Horror is dead

I'm so tired of most all new horror movies about 90 percent of them are demons or ghosts honestly when are they going to come up with something new. Not to let mention ghosts and demons are as believable as big foot. These movies try to scare people with cheap sounds or things magically popping up and I'm just kinda tired of them but somehow all the horror movies that keep coming out either have ghosts or demons which just isn't scary at all.


I fully agree. Check out 'I Say the Devil' (2010). It's a great rape and revenge movie from Korea.

If you like old horror movies try to find and watch Possession (1981), it's great.

Favorite "horror" movie of all time got to be Mulholland Dr. It's got one scene that beats all the so called 'scary' scenes from these kind of movies and totally freaks me out.

Favorite movies/year plus little review: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls070235838/


I Saw The Devil


That was a mistake haha, thanks for pointing that out 

Favorite movies/year plus little review: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls070235838/


Horror was never good. 40+ year old people just looking back at horror from their youth with nostalgia.


Yeah, because dismissing a whole genre just like that is very mature *facepalm*


What does it have to do with maturity?


Well, maybe not maturity, but the OP is being overly dramatic. It's like literally crying over a spilled milk.


Nostalgia does affect the judgment of many people though. I think movies and TV today are far better than 30 years ago. When I rewatch a movie or TV show that I enjoyed from my childhood (1980s/90s) I cringe at how terrible they are... not just special effects but dialog.

Mainstream horror, specifically, was dominated for too long in America by franchise characters... Freddy, Jason, Pinhead, Pumpkinhead, etc. I loved those movies growing up. I saw every Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th that I could in theaters when my older sister would take me. But now I see that those movies are terrible for the most part (only the very first of each series is good). I rewatched The Omen and found it boring. I rewatched Poltergeist and spent the whole movie mostly amazed that the dad ended up on Parenthood (a TV show I watch).

Part of it is that horror movies are never as good the 2nd time (for me anyway), but I'm still pretty sure that modern horror movies are more meaningful, more relatable, better acted, and just more varied and interesting.


teck76...thats not true, sure I liked some old school horror from when I was a kid, Im almost 40 today and maybe they are not scary today as back then, but they sure was more well made than todays crap. I think CGI is the reason so many movies, not just horror are bad today cause its all about the effects and the script writers can write what ever garbage they want, back then in the 80s and 90s the makers made more effort with the script and directing the actors to really act scared...today most things are just "meh" and "ok" and "rolling eyes" just take the perfect example of Evil Dead...first movie in the 80s was scary when it came and had an awsome creepy atmosphere...the remake is all about lame CGI and splatter and a lame visible demon crawling around like an 90 year old with a broken leg and flipping cars around...*rolling eyes* and the creepy atmosphere is nowhere to be found, that is the difference with old school horror and todays horror...actors dont care to act and the script is written in 15 minutes and just made into a movie for the kids...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


RIP Horror. :/

Skynet's New plan revealed! - http://imgur.com/OcYhgvS


Yes OP I do agree that horror genre is dead today...but there are some decent horror coming out still. The first sinister and the exorcism of emily rose gave me some hope, not that those movie are very scary either, but they have an awsome creepy atmosphere like horror had in the old days and a great score who makes em decent enough horror flicks of today. Sinister fails hard in the end unfortunately, but its miles better than most horror crap released today.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~




kinda agree, most of the recent horror movies i've seen have dealt with paranormal. would like to see more slashers

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Although you don't particularly articulate yourself well, I do kind of agree with you.

The truth is, horror genre is the most challenging genre of film to succeed in.

Action films are quite easy. Find some decent action choreographer and a bunch or stuntmen coupled with basic plots like revenge or evil syndicates.

Comedies are the easiest. People will laugh at any old *beep* hence why morons like Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey are famous.

Romance films are no longer just romance. They are almost always romance comedies. Otherwise, Romance genre would be tough to pull off.

Drama films can be challenging since the plot can be about anything. However, the new trend is to make a biopic about some historical figure usually played by some relevant actor for cheap oscar awards.

Horror genre is tough to succeed in. The trick is finding a good cast who can pull off the creepy mood of a film. You need a highly original plot because the most successful horror films have tapped into something that scares people or makes them feel vulnerable. The music score is also crucial. Part of what made The Shining so effective was the music in the background.

A lot of horror films that have been coming out do not come across even remotely original. It's like what someone said in this thread about how even crappy horrors make a good return because young teenagers like to go to the cinema for a good ol' cinematic spook.

So, I do understnad the point you were trying to make. Films like Insidious, The Conjuring, Mama and Annabelle feel like they've been churned through a cheap scares machine.

The last horror film I saw which impressed me was The Kill List. You can't call that a supernatural film nor a slasher. It's more psychological.

Careful what you say to me. I will argue with you forever. I enjoy trying to prolong arguments :D


no its not

"Touchdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown Auburn"
