Horror is dead

I'm so tired of most all new horror movies about 90 percent of them are demons or ghosts honestly when are they going to come up with something new. Not to let mention ghosts and demons are as believable as big foot. These movies try to scare people with cheap sounds or things magically popping up and I'm just kinda tired of them but somehow all the horror movies that keep coming out either have ghosts or demons which just isn't scary at all.


In all honesty the only kind of horror movie that scares me are Alien abduction films.


I don't know man... I said the same thing in the late 90's / early 2000's when Scream, I Know what you did last summer, final destination, and stuff like that was the horror movie trend. Then boom High Tension and the slew of french, spanish, korean horror just took over. There's still a lot of good stuff out there but everything's kind of been done before.


The problem is not within the genre but the way it's used..
For example The grudge is a ghost movie yet it was pretty original (remake) and very well done..
Also I personally don't find slasher movies to be considered "real horror" in anyway they are aimed more towards the crime, mystery and action genre in my opinion or at least most of it..
That doesn't mean they are bad or not considered horror though but I just wouldn't put them as "true horror" examples

I think what makes a truly horrifying movie is the continuous feeling of dread combined with good directing, in other words how the movie makes you sit tight in your seat holding your breath wondering how the hell is the character going to escape the monster/ghost/alien..etc or not knowing what the character is trying to escape in the first place and working up or teasing your imagination with good directing..
it's why movies like "the blair witch project" are so overrated.. you don't need budjet and good actors, cgi effects to make a descent horror just good directing to set out the right atmosphere and THAT'S what Hollywood doesn't get these days
To prove my point I thought cloverfield was a great movie but it didn't scare me at all!

but when it comes to slashers you usually have the same plot with way too many cheesy jumpscares and annoying main characters yet awesome villains that you'll find yourself ROOTING for the to kill all the annoying characters.. does that really scare you as much as a movie like the others, the descent or the exorcist?

However I expect much from the Australian movie "The Babadook" it seems like a good son of "the orphanage" and "a tale of two sisters" considering the reviews so far so give it a try


There are some awesome foreign horror films, but then we just remake them in America and they're terribad :( I'm a little bit looking forward to the orphanage remake but if it's scene by scene, I don't really see a point since I know how it ends


I think you haven seen this movies ,its genuinely very very scary . I'm sure you soiled your pants during the basement scene .


Look man I don't know about you, but I enjoy horror movies involving ghosts and demons because at night when I put off my room's light and go to bed the characters of the movies like The Ring, Drag me to hell, Mama, Grudge come to haunt me.. and I totally do not disbelief them... so you know these movies may be for audiences like me but you. And I think directors & producers are quite aware of that

never wound,what you can't kill


Look man I don't know about you, but I enjoy horror movies involving ghosts and demons because at night when I put off my room's light and go to bed the characters of the movies like The Ring, Drag me to hell, Mama, Grudge come to haunt me.. and I totally do not disbelief them... so you know these movies may be for audiences like me but you. And I think directors & producers are quite aware of that

never wound,what you can't kill


I remember when Scream came out and it revitalized interest in horror because it treated the audience(and it's characters) like people who have actually seen a horror film before.

The problem is somewhere along the line the industry decided to go back in time, be lazy and treat the audience like they have never seen this stuff before each and every time.

I think I blame Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 and therefore Michael Bay.

That's where it reverted and once again we had characters drinking tea from strangers in the woods while running from a maniac.

"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"
