MovieChat Forums > Queen Cleopatra (2023) Discussion > “I don’t care what you were taught in sc...

“I don’t care what you were taught in school, Cleopatra is black”

That is said in one of the very first scenes. Funny how the people asking “why does race matter so much?” to the show’s critics make race its foundational premise.


We, quite rightly, rip on MAGA and other far-rightists for being anti-intellectual/anti-education, so it's despairing to see supposedly left-wing people say "Forget what academically-trained professionals taught you. Listen to OUR cock-and-bull conspiracy theories." These people are an offshoot of the anti-vax 'don't believe anything' conspiracy mob.


The Right is not anti-intellectual/anti-education, it's against woke ideological indoctrination. The overwhelming majority of anti-science, anti-intellectual nonsense (e.g., anthropogenic climate change hysteria, belief in mask and covid vaccine effectiveness, transsexual cultism) come from the Left. And yes, Cleopatra, being of Macedonian royal lineage, was a white woman, regardless of what any crackpot blackwashing advocates put out in some ridiculous "documentary".


But liscarkat, I'm pro-science, pro-intellectual and ALSO think climate change is real, and covid vaccines are effective. Am I an anomaly?


When practically ALL recognised scientific specialists within a certain field (i.e. climate science and immunology) are saying the same thing (i.e. climate change is REAL and almost certainly MAN-MADE, and that vaccines work), I think it's best to listen to them over some random crackpot who left school at 16 (and I say that as an anti-elitist, albeit an anti-elitist who believes that there are certain areas where one MUST defer to the experts, unless one is a complete moron).

But I was being fair-minded with my above post and arguing that there are idiots on ALL sides of the political spectrum who subscribe to crazy, and often dangerous, conspiracy theories and scientifically/historically illiterate concepts. I feel sorry/sympathy for some of these people (for instance, I understand why there was a swathe of cynicism among some POC towards vaccines, in view of the historical abuse of POC by parts of the medical establishment), but that doesn't mean we should indulge dangerous and often self-harming ideas.


Climate Change is universally accepted by over 99% of scientists. So is pro-vaccine positions.


And again this BS! 95% of all scientist have nothing to do with climate research.


That's not what I said. I said 99% of scientists, even those outside of climate research accept it.


You surely have a link to prove that number, right?


Guten Morgen, Pete314! 🇷🇺​ ☀️​


Good morning



Reading competency?

"...the vast majority of actively publishing CLIMATE SCIENTISTS – 97 percent – agree..."

Guess what? Not every scientist is a climate scientist. Not every scientist is actively publishing. Some can not publish, because they don't follow the publisher's agenda. So to say "99% of ALL scientists agree" is BS! Q.e.d.


Okay. So you think that perhaps 99% of papers on climate change all being in agreement with climate change existing might suggest overwhelming support from the most informed people on the subject?

In terms of scientists *generally*, it's 92% as of 2014:


You fell for the covid hoax, you fall for the climate hoax...
Hey, I have some land to sell...


What "covid hoax"? What "climate hoax"? You've demonstrated neither.


"other far-rightists for being anti-intellectual/anti-education"

That's propaganda, i.e. "lies". Seriously, you really believe that bullshit???

The only thing we're "anti" is the corrupt establishment, which is why we voted for Trump in the first place, intellectually vacant "woke" ideology, trannies in schools and men in ladies' bathrooms.



Actually, it turns out that the Trojan horse was really a donkey.


I get a feeling "I don't care what you were taught in school" is gonna come up a lot when the Critical Race Tranny Story hour kids grow up.


It comes down to "what is truth"? And to be honest, there's so many points of view and muddying of the truth caused by this sort of attitude that eventually, no-one will know what the truth is anymore, and that gives me a headache.


Okay, that's it, I'm bringing in George.


They are trying to advance the myth that evil White people have suppressed the illustrious history of the black race and erased or stolen all their astonishing achievements due to envy.


Yes it is a form of colonization.


Is there any difference between the opening scenes and this ? I can't find any.


She might have been mixed with Greek and Macedonian. But she was born and raised in Egypt, therefore she was African,case closed.


What retarded logic, Popcorngal.

OK, what about South Africans? A LOT of them are WHITE.


They are of European descent who immigrated eons ago. Cleopatra probably had native African ancestry yo some extent.


How the fuck could Macedonian Greeks have African ancestry? WTF's wrong with you?


I meant she probably had Greek and African ancestry. Think about it. I had a film professor whose mom was Greek and Egyptian.


So not black correct?


*Might* being the operative word. This is all supposition.


1+1= 15

I dont care what you learned in school


If 1+1 identifies as 15, then yes.
