MovieChat Forums > True Detective (2014) Discussion > Come on...There shouldn't be ghosts in T...

Come on...There shouldn't be ghosts in True Detective!!!

Just like there's no crying in baseball, there should be no ghosts in True Detective! Mannnn, what a disappointment. Because of my intense love for Season 1 True Detective, I even lied to myself and said Season 2 and 3 were good! But no way on Season 4. Wow, they completely ruined the franchise. It will never return to its former glory, as the franchise is now forever tainted. Ghosts?!?!?

First off, they switched writers...and the new writers didn't watch the first 3 seasons apparently. There's no spirits or ghosts in True was made for adults. It was serious. It involved REALITY. Real police work. Real life as a detective. Cases that could easily be real. Not this colossal goat-fuck of supernatural nonsense that is Season 4. Spirits? Ghosts? Maybe even aliens?! Come on. This feels more like Scooby-Doo than True Detective.

Ghosts aside, it's even dumb on top of that. They went the Disney route...The "Put a chick in the lead...make someone gay" routine. At this point, they're casting these shows before they even write them. It's insulting. The characters are so...fake. I can't imagine these people existing in real life. And the situation/scenario/plot of this season certainly couldn't exist in real life. This should have been "Season 1 of the new X-Files on MAX!", not True Detective. The plot/scenario doesn't fit in True Detective whatsoever.

Season 1: 10/10
Season 2: 7/10
Season 3: 7/10
Season 4: 1/10


The first season was about black magic and calling upon demonic powers, so your argument is kind of misplaced.

We haven't seen ghosts in this season. We are seeing intuition and hallucinations.


I keep hearing this about Season 1. Just plain wrong. Finding the killer had nothing to do with ghosts or spirits or black magic or demonic was good old fashioned detective work. For adults. Not X-Files-ish. Like the original writer just said in an interview...the supernatural stuff was in the background of season 1, and it didn't have anything to do with catching the killer. It was just a demented serial killer who was leaving various clues...the overall plot and ending had nothing to do with ghosts or spirits. He even, rightfully, mentioned that the supernatural callback to Season 1 (in Season 4) was "so stupid". My sentiments exactly.

And this is from Variety's Alison Herman, who actually likes the new season: “The six-episode season also takes a notably different approach to the supernatural, a background motif of past installments that here becomes a central theme.”
-- Exactly. It's now a central was never that before. This is X-Files.

And what do u mean we haven't seen ghosts in Season 4? I can't recall the characters names so I'll substitute...
Cop: How did u know where to look for the bodies?
Jennifer: George told me.
Cop: But George is dead.
Jennifer: I know.

So definitely Jennifer seen a ghost! And, heck, they even showed George, as a ghost, in the episode!! Jennifer seen him and so did we, the audience.

This doesn't feel like True Detective.


I know the EXACT cult symbology they were using in season 1, how it is used and why. So you ARE WRONG.


Ok, I guess you're right and both myself and the actual friggin' writer of Season 1 was wrong! My bad.


The writer knows exactly what he wrote. And if denied it was based in real cult practices he is LIAR.

Pick up a book. Always available. These sick weirdos are proud of their religion.


That has nothing to do with what I was even talking about. You must have missed this section... I guess Alison's wrong here too! Everybody is wrong but you it appears!...

And this is from Variety's Alison Herman, who actually likes the new season: “The six-episode season also takes a notably different approach to the supernatural, a background motif of past installments that here becomes a central theme.”
-- Exactly. It's now a central was never that before. This is X-Files.


They used real cult imagery and practice. Only those who know it will see it.

You don’t know if what we are seeing in S4 are ghosts. Especially when they outright talk about mental illness. And the town experiences a month of no sun which makes them crazy.

Pizzaface is the executive producer of the show. Anything this season is no surprise. He is just drumming controversy for marketing purposes.


Is there supposed to be continuity between the seasons of TD?
I never thought so since they actors and locations are so different.
So far, I put Season 3 way about the others from sheer uniqueness and
cleverness of writing and acting. I thought S1 was cliche, reminding me
of stuff done before like "Seven" centering around weirdness for weirdness


"Is there supposed to be continuity between the seasons of TD?" -- Yes!

Why not a season of X-Files about a kid growing up fly fishing in Montana? Because it's a show about X-Files-ish stuff! :)


That's stupid, as is your MC handle ...
> On June 10, 1991, Jaycee Lee Dugard, an eleven-year-old girl, was abducted from a street while walking to a school bus stop in

You're a sick individual. GFY


Wowwww...crapping on the memory of an 11-year-old girl just to try to get a dig in. Really? What a POS you are.
