MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Discussion > Forbes: ‘Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker Is...

Forbes: ‘Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker Is The First $1 Billion Bomb'



HAHAHAHA!! TROS is the Batman & Robin of Star Wars! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


I like reading some of his stuff but that Forbes guy is an absolute TOOL sometimes especially when he gets on his SJW highhorse lol

Basically he's annoyed that TROS retconned a bunch of stuff from his beloved woke TLJ (which he considers the best SW movie) and he considers it the worst movie and wants it to bomb. ok TROS should've made 1.5b in keeping with increases of the previous 3rd SW movies after the dip of the 2nd but TLJ turned alot of people off so really TROS was kind of damage control so 1b isn't too bad.. and did it recon TLJ? really?.. I mean yeah ok bringing back the Emperor as the big baddie felt kind of contrived/out of nowhere but it was kind of hinted at he was beyond death in Episode III and its not like he wouldn't have a forceghost (and even makes abit of sense thematically.. he was the "phantom menace" in the PT, ruled the galaxy in the OT, and then became a literal 'phantom menace' again in the ST - with each 3rd entry being his main 'reveal').. and Rey being related to him kind of made sense as she's just so fuckin powerful and was even foreseen by luke in TLJ (plus the shock reveal of being kin of evil monsters is what SW has always been about), and Ben being redeemed after his Kylo murdering madness was in keeping with Anakin/Vader(like it wasn't going to end like that anyway), and Luke being 'more Luke' well hed died and now realised he was being an ass in TLJ so...


The entire ST was a retcon of the OT, each film of the ST was a retcon of each other. Bringing back the Emperor (with absolutely no hint or proper set up and no reasonable excuse for his return even being possible) was not only stupid but also completely undermines the entirety of Luke's and Vader's story. It is absolutely insulting to anyone that is a OT fan.

Sith do not have force ghosts; that is a Jedi thing only and not all Jedi become force ghosts. The saga was the SKywalker Saga, not the Palpatine sage; making it all about Rey and Palpatine at the end fundamentally changes that.

Rey being related to palpatine does not excuse in any way shape or form how powerful with the force she was without training. Palpatine trained for dozens of years (maybe hundreds) before he could say shot force lightening; Rey learns it on accident. Rey being the granddaughter of Palpatine might have worked if she had been trained since a child and then had some more struggle with the darkside; but neither was the case. Making them related was a lazy attempt at retroactively justifying her incredible hyper-super powers; but only a viewer that does not care for story very much will accept that justification. Everyone, no matter how much potential they had, needed years of training before they could use force powers in anything other than a passive way (such as enhanced reflexes); well everyone until Rey that is.

They really did not ever give a proper 'reason' why Kylo turned evil and was obsessed with Vader so they retconned that by saying 'it was Palpatine filling his head with voices'. And his redemption also came with out reason. What, he 'loves' Rey or something? Stupid. Vader was torn between his mentor/father figure and watching his son die. That was a powerful moment. Kylo/Palpatine did anyone feel anything for this or for Kylo and Rey?

Luke in TLJ vs TROS was not the same character, another retcon


Quoth the Retroblasting: "DOESN'T MATTER!"


Lol at how mad he was in that video....


It was goddamned epic!


It was actually a little embarrassing....


HMMmm.... what is it that you are talking about? :o I obviously missed something..


A Youtuber who lost his shit at people who like the Disney movies and was frothing at the mouth because he got trolled.


Do JohnMcCock only have to search "Reteovlasting" on yourtube to find the video?



Well, obviously JohnMcCock doesn't know the whole story behind, so I am missing details. But from was seen in the video, he does become a bit too mad during the second half of the video, and it a little but... "pathetic. However, he is not totally wrong: some Star Wars fanboys are really a bunch of whiny little bitches.. People have the right to be disappointed by the new trilogy.


People can be disappointed, sure. But it's clear he gives way too much attention to people trolling him. It's also clear he didn't fully understand the plot of the Disney films. Lol. "Why did Luke leave a map behind if he didn't want to be found?" Um, Luke never left a map behind....


They had a plot? lmao


No the Phantom Menace was Qui-Gon.


"...but money is money and Star Wars IX will make plenty of it."

"...Warts and all, audiences really did want to see these new Star Wars movies, save for Solo,... so too does the relative massive success of the last five Star Wars movies show that audiences still have at least some interest in the franchise." (did he mean to type 4? Otherwise he's still including Solo)


Headline says it's a bomb. Article says it's not.



A billion is a billion.



Headline says it's a bomb. Article says it's not.

I figured the Forbes guy always exaggerates and fake news stuff so why shouldn't I lol


I wouldn't say 'bomb' but it's clearly underperforming.


The article doesn't either. Lol.


It did say a billion dollar disappointment. OP just paraphrased it.


A billion dollar disappointment isn't the same thing as a billion dollar bomb....


Indeed. The damn thing still made money. Let's get that out of the way. I'm honestly surprised it made it to a billion dollars in light of everything leading up to its release.


TFA made 2 billion, TLJ made 1.3 billion, this one is going to finish around 1.05 billion, so it's already a disappointment.


But not a bomb....


Well, it is not going to lose money if that is what that means.


A box office bomb is a movie that loses money.


There are a lot of idiots that don't understand industry terminology. You're being incredibly patient.


At least he is not making up "break even" numbers..


Forbes has been on a seriously passive-aggressive bent on "Rise of Skywalker" ever since it came out. Yes, the movie has a LOT of issues. But, you have Forbes writers who defend it, and you have Forbes writers who are losing their minds over it.


THIS Forbes writer, Scott Mendelson, is an agenda-driven leftist. You most "journalists"/ critics.


It ruined RJ's masterpiece, it's a flop


[–] johnmiller (872) 8 days ago
Forbes has been on a seriously passive-aggressive bent on "Rise of Skywalker" ever since it came out. Yes, the movie has a LOT of issues. But, you have Forbes writers who defend it, and you have Forbes writers who are losing their minds over it.
Why would you expect Forbes to have unanimity of thought as regards to a film or any subject that they provide opinion, commentary or even analysis?

Multiple writers having different POVs. That would seem about par for the course.


Yeah, but it's just weird. Why would they want to have this internal battle playing out on their site? It just seems odd.


[–] johnmiller (876) 3 hours ago
Yeah, but it's just weird. Why would they want to have this internal battle playing out on their site? It just seems odd.
There is no internal battle playing out within Forbes on their site.
Forbes is an American business magazine. Published bi-weekly, it features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, politics, and law. Its headquarters is located in Jersey City, New Jersey. Primary competitors in the national business magazine category include Fortune and Bloomberg Businessweek.
Forbes through their writers will provide POVs that run multiple ways in order to maximize how you make an investment in Disney stock. Buy or Sell?


If they wanted to make a stock analysis, they would be talking about that. Which they don't.


When are you going to fix the title? It's:
Box Office: ‘Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker’ Is The First $1 Billion Disappointment


the Forbes guy always exaggerates and fake news stuff so why shouldn't I lol


"If the Forbes guy acts like an idiot, why shouldn't I?"

Now you know why.
