MovieChat Forums > The Ridiculous 6 (2015) Discussion > how far into did you watch before you hi...

how far into did you watch before you hit stop?

I got about 30 minutes in.
Right after they robbed the bank and did the diarrhea donkey gag for the second time.
That's something a 5 year old would laugh at.

Sandler has lost it. The last good movie he did was That's My Boy, and before that he didn't have any real good ones for awhile either, except maybe Chuck and Larry. Everything else has been an abomination. Jack and Jill might be his worst attempt at a movie so far.

You're going to Camp Blood, aint ya? You'll never come back again.


The donkey diarrhea scenes were gross and totally unfunny but it's something Adam Sandler thinks it's funny so he includes it.

I watched all of it for the sake of seeing if there'd eventually be good bits.


15 minutes. Going to watch the rest later so I'm in the loop of what everyone is talking about when ripping it apart.


I recently rewatched grown ups 2. Way better than the first one imo.


I finished it, it was quite enjoyable


About 15 minutes after Lil Pete arrived. the movie was "Bad-but-worth-a-chance" until he showed up, then it became unwatchable.


See, That's what I've been seeing all day long.
What's the problem with laughing about things that would make a 5 y.o laugh? Oh, I see. you're a "grownup" and you have the sex with your penis.... ooooohhh...
*beep* off dude.
Poop, farts and d!ck jokes FTW!!!! Never grow up guys! It must suck!

John Dies at the End


I was going to stop right after the first burro diarrhea scene, but decided to grin and bare it.


10:44. The humanity.
