MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > Saw it!! Its even more worse then Promet...

Saw it!! Its even more worse then Prometheus

Very dissapointed


I agree. Events in this movie make the biologist in Prometheus look misunderstood. Holy cow.

And every time anyone went to the bathroom in this film, you knew they were a goner. So damn cliche.


Just like in Jurassic Park - The Lost World. In fact a lot was taken from the Lost World, including the Wheat Field chase. That's okay, because I enjoyed the Lost World.

When you're on an unexplored planet, you do not step on strange spores on the ground before taking a piss.


Yeah, a lot of it felt very redundant of every other Alien film. Plus they didn't really answer anything from Prometheus so yeah I thought it was a pretty big letdown.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


They answered EVERYTHING. The whole engineer thing is dead and buried. No more secrets there. There's no more point making any more movies, to be honest.


This sets up the 3rd prequel perfectly. While I wished to learn more about the engineers, there's only so much you can do.
There were also long clips online to give back stories on the David/Shaw travels. As well as the crew pre-hybernation. If you saw that, it gave you a good base.

This movie gave us great insight as to what David was trying to accomplish - though not in depth enough. What exactly he did with Shaw, im still confused. Testing? I also like the udea that David engineered the xenomorph, which really means that humans ourselves are pretty much responsible.

Finally the next (and final) film needs to tie in how the space jokey ship made its way to LV426 along with a ship full of xeno eggs. And obviously who the "final" jockey was we saw on LV426 bursted.


I doubt think that's happening. This was a total mess.


No i dont think it was a mess. It was loose in writing, and some convenient narrative. First look at the film as a stand alone : pretty damn good. It isnt as exciting as prometheus, but does its job. There can easily be a third, needed actually.


yeah, this movie went back to its Alien roots.
very stupid parts that were lifted recognizably
from Alien and the exaggerated, but it was a lot
like Alien in terms of it being kind of silly and
laughable, and yet good as a movie story.


You don't really make an argument for that.

I thought it was better than Prometheus, but still still lots of stupid.


You and that other guy are totally wrong.

Don't really make an argument for this movie being bad? This is your standard response from every shamelessly stupid studio shill I've ever seen.


My englisch isnt good enough too exolain. Its a bore and done dozens od times before.


Nah, it was way better than Prometheus. Better atmosphere and music, more immersion--especially the first half of the film. Prometheus rushed what little character development it had, so we didn't care at all for anyone who died. I found myself caring for a few characters in ACV.
