MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > How about making a movie about a man get...

How about making a movie about a man getting revenge on a group of women

For a change? What's with the lack of movies about a man who gets his revenge on a group of evil women that harm him in some way (it doesn't have to be sexual)? There are many bad women in reality who do bad things to men, and this reality should be represented in the movies too. A pretty ridiculous number of these castrating, demonizing men movies come out and yet we see very little of the other side represented. That actually qualifies it as one-sided sexist propaganda, or at least a an obvious double standard. We'd have to see movies with the genders reversed for it not to be, which I hope we we'll see more of as long as movies like this ex . It would certainly be refreshing, it would take someone with guts and intelligence to do it, but I'm confident it will happen probably sooner than later. There have been some movies over the years that came out that featured men getting revenge on at least some female character or another even if the whole film wasn't about that, but there's not nearly as many as there are featuring women getting revenge on men. It's quite disgusting and lopsided. Hell if a movie came out about a man getting revenge on a group of women or something like that I'm actually PAY to see it.


Agree, agree, agree. I would for sure watch that, would be *beep* great! Is there even a male rape-revenge movie out there?




What would be really interesting would be a "grander" i spit on your grave movies.

As many have said, female on male rape isn't as common as the opposite, though degrading and dehumanizing is a lot more common. Men use physical strength to "oppress", Females use emotional strength to oppress. Anyone who's ever been bullied knows this.

What would work for a male version of this would be something a little longer, emotional damage takes longer to appear. Say the movie would stretch 3-4 years of maybe college or high school. The male could/would be shy and introvert, random bullying starts and escalates quickly due to *insert plotline here* onto full blown abuse of main character. Main character breaks/snaps and starts his revenge spree.

Though im unsure how liked the movie would be, as male on female violence is often frowned upon.



If the script is written right and effort was sufficiently placed into it, it could work and actually be something. Unique or original concepts is something that is lacking in movies these days.


Because normally men are the stronger sex therefore they can overpower a lot of women.

Also, nobody wants to see a man be beaten by a girl just for fun; therefore having to take revenge. However, it probably has been done. For instance: maybe a girl molested his son so he takes revenge.

I need to let you know though that rape is a subconscious revenge sometimes. Mommy revenge. Etc. Boys who have girl issues in general may rape.


nobody wants to see a man be beaten by a girl just for fun

Based on the some of the responses at the Spy, Wonder Woman and Magic Mike XXL with some vengeful feelings, I wouldn't say that is entirely true.

Because normally men are the stronger sex therefore they can overpower a lot of women.

Consider being held a gunpoint or knifepoint and also strength varies per individual as well as technique and skills plus add in the numbers game.

rape is a subconscious revenge sometimes

That's true and it is also about power. That can be used against a man too.


Nic Cage's Wicker Man! It was poorly received though, not liked that he was running around punching women


2 andyd-1, that was not the ONLY reason "The Wicker Man" (2006) with Nicolas Cage was poorly received, it is also because it is nothing short of a disastrous desecration of Robyn Hardy's eternal 1973 movie CLASSIC.

The remake however is a travesty any which way you cut it, with lack of originality, terrible plot and acting as well as script, its just a mockery of the original, the anti-"women"-tone to it was not the only reason it was so heavily panned although it partially was that as well.

Late director Robin Hardy's later 2011 "The Wicker Tree" whilst a disappointment and rather average itself, both on its own AND compared to the original, actually WAS a much better flick than Cage's version.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


I've been thinking about the "man vs evil women" scenario as well. Especially since the likes of I Spit On Your Grave has been standing as the norm for the rape and revenge subgenre, even though horror movies usually love to deconstruct stereotypes. For a while I thought the upcoming Knock Knock with Keanu Reeves would be about this, but judging by early reviews it doesn't look like it after all.

I would love to see it done once, but I imagine it would be a difficult idea to present in a believable way.


It would be an interesting change up to a standard formula but it won't happen. Male on female violence is universally seen as a bad thing, while female on male violence gets a free pass because they guy usually 'deserved it' and we subconsciously tend to sympathise with suffering women more than suffering men. Maybe that's because women are thought of as emotional and we really feel her suffering emotionally while a man is thought of as strong and we assume he could just shake off anything hurtful done to him. I just don't think an audience could get behind a man hurting a woman out of revenge. They just wouldn't see her as 'deserving it' no matter what she had done.


It's not just male on female violence that bugs people. It's also little boy on mother violence. WTF is that? We're talking about a child vs adult.


2 andrewrrrr - but do you know WHY that officially is, what is the difference between men and women that is SO huge that we see violence towards them in any context universally bad whereas violence towards men not so bad?

And say if we lived in a world that was still imperfect, but generally more simple and civilized and we had no need or use for feminism or MRAs or anything like that, how would it all be seen there AND then?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
