
I've heard about this over the years but never paid much attention to it.

Bravo to ITV for this amazing, and moving drama.

Today, because of this tv show, the UK government passed a law to exonerate all the convictions, and put in a real compensation package to the victims.

Paula Venelles retracted her CBE after a petition gained almost 1 million signatures in less than a week.

I look forward to see what happens next.

The fact that this has gone on for 20 years, and a TV show, in a week, has brought about such change, is absolutely amazing.

Fantastic acting from all the cast, and a really well told human versus corporation story.



Congratulations, UK. Excellent that these abhorrent acts are finally being addressed.

It’s good that Paula Venelles had to retract her CB, but it would have been better to see her being stripped of it. Apparently the church of England was very embarrassed by all the publicity because Vennelles also gave up her priesthood.


Agreed, she should have given it back on her own accord or been stripped. She obviously didn't understand the power of us normal folk have on her "power" of authority.

I know it's different elsewhere in the world, but a scandle in Britain will get you thrown out of your position and be exiled.


But sadly it took 15 years and an ITV drama to make that happen.


she was stripped of it afterwards.

Basically they said "Lets be clear , if you hadnt given it back we'd have taken it"
A bit like a politician "resigning" when they've been sacked.


Agree, it was entertaining and based on a documentary on ITV, was almost spot on for what happened.

Everyone should watch this to see what the government is capable of.
