MovieChat Forums > Atomic Blonde (2017) Discussion > Is Atomic Blonde like James Bond (007)?

Is Atomic Blonde like James Bond (007)?

From the marketing I've seen, they're making her out to be the female James Bond. Is that an accurate assessment? I love Bond, so that's great news if so.


No. I have and like all the Bond films, but this is a completely different kind of spy story, just not the same genre at all.

About the only thing they have in common is that there are spies involved. but these are hard core criminals and there is no over-the-top evil mastermind looking to take over the globe from his evil lair up in the mountains.


Aww, that's too bad. Will probably wait for it to come out on Blu Ray then.


It stands on its own - so it is worth seeing. The movie is set in 1989 Berlin and it is the end of the Cold War with the wall coming down - so it is like the original James Bond movies. She's a little La Femme Nikita and a little like John Wick and Jason Bourne and there's also Tinker Tailor spy fest plot and feel. It is fun. There are a lot of twists so the plot is confusing.


No, it's actually a good thing that it is unique and not yet another Bond clone. Why would you want that -- we already have 24 Bond films and scores of copy cats.


Dis playz mo like a slow spy thrilla from 70s. There were maybe 2 extremely shaky ala Jason Bourne action seqz but 4 most part waay too much talkin.



ATOMIC BLONDE is nothing like the Bourne flicks---there are no shaky-cam scenes and the fight scene are way better and way more realistic. And "too much talking"? Uh, AB is a grown person's thriller---it's not some TRANSFORMER's knock off like you want it to be.


Optimus Prime sez no


It's a bloody good time.


It's "Jennifer Jason Bourne"


A little bit like John Wick, but not as good.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Like James Blond maybe
