MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > How about making a movie about a man get...

How about making a movie about a man getting revenge on a group of women

For a change? What's with the lack of movies about a man who gets his revenge on a group of evil women that harm him in some way (it doesn't have to be sexual)? There are many bad women in reality who do bad things to men, and this reality should be represented in the movies too. A pretty ridiculous number of these castrating, demonizing men movies come out and yet we see very little of the other side represented. That actually qualifies it as one-sided sexist propaganda, or at least a an obvious double standard. We'd have to see movies with the genders reversed for it not to be, which I hope we we'll see more of as long as movies like this ex . It would certainly be refreshing, it would take someone with guts and intelligence to do it, but I'm confident it will happen probably sooner than later. There have been some movies over the years that came out that featured men getting revenge on at least some female character or another even if the whole film wasn't about that, but there's not nearly as many as there are featuring women getting revenge on men. It's quite disgusting and lopsided. Hell if a movie came out about a man getting revenge on a group of women or something like that I'm actually PAY to see it.


Why dont you go ahed and make one? Instead of talking do the walking.

Im quite sure many people have tought of this and have realised that no one
would pay to see it.


Idiot. It's called Bond. James Bond. He treats women like disposable sex objects in every movie. Been screwing and killing women for 25 movies.


I don't remember Bond cutting any woman's tits off. Hell, that's not even the equivalent of a woman splitting a man's cvck down the middle and biting off the end.


2 Badger2151 - but didn't Bond kill them out of SELF DEFENSE rather than revenge or worse - for his own sadistic sake, because they threatened to kill him and if he didn't retaliate he would be dead?

Not to mention, in some movies, like GoldenEye for instance, the female character Xenia Onatopp killed plenty of innocent people herself, which would get her legally and justifiably a death sentence in some parts of the world if she got caught and arrested?

The way you expressed yourself makes it almost seem like Bond is the villain and that he killed women for no acceptable reason whatsoever.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Why was Passion of the Christ so hated as anti-Semitic? It's political horsesh!t. If we make a movie where a man is justified in avenging himself on a group of evil b!tches, people will say that the movie glorifies violence against women... even though, these movies totally glorify violence against men. The sight of a man cutting off a woman's breasts will be seen as despicable whereas the sight of a woman splitting a man's penis down the middle and biting off the end is totally acceptable.

Look at Shutter Island. That b!tch wife drowned his small children. He has to feel bad for killing her. WTF is that??

Personally, I want to see a movie where a group of women send a man to prison, ruin his entire life with false rape allegations. Finally in a film, we will get to see the process of sex offender registration. That'll make the film pretty substantial by itself. And when these b!tches try to fck with him further, they push him over the edge. And the film actually makes the audience get behind him.


Check out this little known Australian film entitled "The New Girlfriend" (aka "Envy") (1999) which has a mother attempting to take revenge on the young woman who raped her son -

Also - may I ask, do people ACTUALLY think that "oh when a woman does it to a man it is acceptable blah blah blah" in movies or are they just confused and used to the classic old formula in a very die hard way?

No offense but these conversations often get so emotionally confusing I find them hard to bare.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!



There are far more cases of men raping and abusing women than the other way around. And a lot of them get away with it. Does an entitle [white] college kid convicted of rape getting a very lenient sentence sound familiar? Even as you said, if not sexual, these things just do not occur anywhere near the frequency as male on female crime. Sorry your male pride is so fragile that these type of movies bother you. Grow a set. A bigger set that is. Find another way to get your rocks off.



I think its also a matter of what's called a tangeant and tendency of justice, as for one, men don't get pregnant, they are often far more prone to physical violence and inflicting harm and abuse for their own sadistic sake and that's why in films like this it is considered normal and just to see them suffer if they get away with doing bad things like what is shown in this movie.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!




2 ezb - relax its alright, no one was advocating and injustice to anyone like that at all.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


We were just trying to look at certain facts and matters, including films being dealt with such subjects, much more objectively, and its not as if even the most hardened defenders of women's rights out there don't know that there have been times and moments where women too have committed violent crime, and plenty of films including acclaimed movie classics, have shown all that as well.

I didn't mean any offense with what I wrote back then.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


On the other hand ezb, your response at least partially goes to show indeed why such movies are practically never made and never will be made, and its not as if there is some form of universally correct law of nature that prevents such movies from being made just like that.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
