Does anybody even really care anymore?

I grew up as a SW fan, I never dressed up or anything but I loved the movies, the characters and the toys and games, and I always saw it as THE quality scifi universe.
Then they made the prequels, I was older and I realized Lucas has never meant to be that cool as the first trilogy, the ewok creator took over with his worse geeky, uncool, heavyhanded, pedant side.
But it was still SW.
Now with the last two pieces of post modern crap, it's not SW anymore, that universe is lost and what's left doesn't even interest me: I immediately automatically reject these new installments as another uninspired tie in for the corporate machine, as insipid and safe and obvious as yet another Lego videogame.
Does anybody even care anymore?


It's a franchise in deep commercial crisis. There seems to be more excitement and buzz surrounding Godzilla 2 than this final episode in the Skywalker saga.

Who would have thought that less than two years ago? And we are.


That's absolute bull, compare trailer views, TROS is months away , I can assure you it will be more hyped than Godzilla you WB dick riding peasent


tfa publicity train was in full swing 12 months out ...


I was really into it until unnecessary mystery boxes ruined it. The writers built up Rey like there was something interesting about her background, then blamed fans for overexaggerating Rey's importance. To be honest, it should have just been a trilogy of Luke, Leia and Han passing the torch to a new generation of heroes, without inserting "mysteries" about the new characters' parentage.


I am going to be pedantic , but SW is a fantasy universe, not a sci-fi universe, otherwise I agree with you.

As per Lucas: "I knew from the beginning that I was not doing science fiction. I was doing a space opera, a fantasy film, a mythological piece, a fairy tale. I really thought I needed to establish from the start that this was a completely made up world so that I could do anything I wanted."


I guess you are right, never thought of it that way.

I also think Lucas totally backtracked on this stance, with his midochlorian bullshit: he decided to make it sci fi, and everything had to make sense (in a completely I'm-gonna-ruin-the-magic kinda way)


Lucas is not a good film maker or writer He's an idea man. He should have stuck to producing and let the great directors and writers do the heavy lifting.


An idea stolen from Akira Kurosawa’s “A Hidden Fortress”...isn’t his idea.

But this current Star Wars trilogy is what happens when you let someone else f*ck up your work.

An ugly cast with ZERO charisma because some dumbass came up with the “brilliant” idea to cast people that look like everyday people.

Seriously...Adam Driver is a buttugly version of Keanu Reeves with 1/10th the charisma.

That was the failing of the porn industry before they woke up and realized women weren’t interested in watching air conditioner-repairmen screwing hot women.


You make several good points in addition to having a great screen name.


I know I don't care anymore. I am fine with it becoming what awfulness it is because I was there to enjoy the "golden years". I'm not sure the kids these days have that same feeling for these new films, do you even see anyone camping out before the first showing anymore?


I am sure they don't have the same feeling for these movies. They couldn't care less!
It's just yet another series with avengers, harry potter, star trek, etc.
They probably watch them while using their smartphone to check some crap on youtube or whatever.
But other than the new (spoiled) generations, I think what's worse is that older ones don't care either.
They really broke it!


Indeed, sir. You get what I'm saying.




I like that spinoff movie (rogue one?), TFA was not that bad, the last jedi was fucking terrible though. Really hoping the next one will be better. But not that excited for it, will probably just download it


NO! its clearly because you hate women and have never been laid yet!

Its your internal mysoginy telling you that you dont like them /S


Thanks for the analysis, I didn't realize that...


I’m probably going to see it as I’ve all the other SW movies except Solo in the theater. I won’t going opening weekend but will see it in the theater. I agree I’m not as hype as I once was for SW and even more so since the trailer doesn’t look that good either.


Wait, you want to tell me you saw the original Star Wars in a theater?
AND you also want to watch this obvious turd?

I think you'd be one of the few original viewers to want to do that, but I appreciate your dedication and loyalty.


I figured I’ve seen the first 8 may as well see how it ends.


You certainly have the widest perspective on this saga.
I understand your philosophy, it's not a big deal afterall to catch a movie like this, who knows hopefully it's gonna be just shit and not a complete disaster.

It must have been bewildering to witness this go from the greatest epic to confused misfire to utter commercial crap. I know I was too small for the original ones, but I was hyped for the prequels but then I was forced to just hope for them to ever get good, and the sequels now are just an insult to me.

How would you describe your journey watching SW from 1 to 8?


Well obviously I like 4-5 best then it would be 3-6 after that it’s 1,7,2 and 8 in that order.


That's some rollercoaster. Or maybe not really....look at that curve it just goes up and down:
1, shit, it would be something on the level of stargate, forgettable sci-fi crap. Lots of production value, little style. But Jedis are cool!
But then, on 3, it becomes interesting: check out this twist with the main guy becoming a monster. I wonder what'll happen next!
4-5: wow!
6: well, ok, they had to wrap this arch up somehow. They went back to silly aliens, oh well, harrison ford is still cool. And they got rid of that fuckin "emperor".
7: hey, this is draggin...same shit AGAIN!?!?!?
8: yaaaaawn...this is lame
