from the their pressure. And that's totally not the only thing about Assassin's Creed, it has much more than that. And visually it's one of the most intriguing blockbusters so far, at least because it has an actual style.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Kill bad people to freed good ones from the their pressure.

Stop the presses. I've never heard that twist before.

And that's totally not the only thing about Assassin's Creed, it has much more than that.

Who lied to you? This series is the Video Game equivalent of a passionless blockbuster, and now it will be an actual passionless blockbuster.

it has an actual style.

The Animus is not a giant arm pulling someone towards a light, unless the dentist's chair wasn't exciting enough for a bored audience. No one in the series trains by shooting bows and arrows at holograms, unless they're capitalizing on the hunger games for a bored audience. This movie has no style, unless lifting empty imagery from other movies constitutes a style.


Obviously you didn't play any of the Assassin's Creed games and have no idea about either them, this film or people who are making it, so I have no real reason to discuss things with you. You're obviously a troll and every single word in your comment proves it.

It was Warcraft which was a definition of passionless blockbuster. Assassin's Creed, at the opposite, involves as much passion as Warcraft involved an absence of it.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Well your baseless Ad Hominem game is on point, I'll give you that much.

Let's think about Assassin's Creed, shall we? Historical fiction in settings untouched by pop culture? That's cool. The parallel dystopian conspiracy, on the other hand, has never built to a substantial climax and remains the least interesting aspect of a series that revolves around those concepts exclusively. It's extraneous and unnecessary.

Let's think about the narrative? We have a nice story revolving around Ezio Auditore, and then endless amounts of extraneous sequels with Ezio until the developers have exhausted the amount of recognizable historical settings they could portray him in. They couldn't write new stories in those places - not it was a story centered on Ezio and the accompanied, unwelcome Desmond. Afterwards this poor attempt at a trilogy the series loses its footing entirely as the conflict between Assassins and Templars devolves into pointless meandering in different time periods with the excuse of releasing another game set in a shiny new historical era. First its grim predictability in the American Revolution, then a completely unrelated side story of West Indies Pirates (the least Assassin's Creed-like of series and one of the best received, go figure) pointless in-fighting in the French Revolution and Assassins being a nuisance for the hell of it in Victorian London. The story isn't going anywhere and doesn't intend to. It's perpetuating its own, unnecessary existence.

What about gameplay? Yes, I, to, enjoy watching my character preform dazzling feats of anachronistic parkour whilst portraying a frustratingly fickle regard for the conventional laws of physics. (So staying any more than twelve feet behind these diplomats loudly speaking about their evil plans in a public area means that they've grown suspicious of my presence and I've lost element of surprise, but I can fall off the spire of a Gothic Cathedral and the huge supply of Newtons of force the Earth intends to exert on me is negated by...hay?) When I say watching, I do mean watching. Ezio or Altair or Kenway or the extended interchangeable catalog of brooding hoodlums all gayly throw their bodies across the screen, madly clambering up 90 degree surfaces and making trapeze artists blush - but do so with negligent player input. Left trigger + Right stick forward = Mad glorious variables the game has assigned to your character, player optional. Clambering across history isn't just maddeningly easy, its mechanically superfluous, irresponsibly taking an innovative concept and sucking any tactility or weight from it. The games are challenging only in trying the player's patience with irrelevant additions and deep as their wells of immaterial collectibles. It's not something one plays, it's something one half-watches while checking their phone - surprising it took so long for a film adaption, actually.

Assassin's Creed is a yearly appeal to the lowest common denominator of player dexterity and investment and requires similar levels of both to create, at this point. They're inexpensive side projects with sweatshops full of "multinational teams of various beliefs and ethnicities" all following the machine's orders and creating the newest iteration in whatever requires the least amount of effort to secure Ubisoft's consistent bottom line. It's been so successful its attracted a big time movie publisher to do just that, capitalizing on the good will left over from Ezio's trilogy worth of material to set a in period roughly similar enough for a Western audience - they even got a bearded white chap to LOOK like him.

So yeah. Having Assassin's Creed across the title, Kanye West playing over the trailer and call backs to a bleached gray version of Panem does not incite much hope that innovation is on anyone's mind here.



It's hollywood, man.
No matter how bad your movie is, almost always people will sign.
And even if there was: there was "passion" also in the Star Wars prequels for example.

This signature is hilarious and original.


The same team, the same visual style, the same approach, the same passion.

They said the same about the Blues Brothers sequel... and many other dysmal films, in fact, but BB2000 really hurt.


Such troll much wow


No, it really genuinely *beep* made me wanna puke

This signature is hilarious and original.


Padding your resume for Rotten Tomatoes, aren't ya?

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


Yeah, I have to agree. The trailer makes it look like an obligatory dark, brooding, humorless paint by numbers action story devoid of any substance, emotion, creativity or vision.

So just like the games in those omissions.


I don't think it's going to suck. I think it's going to be quite fun, like 7/10 fun, with above par cinematography. Of course we will have to wait and see. For now, I suggest you keep in mind that this first trailer might not show that much: apparently most of the movie takes place in the present so I think there is a lot of content still under wraps.


The cinematography looks so damn fake, if they don't improve it it'll look like a videogame.

This signature is hilarious and original.


It's stylized for sure. That can be your thing or not. To me it seems like Macbeth's cinematography but toned down a little, which I think was a good choice.


Yeah, but in Macbeth it worked good until the end, here it looks a lot more fake.

This signature is hilarious and original.


It could look a bit fake because the trailer was short, so the colors were moving very fast from one to another, from one to another. In the movie there won't be such a thing.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Shut up with that 'this signature is hilarious and original. NAAAT!' thing.


You've not said a single word that isn't entirely stupid.


"It's gonna suck"

That was literally the exact thought I had in my head when I thought about this movie.


My thoughts was "video game" movie. Which means it'll most likely suck and the trailer looks like it might. Still, this could be the exception.


I'm a Michael Fassbender fan and one of the reasons I am is because the guy likes to take risks with his role choices and most times he makes good picks. The fact he also produces is an even bigger vote of confidence. I like AC too but Micheal sold me on this movie. Doesn't mean the movie is going to be awesome, but I know the main star will be.
