MovieChat Forums > Lisa Frankenstein (2024) Discussion > Just got out of a screening. It's pretty...

Just got out of a screening. It's pretty bad

Felt like a wannabe Tim Burton movie with a horrible screenplay with bad jokes and no sense of direction. Lots of bad attempts at sex jokes that fell flat or just felt uncomfortable. Also, no spoilers but no idea how this got a PG-13 rating and not sure why they didn't just go with an R rating.


I'll probably see it. It couldn't be worse than founders day.


Review on Reddit says it's pretty good. Monday Mystery screening.


How does it compare to the 1931 original Frankenstein?


Not at all. Its more mashup of Sweeny Todd, Heathers, and Edward Scissorhands.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -


Characters- obnoxious
Story- stupid
Dialogue- horrendous
80's nostalgia- crap

Sorry, that's me 1hr 10 Min in. Really don't want to go back in but I'm going to.


The stepsister, played by Liza Soberano, was the most likable character in the movie, and good looking too. I actually saw her in a Filipino movie, My Ex and Whys (2017) in an American movie theater. Cole Sprouse of the CW channel's Riverdale played The Creature. I did not recognize him.
