Not one person in her life has identified the key issue

Even the "therapist" she consulted. They all have issues with her engagement and marriage to this guy Ryan - it's too soon, they don't need to be married, is she really in love with him, is he a nice guy . . . all beside the point, which is that she is going into the exact same relationship with Ryan as she had with her mother. He even looks like her mother, for god's sake. No one asked him about his history with relationships or if he ever even had one before. When Ryan asked Gypsy's half-sister, "Don't you want her to have someone she can lean on?" I wanted to scream in his face, NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! That's all she knows. She needs to discover what it's like to be able to lean on yourself. He seems like someone playing at being Prince Charming to her Cinderella. I hope that at least the two of them are aware of these issues.


You should get paid for sorting out issues such as these.


LOL! Other people keep telling me that. I'm too old to start a new career. :))


Yeah. People thought that Britney having that Sam guy was a good idea. That at least she has someone to lean on. And then he could not take her craziness anymore and dumped her and escaped.

Gypsy was literally in prison her whole life. No need to find another care-taker as soon as she finally got out. When she has father and stepmother to lean on. Who would take care of her.

She will probably be bored with this guy after some time. After tasting freedom. It seemed to be fine idea while she was in prison. While she would look at it differently when she is out.


I finally watched all episodes.

I tried to give him benefit of a doubt. But that guy is not good. They will end up divorcing soon. They already had a fight 3 month into marriage. And she wanted to end it. And they saw each other only few times. It's not gonna last.

She was in prison and he basically forced her to marry. I suspect that it was because he was afraid she would come out of prison and don't need him anymore and find someone new. So he attached himself to her like an anchor.

Her daddy, step-mom and sister understand it very well. You see none of them were happy about it. But what can they do. She is adult and it's her decision.

Her? She was alone and wanted someone to "lean on" I guess.

People forget it's for us it feels like it was yesterday she killed her crazy mother. With all the endless documentaries, tv show. But it happened almost 9 years ago. She was in prison, ALONE, for more then 8 years. So in her mind she probably wants to have boyfriend or husband. She is not 15 years old girl we see in archive pictures that documentaries show 100 times She is not the small girl with short hair from court.
