

I liked it enough but there should have been a stinger after the credits where he climbs back out of the grave. The Wolverine can't die.




I was wondering if they'd do the whole "not really dead" thing, either with a claw poking up through the stones or just a slight wobble in the stones (think Erik moving the chess piece at the end of Last Stand). It could have played into your idea with a little more ambiguity - he's alive, but definitely on his last legs.

I did like the way it ended, though, especially with Laura repositioning the cross.


I would have liked your version of the ending. I was really hoping he would go with the kids and have some peace and joy before he finally died of old age. But, alas, it wasn't to be. At least Laura recognized and acknowledged him as her father; that was bittersweet yet adorable.




That could work. Especially if he gives up fighting and tries to live a peaceful life with the kids. He deserves some happiness after his long years of suffering.

And glad you liked it! I agree that Credence should come back. Some people speculated that the black speck moving at the end hinted that he's still alive... but that's a topic for another board and another thread. XD


I liked the ending the way it was


Nope. First off, I would have had X-24 be a clone of Sabertooth.

And I definitely would have had Logan live, leading the kids off to the wilds of Canada and establishing a new school for mutants and becoming the man Xavier always thought he could be.


i just thought it was strange to have him die of a giant tree limb, I mean i would of rather seem him die of the wounds from fighting then from the being impaled on the tree. Also from the looks of it where he was impaled should of hit his ribs and not actually went through, you know since his bones are covered in adamantium


That is a very good point. I didn't notice where it went though... but he was still covered with wounds from the battle anyway, and the green drug was wearing off.

Having the clone be of Sabertooth would have been cool, and less confusing.


I understand what they were doing with the Wolverine clone. That was basically a metaphor for Wolverine wrestling with his inner demons, his past catching up with him. Finally confronting the animal inside him, the pure rage part of him as he sacrifices himself to do the right thing. The thing is.... that dynamic already existed with Sabertooth.


Good point and analysis. It just threw off my groove when the clone first appeared, but I think that's what the producer was intending, lol.


"First off, I would have had X-24 be a clone of Sabertooth."
Agree. The very first thing is that X-23 (Laura Kinney) exist because they CAN NOT clone Logan properly due to damaged Y chromosome. They must have had a new sample from him somehow.


I just didn't think they needed to bring in all those kids to partake in the final battle. It should have been just Wolvie and X-23 beating the baddies as a team, in a real against-all-odds showdown. There wasn't enough time to develop any of those kids, so their inclusion didn't add anything to the drama. Plus the reveal and discovery of "Eden" would've been much more effective if it was X-23 finding it after Wolvie died and she was facing being alone.


I think the point in showing the kids fighting was that they were a team, and weren't afraid to fight to protect each other. The people were after the kids anyway, so it made sense for the kids to fight back.


But they were in the movie so little, we can't get involved in their character development at all. All they can do is point to the future of X-23. A short reunion scene after Wolvie dies and she finds Eden would've covered that.


Hmm... I suppose that would have worked. Do you mean leave the kids out until she actually finds Eden? I actually thought that the kids' hideout was Eden at first, lol.


I think that the purpose of the ending was to show that the X-Men are going to exist into the future. These kids have powers and are able to work together. When they make it across to Canada, they are able to join whoever it is that they are trying to reach and start again. It gives hope that the world will have a mutant team again.


Dreams come true?

I must admit that I am not a die-hard follower of the series or the comix, however, I've seen them all and wanted to see Logan.

I like the movie, as well as the ending.

I am not to certain what to think about the new circle of mutants though, but I suppose it's a message in the line of the old goes and the young takes over, circle of life continues, even for Logan's genes.

It was ok to finally lay Logan to rest, especially since Jackman has stated that he will not play the character again.

An no, it would be stupid if a pair of claws came out of the grave in the end or something stupid like that. Everyone else was dead (whatever happened to Magneto btw and what was the Westchester Incident?), and Logan was dying as well, cancer probably.

He had a final battle with his evil self and a last hurrah to save the next generation and I like the film, it was more meditative and more 'real life' than any of the other spandex-suit-live-forever previous films.

The only thing that annoyed me, was that the type of seizures of Professor-X was not really explained. Was it a dangerous variant of the time-stopping ability...?


"Logan was dying as well, cancer probably."
Logan was ageing and dying because of adamantium poisoning. Too much for too long and its overcome his regeneration ability.


Yes, I know, they mentioned that in the film, more or less, but how could they know that?
He was couching blood, indicating lung-issues.

There is a conversation in one of the previous films, that someone points out that his cigars will give him cancer, so I assume it's an extension of that.

If his abilities to regenerate is failing, I suppose it is highly likely that he is in fact suffering from lung-cancer, 200 years of cigar-smoking has to cause some issues. ^^

But I guess we'll never know.


That's a very good point. Definitely possible.
He also had a lot of bullets in his chest that the wounds didn't completely heal, if I remember correctly.


Well... it is possible, yes. 200 years of cigar-smoking is not that of an issue to him, since his health fading about... I don't know, maybe 10 years or so I guess. But still a cancer is a possibility, yes.
