MovieChat Forums > Mike Tyson Mysteries (2014) Discussion > A convicted rapist gets a cartoon series...

A convicted rapist gets a cartoon series?

What a world?!?!?


He committed ONE rape!!! It's not like he does it all the time, and I'm sure he feels bad about it anyway. Give the man a break. We've all made mistakes.


Rapes pretty bad, even 1. Thing is it was a sketchy situation in Indiana and the female was lying. Mike Tyson in his prime could get any female he wanted, he was an icon. She saw $$$$$$$$ and I hope she never saw a penny. Athletes get charged of rape all the time because of the gold digger. They won`t put laws out against falsely accusers because it could and would frighten legit victims from coming forward.


I'll make it easy for you: Watch nothing. Watch nothing in entertainment from this world. Only 5% (or less) of so-called celebrities in entertainment are not involved in anything but going to work coming home and taking care of their families.

There isn't one, not one, who hasn't been arrested, put in jail at some point or multiple, rapists, fornicators, adulterers, alcoholics, drug addicts, drug dealers, pedophiles, wife beaters, husband beaters, murderers, animal killers, had an abortion or two or more, etc., etc.

So write this on almost every board. It probably wouldn't be wrong, but save yourself now. Stop watching.

That which originates from a black deed will blossom in a foul manner.



If this show upsets you, then you must not watch anything with Tim Allen, Charles S. Dutton, or Danny Trejo in it. After all, they were all in prison (not together) before they even had careers. Following your logic, they should be penalized for the remainder of their lives. GET OVER IT!

Annoying the world since 1960!


The scary part is it is actually a pretty funny show, i mean the show spoofs hana barbera tropes while mike makes fun of himself constantly


Rape can be funny. Imagine Porky pig raping Elmer Fudd. See.

Remember, use the magic twig wisely


That's not funny. Elmer Fudd was in therapy for years before his suicide. Porky moved to France and is still fighting extradition.


it doesn't matter that he's a rapist or not because he's so famous.


atleast he doesnt rape kids like Micheal Jackson.



Lets look into this "Rape case." A man, who was at the trial in Indiana...

I was there in the courtroom in Indiana for that highly-publicized trial.

Let me first say that Mike Tyson did NOT commit the crime he was convicted for. Don King, who was Tyson's promoter, hired the attorney who would defend Tyson. That attorney did not specialize in rape cases. He was a DIVORCE attorney.

Major mistake, possibly King's biggest one ever. You see, it was Mr. Divorce Attorney against a team of Indiana's finest rape specialists. In the ring, it was the equivalent of Danny Garcia v Rod Salka.

The DNA was there, all over Ms. Desiree Washington. Of course it was. She had just had consensual sex with Mike Tyson. But the prosecution took Ms. Washington's story of how Tyson savaged her when she went to his room at 2:00am for an autograph.

Photos were shown to the jury of Ms. Washington which made them cry. All the while, she sat on the stand, all buttoned up to the neck looking so prim and proper, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. As she did, and as the jury was told the tale of the savagery which Ms. Washington said she endured, Tyson glanced at me a few times and shook his head as if to say, "I never did that to her."

Of course he didn't. The story is one of a woman scorned, asked by Tyson to leave his room after the act was over. She got back at him by ripping her blouse, messing her hair and hailing a cab to take her to the hospital. In the emergency room, Ms. Washington told a tale of being raped and savaged by Tyson. Naturally, his DNA was all over her.

No, I don't believe there was corruption in the case. There was just incompetence right out of the gate by DK in hiring a pilot to fly an F-16 who had nothing but Cessna 150 experience.

The prosecution told a story to the jury and sold it. Tyson had a reputation as a bad boy and it was easy, especially with photos and a believable story, to make the jury believe their tale.

As Tyson says in his one man show "Undisputed Truth"--"I did a lot of things I should have been arrested for, but wasn't, and was arrested for something I did not do."

This was the one thing he did NOT do.

Also, here is a good video on youtube:

I mean she claims he said he turned her on etc...goes to the bathroom and even prosecutor cant explain...she went to the bathroom and remove her sheield? Why remove it, when a man is showing aggression? Also, it's 1:36am, what good comes out of going with a man at 136am.
Also, as a woman, you're in the bathroom, why don't you lock the door, yell, scream, call the cops?

I believe Mike on this. I think he banged her, told her he was done with her, and gtfo. She was hurt. I know this is serious, all rape should be taken seriously, but this is also scary. I believe when Mike said he kicked her out and went to bed. I believe she was a gold digger. Also, consistency, I think this was consensual. Again, this is an angry woman.

Hire a divorce attorney for a rape case? Come on. Again that video shows a lot so in the end, I truly don't believe he did this crime.


3 years in jail.
isn't that enough time ???
