MovieChat Forums > The Ridiculous 6 (2015) Discussion > how far into did you watch before you hi...

how far into did you watch before you hit stop?

I got about 30 minutes in.
Right after they robbed the bank and did the diarrhea donkey gag for the second time.
That's something a 5 year old would laugh at.

Sandler has lost it. The last good movie he did was That's My Boy, and before that he didn't have any real good ones for awhile either, except maybe Chuck and Larry. Everything else has been an abomination. Jack and Jill might be his worst attempt at a movie so far.

You're going to Camp Blood, aint ya? You'll never come back again.


17 minutes.


Currently watching and just saw this post.
Just after they robbed the bank and the *beep* donkey gag, they removed an eye from clem..

Yeah that's it for me.
Didn't laugh once at this.. :/ it's really bad


About 20 minutes. Just awful.


The whole thing. While not a classic by any means there are some really great bits. I enjoyed it. Better than lots of movies that get released to theatres these days.


Watched the entire thing just because it was so ridiculously over the top. And unlike most...I can see a movie for what it actually is..a stupid ass comedy that has no intention of actually being good.


You're agreeing with others confirming it's a stupid ass movie with no intention of being good. So what's your *beep* point? It's a bad movie, you like bad movies, great good for you.


Then why don't all you snobby pretentious nerds go back to The Office or whatever boring crap it is you watch.


As soon as I knew Sandler was in it. I don't waste my time with the garbage he spews out.


36 mins

David Wain: I'm a classical pianist

Michael Ian Black: Your a classical dick is what you are
