The Boycott is failing...

the box office numbers did NOT collapse after opening weekend and audiences apparently AREN'T being dissuaded by the bad reviews from seeing it. It has already done 500 million and will easily sail past the billion mark. I think it may even pass up Last Jedi's numbers. The silent majority (of fools?) in the general film-going public is NOT with the boycotters on this.

Having said that, my prediction is that the judgement of history on all three of these movies will not be kind. The Disney acquisition of Star Wars is mostly a sorry and depressing saga, and even more so that they appear to be getting away with it, and a sad testament to the state of modern cinema and modern cinema audiences.


Failing? Is it gonna make as much as ep 7? It's gonna make as much as much as ep 8 at best.


Matching Episode 7 is pretty damn good for a third installment, especially one as poorly made and badly reviewed as this, and even more so following the Solo disaster. I personally think this is going to exceed Episode 8, but perhaps only slightly.


There was no boycott, in the same way there was no boycott of Captain Marvel.

All those guys on Youtube thinking they've got more power than they actually have, and they urge everyone to boycott..... and then go and pay to see the movie they've been slamming all year because they need to make more videos to keep slamming it, because gotta get those sweet, sweet views and subscriptions.

I'll see this movie when its a bit quieter, but it'll be on a cheap night, because I was so disappointed in The Last Jedi, i'm not giving anyone any more money than I have to.

But its the final movie in this trilogy, there was never a danger in it actually outright failing, it'll make a profit and Disney will consider themselves lucky it didn't go anything like Solo.

It will be interesting to see how this movie fares in comparison to the other two though.

But the day anyone actually bothers to take Midnights Edge, World Class Bullshitters, Nerdrotic and The Quartering seriously, is the day we've lost our collective minds and like to be directed by others.



Also, I don't remember any calls for a boycott of this not sure where that's coming from.

It doesn't matter, now that the discussion has become about the money, we know it's bad.


All that proves is there are a lot of idiots out there in the world, as well as foreigners in other countries that either have no taste in movies, or are so desperate for entertainment, due to the lack of good movies in their own countries, they're willing to watch anything from America, even if it's weapons-grade dog crap.


even if it's weapons-grade dog crap.

. . . priceless!


My money is still in my pocket


Fans see it once and then never again if it's no good.

Fans see it 20 times if it's good.

Opportunity loss could be costly.


Still is making less money than TLJ.

And it is failing for disney not because it will not be profitable as a movie but because it is not profitable enough and shows that the trend is downward.

Let's not forger that disney paid 4bil $ for the rights and it's still paying royalties for the old characters.

That combined with the failure of raising interest for the merchandise and for the SW parks it does paint a picture of SW failing disney, not of success.


Guess they'll move onto Black Widow or Birds of Prey now.
