MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > Can there really be such people living i...

Can there really be such people living in this world

I mean is it possible for these kind of people to exist. So much evil in their head , so much inhumanity. The amount of brutality these people have shown is unbearable. I think even animals cannot do so much to someone. What are your opinions


The evil people that exist are the filmmakers of this crap. Pornography has more integrity & art put into it from the people that are involved than the loser film-school people( only a three hour class no doubt) that put this & the Sarah Butler version together! You have a 200,000 dollar *beep* budget & this is the *beep* you put out there!!! It makes you wish film never advanced from the Edison Kinetoscope!


You need to watch documentaries on human trafficking. The reality is far scarier than anything you could ever see depicted on film.


You kidding, there's worse.
Now, an entire sick family, that might be stretching it.


Inhumanity is inherently human.


All you have to do is reflect on this guy in Germany that created an underground cavern so he could violate his own daughter and the children they produced! His wife of course was complicit allowing it to go on for over 20 years! Anything we see in movies probably isn't close to what can actually happen in this wretched world! ;-/

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Yes, there are people like this in the world, but there's also worst. There's sick *beep* everywhere; it can be a next door neighbor, family friend, family member, etc. too.

Madness as you know is like gravity all it takes is a little push-The Joker


We see this in Warzones, like the Balkans. Or now with Syria.

There are total psychos out there, probably 1-2% of the human race have this "defect". Most of them use it differently, like amassing money/power.

But some, just need to be kept away. Or worse.


Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Joseph Fritzl, etc. Yeah....sadly they are out there.


Does the OP live under a freaking rock?!


Does the OP live under a freaking rock?!

I know right. WTF is their deal? Let me ask them....



According to reports from the FBI, there are well over 300 serial killers roaming around the USA at any given time...

so, the answer to your question is, yes.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
be kind, rewind...
